This Is Not Goodbye

This Is Not Goodbye

A Poem by AliciaB

Dedicated to a bunch of people.


We were two souls

Floating through the vast and swirling universe,

Drifting alone,

A pair of empty pages, created worlds apart.

And then Someone decided

That we should touch each other’s lives,

And our souls were given form together,

The stardust that was me colliding with the stardust that was you,

And upon the pages, a story began to unfold.

Words written in the indelible ink of our voices,

Etched into our hearts and in the memories

Residing like dusty books within our minds,

Some well-worn, some forgotten, but never lost.

Perhaps you were my teacher,

My parent, my lover,

My sister, my child,

My friend - it matters not,

For each star shone as brightly as every other,

And together we made footprints in the sands of time,

Walking side by side while the ocean of eternity

Caressed our bare and wandering feet.

But we did not realize this gift.

We spoke without poetry, without meaning and thought,

And we took it all for granted,

Every mundane interaction,

Striding on without sincerity or sentiment,

Unaware that the ocean was washing away

The markings of our passage behind us.


I did not realize that you hated farewells

Until the last day,

When you looked at me and said,

“This isn’t goodbye.”

You said that I would come back to see you,

That I would keep in touch,

And I promised, sincerely, that I would do so.

But it was little more than a lie.

For no one knows where you or I will be a year from now,

Whether we will be alive,

And the only thing that makes tomorrow certain

Is our surety that it will be the same as today.

But there is no promise,

No guarantee that I will even get the chance

To draw another breath.

And so what does it mean to say

“This is not goodbye,”

When the stardust that composes us

Can be blown to nothing so easily,

Like a candle’s flickering light?


It is, in fact, a beautiful thing,

This impermanence of our humanity.

For someday, every one of us,

No matter where or when or who we are

Will end,

And the pages will turn

And the book will close

And the candle will flicker out

And like the dwindling light of a star that has died in the distance

Our footprints will fade away upon these mortal shores

Until even the memory of our passage has long been lost.

But we will not despair;

This is an ending of hope,

For it is the birth of a new beginning

As the candle is breathed to life again

And the flame roars to join the light of a million everlasting stars

And the pages become a song of overflowing laughter

That we sing as we race along a new, unending shore

And then embrace,

Each one of us alive and free and filled with radiant joy.

This is what I believe in

And this is what I long for,

My comfort as I turn from you

To let my wandering feet traverse what sands they may,

Trailing stardust as I dissipate amidst the memories of those who walk beside me,

Knowing that someday we will all be reunited,

Here, perhaps, but gladder still

In the Light of eternal love.


And so I say,

In all truth

And in all hope

And in all joy,

That this is not goodbye.





© 2016 AliciaB

Author's Note

I recently graduated high school. Therefore, this strange little poem happened. Can't wait to see what happens when I get married or something. XD

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Alicia, this is an excellent piece. Each word and each line touches the heart. First of all it brought back memories of my student days. The laughter, the fights, the tears..... until that final day when we said goodbye. We too had promised to stay in touch but the sands of time and the winds of fate blew us all in a different direction until we went so far that even the memories were nothing more than the fading smell of a rose that has been plucked and its fragrance is ultimately lost.
I love how you have used, " The stardust that was me colliding with the stardust that was you,"
Then as you go on to say:

"But we will not despair;
This is an ending of hope,
For it is the birth of a new beginning
As the candle is breathed to life again
And the flame roars to join the light of a million everlasting stars....."

This is so true.
I have a very strong religious faith, so I do not only agree but accept the fact that when this life ends all our loved ones will be waiting for us where we will all be together forever.
I can keep on ranting and writing on this beautiful poem that you have penned but I think I have already said enough.
I'm not a fan of free verse but...hmmm.... you made me change my mind.

Posted 8 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Haha thank you! I appreciate your sincere comments about this poem. I'm glad I could get you to li.. read more


well yes, there are goodbyes...and there are solemn promises of staying in touch...we mean well but often the paths fail to cross again...

and our lives touch so many and their lives ours...

but that meeting , that touch will always live in our hearts...the reminders, the knowledge the other is out there...

and that paths may someday cross again.


Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Yes indeed. Thank you!
Alicia, this is an excellent piece. Each word and each line touches the heart. First of all it brought back memories of my student days. The laughter, the fights, the tears..... until that final day when we said goodbye. We too had promised to stay in touch but the sands of time and the winds of fate blew us all in a different direction until we went so far that even the memories were nothing more than the fading smell of a rose that has been plucked and its fragrance is ultimately lost.
I love how you have used, " The stardust that was me colliding with the stardust that was you,"
Then as you go on to say:

"But we will not despair;
This is an ending of hope,
For it is the birth of a new beginning
As the candle is breathed to life again
And the flame roars to join the light of a million everlasting stars....."

This is so true.
I have a very strong religious faith, so I do not only agree but accept the fact that when this life ends all our loved ones will be waiting for us where we will all be together forever.
I can keep on ranting and writing on this beautiful poem that you have penned but I think I have already said enough.
I'm not a fan of free verse but...hmmm.... you made me change my mind.

Posted 8 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Haha thank you! I appreciate your sincere comments about this poem. I'm glad I could get you to li.. read more
This has a wonderful Extraterrestrial visit vibe to it, that i adore. I also like the fact that you refer to the beach throughout the poem, for the ocean is a lot like a universe in itself, sailing... looking for an island, peninsula, or whatever. You poem has a beautiful theme, and feeling to it throughout!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you very much!
Cyprian Van Dyke

8 Years Ago

You're most welcome!
This feels like a very mature poem from one so youthful! There are many layers of meaning & I kept finding a new way to interpret your words, as I read along this lengthy message. At first, I felt the title was just another one of those lies you get from another person who simply doesn't have the guts to say "goodbye" for real, but on some level, you know it's just another garden variety "goodbye." Then as I read on, I started to think about how maybe this life is just a trial & dying is when we finally "win" and perhaps we go to a place where goodbyes aren't even necessary, becuz we'll be together for eternity. But in the end, I'm left thinking that people never really leave our hearts, so even if we're never to be together again in the flesh, there really are no goodbyes becuz love lives on forever within. It doesn't even matter which of these "goodbye" explanations one finally lands on, when reading this. It feels like a smorgasbord of various options & we can take away the one that fits our own feelings on this subject.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you! You are very right - poetry is all about interpretation, and I am glad to know that you .. read more
Wow! Congrats on graduating! I've been there a year ago! I'm in college and trust me, it's a lot of fun and freedom. I could go on about college advise, but I'll talk about your amazing poem!

First off, I hate good byes, too. Even if it is with fictional characters in the books I read or TV shows I watch (ahem, Doctor Who--Tenth Doctor). Now that I'm an adult and I have a job, it's hard to hang out with friends now and Facebook is the closest thing to talking with my other friends.

Second off, I love the message the poem shares that it isn't really goodbye. At least 'goodybe' isn't 'I'll see you in the afterlife.' At least, I'd rather hear 'goodbye' than the latter.

In short, I just love this poem!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Oh gosh... I have to admit, there were many tears shed after reading of the demises of certain chara.. read more

8 Years Ago

Yup. I once read this fan story about how if George would look into the mirror of Erised, he didn't .. read more

8 Years Ago

Awww feels!!!! :(
First of all, congratulations on graduating. Good job.
Secondly, I do love your format.

In a way it feels as though you are speaking to the reader.
When I usually read, I read it in my own voice. But when I read your writings, It comes off as if someone else is telling me those things.

The poem itself is elegant and gentle, soft and yet assertive.
The different analogies you make for love and care are mostly beautiful and original,
So you have that going for you.

I'd really like you to see you tackle an orthodox story though. I really wonder what will come out.
Keep up the great work Alicia.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you! I appreciate it. In fact, I'm in the midst of writing a book at the moment - which, unf.. read more
Pure beauty and such elegance. I loved this!!! Thank you for the reminder that it all matters and not to take things for granted. Beautiful. Wow :)



Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you! And you are most welcome. :)

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on June 13, 2016
Last Updated on June 13, 2016



I love running, drawing, reading, and writing (obviously). I am an absolute nerd and a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit. I am Roman Catholic, I have three younger sisters, and I am reall.. more..

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