![]() The BeginningA Chapter by Aliceluva
Chapter1:the bet My name is Amelia and this is my story. It began innocent like most stories on a monday . I walked like every day with my big sister Anna to the school .Hey Amelia today you will find a boyfriend ,she said jokingly towards me. No I answered . Oh you will don't worry,she said more insistent. No I repeated , this time more seriously. You say that every day. Yes I say that every day,because,it is the truth,I don't like the boys in this school they are so lame. Stop beeing such a pesimist said Anna and looked playfully at me. Look only at the football guys. You only try to couple me with them because your boyfriend is Sam the co captain of the MV football team. Maybe that's true. She suddenly ran away and I already knew why,when I turned around I could see John the football captain. Hey you hootie, how about about Friday you and me. Cut it out or I cut something out of you I snapped at John Cutie come on its only a date he responded. I hate this arrogant guy,he always trys to get a date with me,but I don't like him .He is not very smart and not a true bad boy,I only like true bad boys like Don or Light. I simply don't want you. You two little love birds there said Amber suddenly .How about a bet?If John wins ,on thursday against the Clock Titans,then you will date him,if not he will play paintball stunt dummy for the suspicious school paintball team. Oh I like this Amber,sooooo John are you in or are you afraid?I said and looked into John's eyes I am not I will take the bet,he said practically screaming with confidence. Chapter2:Teachers and students He will never win,the MV team never managed to beat the Clock Titans.I walked into my classroom and sat down on my table. My first lesson is with Ms Simpson I like her she is nice,she is my english teacher .Everybody please sit down and take Macbeth out.I never read it but I pretend to, google rocks and nobody notices it anyway .John can you please tell us what happened during act 2 your homework said ms Simpson. Ahem I am sorry ms Simpson but I needed to practice for the game on thursday,against the Clock Titans. This is no excuse John,football is your own private activity,you still need to learn for school. I put my hand up and said what happened during the 2 act. You see John,Amelia did her homework perfect,you should take her as example,how a student should act. John didn't look happy,I think he looked funny,he made funny angry faces. The rest of the lesson passed pretty fast,after the bell rang I saw John grumpily walking outside. He will probably be again late to the next lesson I thought .I dreaded the next lesson,its history with mr Long .Mr Long is a sexistic jerk,I still don't understand how he could become a teacher .The bell for the next lesson rang and mr Long entered the room,he is a tall teacher with blonde hair and blue eyes .I think he originally comes from germany . Students put your history book out on page 63.This is funny he is 63 years old and says page 63 maybe its a joke .I opened the book on the page and saw its about how america became great. Suddenly John entered the room. Oh John nice to see you,I hope you will win on thursday . Oh yes mr Long I need to win,I got a bet running. When I win ill get a date with Amelia. Oh nice catch John. We really need more men like you,then we could make america great again. I hate this sexistic teacher,he never punishes John for anything because he thinks John is an all america man, Amelia you should feel honored to have a date with John mr long said staring at my cleavage. There is no point arguing with him,its a waste of time,for the rest of the lesson he talked about various suspicious things regarding americas history .Luckily the bell for the lunchbreak eventually rang,before it started to become seriously weird. Its time for lunchbreak said my sister the moment I left the classroom,and dragged me to the cafeteria .She heard about the bet I am certain. Chapter 3: Anna and Sam I sat on a table with Anna and her boyfriend Sam. So you got a bet with John I heard asked Sam. Yes I do Amber sorta talked me into it I responded John doesn't like to lose especially a bet. He wont lose so easy. I know but he never managed to beat Silas the captain of the Clock Titans. Maybe Silas broke yesterday his leg during football practice Amelia said Anna . He broke his leg? Sam smiled with malice at me and said yes. So little sister are you ready for your date. Ahem no. He will lose!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly they started kissing each other and I zoomed out. Chapter 4: Home The rest of the school day passed like a blur,I thought all the time about thursday and what I hope wont happen. Outside the school Anna waited for me surprisingly alone. Sam must train today more and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow,its a order from Dan. Dan is the new MV football coach and a pretty strict guy ,he is only since a month our new coach,but he is doing his job great from what I have heard..I personally don't know him so,I don't know if it is true. But at least I got now some time for my little sister. YES I feel happy. I am not convinced Amy. Stop calling me Amy. But you behave so Amy like. How does a Amy behave? I don't know,you are right Amyilia. She suddenly switched the topic like she does so often and said:I wonder what mom cooked today. I hope Tofu. I hope not said Anna aggressive.I want meeeaaaatttt. I don't want to eat everyday meat like you Anna. We reached our home a victorian style building and Anna went straight to the door and into the kitchen. Its tofu!Anna said and slumped her shoulders defeated. Anna Amelia sit down its time for dinner said our mother. Where is dad I thought he said he would be back today,we asked simultaneously. His business trip is longer then expected,he will be back in 1 week,2 at most. Its so cute when you 2 talk at the same time. Mom we said again together. Don't worry,lets better start eating it kids or it gets cold. I love spagetti tofu bolognese I thought. Mom Amelia got a date,my sister said cheerfully. Now she is ruining my moment again my evil big sister. Finally my little girl is growing up. Its not yet decided,its a bet. Anna started telling her everything,and mom smiled all the time. I felt surrounded by matchmakers. Chapet5: Day 2 I went yesterday after dinner directly to my bed and slept until the morning,When I woke up I decided today is a bad day ,and did my morning routine I ate breakfast and walked with Anna to school,until we saw mr Long talking with ms Simpson infront of the schoolgate . Jennifer we know each other since such a long time why did we never drank a coffee together? I don't know Eugene,I don't really know you. Don't worry I am a nice guy. In this exact moment a student accidently spilled her coffee on him,she tried to say sorry but he cut her off,and called her a stupid b***h and said she has detention for the rest of the month. Eugene this is no behaviour I will tolerate,I looked over your activities because I couldn't prove them,but now its too much. I will report your behaviour now to the principal. Samantha can you please come with me and tell principal Papyrus what happened here. Id love to said the girl and looked happy. Today is a good day I thought. Chapter6: The game of life The day finally arrived,the day of the game. Today I woke up early because, I couldn't sleep well. There are so many questions,who will win the bet?How will I scare John away in the case of cases?Whatever I always find a way .Then I decided its time to go out of the bed and face the day whatever may come I will be ready .I prepared myself for school and walked with Anna to school .The first thing we saw when we reached the school was a big banner that announced the football match which is tonight,it was red sweet red . Maybe that's a sign?Now Amelia asked my sister:Are you ready for today I am certainly!We will see Anna,we will see. Then we passed through the door and went separate ways to our classes. The first lesson was as expected free after the incident yesterday it wasn't a miracle that they can't find an replacement teacher in a day,and I smiled,I looked out the window and it seems like its starting to snow,snow in june is rare,but not neccesarry a bad sign for tonight. The rang of the bell for the next lesson came as expected fast,and the rest of the day went like a blur,and I found myself on the tribune of the football game against the clock titans. The field was green,but still wet from the rain,they tried to dry it but they couldn't do it properly in this short time. Nearly the half school arrived to watch the game I could see Anna,Amber and sadly even mr Long. Then I heard the moderator announcing that the game will start soon and the players of both teams slowly walked towards the mid of the field only the clock titans this time without Silas their captain he sat on the bench in the corner of the field with a broken leg like Anna said. The moderator announced that the game starts now and it began. The first thing that happened was that our team got the ball and passed it to John who immediately made a touch down. The game went further with each side sometimes having the most points until the last minute arrived both teams had each 30 points . Kowalski the co captain of the clock titans got the ball and nearly made the final point but he was tackled by Sam and lost the ball,Sam threw the ball to John and he made the final touchdown and they won . In that moment I decided to leave,not caring that I went with Anna and Sam there. I am able to walk alone home anyway. I passed through the dark streets of Mountain Valley and felt angry. Then I saw him mr Long and decided that it may be a good idea to purge the world of him. I took my pepper spray out of my black purse and walked closer to him until I reached him then I sprayed it into his face and smashed the bottle against his head and kicked him in the nuts. His fist suddenly hit my head and I fell down. He came with his hands towards my throat and started to choke me. I tried to get his hands away from my throat but it didn't work and I felt weaker and sleepier every second,but then someone hit mr Long and smashed his head on the floor where a glass splitter on the floor rammed through his head and killed him. Then I saw him it was John who saved me,he picked me up and carried me to his red car and he put me into his side driver seat. Then I suddenly started to feel horny,because John helped me to kill mr Long and made our world at least a bit a better place. I slowly moved closer towards John and started to kiss him: Thanks for helping to kill this weird guy. What do you mean he responded confused? Oh you know John I tried to kill him but sadly didn't succed . He pulled away and asked me if I meaned this honest? And I said yes and pulled his head again towards my lips and kissed him this time more passionately. The rest of the night went pretty hot we slept with each other and feel asleep in each others arms. © 2017 Aliceluva |
Added on May 3, 2017 Last Updated on May 3, 2017 Author