Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by Alice Reiht

Black water, was what it was called. Water so deep you couldn’t see the bottom. Water so deep even the strongest of warriors could drown. Water so deep that anything could happen.

Instinct snapping into her paws, she launched towards the spot her friend had fallen, not hesitating before diving in. For a split second she was swimming blind, but she pushed forward, her jaws finally clamping down on limp scruff. She pushed upward, heading towards the light above.

Her head broke the surface with a splash, and she dragged Pebblepaw’s body with her. She could see the other apprentices hovering over the water’s edge, their eyes wide with horror. “Help me!” she coughed, her voice barely more than a squeak. They jumped in, swimming over to help her drag the waterlogged body to the shore.

Once on solid ground, Bramblepaw immediately began to check for signs of life. She had learned the basics of herb lore from Foxpelt, but this was something different entirely. Panic thrummed in her veins as she searched for any hint that her friend was still with them.

Within moments, Redfang was by her side, his eyes reflecting the fear she felt. More cats gathered, drawn by the splashes and the urgent calls for help. Gingerpelt, the clan's medicine cat, barreled through the crowd, her paws slipping on the slick earth. Tears streaked her fur, but her eyes remained focused and sharp as she took in the scene. She pushed Bramblepaw aside gently and began to check Pebblepaw's vitals, her paws moving with swift precision.

The clearing grew eerily silent as the clan watched, their tails flicking nervously. The only sound was the occasional splash of water from Pebblepaw's sodden fur as Gingerpelt worked. Then, a miracle - a cough. Weak, but a sign of life. The crowd let out a collective sigh, the tension loosening like a bowstring released.

Pebblepaw's eyes fluttered open, revealing the same bright blue Bramblepaw had always envied. "You... You saved me," she rasped, her voice barely above a whisper.

Bramblepaw's heart swelled with relief and pride. She nodded, her eyes never leaving Pebblepaw's. "I'm just doing what any of us would do for a clanmate," she mewed, though she knew deep down it was more than that. It was a testament to her instincts and the fierce loyalty that burned in her heart.

Pebblepaw managed a weak smile, gently touching her nose to Bramblepaw's in a silent gesture of gratitude. The warmth of her breath was reassuring, and Bramblepaw felt the weight of fear slip away. The other apprentices hovered around, their eyes wide with horror at what had transpired.

Ignoring their glares, Bramblepaw helped Pebblepaw to her shaky paws, her own legs trembling slightly from the rush of adrenaline. They limped together towards the medicine den, Gingerpelt's gentle guidance leading them through the concerned crowd of clanmates. The ground felt unsteady beneath them, but Bramblepaw's determination to get Pebblepaw the help she needed was like a boulder, unshakeable.

Once inside the medicine den, the scent of herbs and earthy musk filled Bramblepaw's nose. It was a comforting aroma, one that had always brought her peace in times of sickness or injury. But this was different. This was the smell of urgency and fear. Gingerpelt laid Pebblepaw on the soft moss bed, her eyes flicking over the apprentice's body, searching for signs of internal damage.

"Bramblepaw," Gingerpelt mewed without looking up from her task, "fetch me some cobwebs and a bit of coltsfoot, please. Quick as you can."

Without question, Bramblepaw dashed out of the den and into the forest, her paws flying over the ground as she searched for the herbs. Her heart still raced from the near-tragedy, but she pushed the fear aside. Pebblepaw needed her, and she would do anything to help. She found a cobweb in the crook of a tree and carefully plucked it with her teeth, feeling the sticky strands cling to her fur. Next, she located a patch of coltsfoot growing along the edge of a sun-dappled clearing. She took a few mouthfuls of the soft leaves and raced back to the medicine den.

Her breath was coming in ragged pants as she re-entered the cool, damp space. Gingerpelt looked up, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Bramblepaw," she murmured, taking the cobweb and leaves. She began to work them into a paste, her movements quick and efficient. The sight of her friend working so tirelessly to help another clan member filled Bramblepaw with a fierce warmth. It was moments like these that made her proud to be a Creekclan cat.

"Can I get anything else?" Bramblepaw offered, eager to assist in any way she could.

"Actually," Gingerpelt looked up, her expression a mix of relief and exhaustion. "Could you fetch us some fresh-kill? Something small and easy to digest. Pebblepaw will need her strength."

Bramblepaw nodded immediately, not wanting to leave Pebblepaw's side but knowing she had to help. She dashed out of the den, the urgency of the situation still coursing through her veins. Her eyes scanned the camp for any signs of a suitable meal. Spotting a robin hopping through the long grass, she crouched low and stalked towards it, her paws silent on the dew-soaked earth. The bird looked up, sensing her presence, but it was too late. With a swift pounce, she had it in her jaws.

Her heart was still racing as she carried the robin back to the medicine den. The warmth of the fresh-kill in her mouth was a stark contrast to the chilly fear that had gripped her during the rescue. She hoped the meal would help warm Pebblepaw from the inside out, giving her the strength to recover.

When Bramblepaw returned, she found the medicine cat had managed to get Pebblepaw to swallow a mouthful of the herbal paste. The blue-eyed apprentice's breathing was shallower, but more even. Gingerpelt nodded at Bramblepaw's offering, taking the bird from her gently. "Good catch," she murmured, before turning back to her patient.

With trembling paws, Bramblepaw watched as Gingerpelt began to feed Pebblepaw the robin. Each bite was met with a nod of approval from the medicine cat, and Bramblepaw felt a small spark of hope light in her chest. This was her first real challenge as an apprentice, and she had risen to it.

As Pebblepaw finished the last morsel, Gingerpelt looked up at Bramblepaw with a warm smile. "You did well today," she murmured. "Your quick thinking and bravery saved a life. That is an act of honor, not just to your clanmate, but to all of Creekclan."

Bramblepaw's tail swished with joy at the praise. "Thank you, Gingerpelt," she mewed, her eyes shining with pride. It was the first time she had felt truly recognized for something other than the whispers that had followed her since she was born.

"Now," Gingerpelt went on, her voice firm but gentle, "I know you're eager to stay here, but you have a duty as an apprentice. You need to continue your training. I'll take care of Pebblepaw."

Bramblepaw nodded, though she didn't want to leave her friend's side. With a final look at Pebblepaw, she turned to go. As she exited the medicine den, she felt a strange mix of relief and anxiety. The whispers of the clan had grown quiet, replaced by the gentle hum of activity that filled the camp.

Before she had taken more than a few steps, she collided with a ball of gray fur. She looked up to find Sootypaw, his eyes wide with excitement. "What happened?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Pebblepaw fell into the black water," she explained, her voice still shaking. "But I got her out, and Gingerpelt's with her now."

Sootypaw's eyes went round with shock before breaking into a grin. "You're amazing!" He nudged her playfully, knocking her off balance. She stumbled before righting herself, a laugh escaping despite the gravity of the situation.

“Thanks, Sootypaw." Bramblepaw's whiskers twitched as she took a deep breath. "But I couldn't have done it without you guys."

"You're too modest," Sootypaw replied, his eyes shimmering with admiration. "You're going to be the best warrior Creekclan has ever seen, I just know it."

The rest of the day passed in a blur of training and well-wishers. The whispers had changed, no longer carrying the weight of doubt and suspicion, but of a newfound respect. The clan's eyes followed her as she moved through the camp, and she felt a sense of belonging she had never truly felt before. Her heart was lighter than it had been in moons, and she threw herself into her training with a renewed vigor. 

 That evening, as the sun began to set and the shadows grew long, Bramblepaw approached Redfang. "Can we visit Pebblepaw?" she asked, her voice hopeful.

Redfang's expression softened, and he nodded. "Of course, she's in the apprentice's den. I'm sure she'd appreciate the company."

They padded over to the den, the scent of mint and chamomile wafting from the entrance. Inside, Pebblepaw lay on a soft bed of moss, her eyes closed in sleep. Her fur was clean and dry, and the pallor that had once ghosted her features had been replaced by a hint of color. Bramblepaw felt a pang of guilt for not being by her side all day, but she knew that her mentor had needed her too.

Pebblepaw lifted her head as they entered, a smile ghosting over her features. "Hey, Bramblepaw," she whispered, her voice still weak.

"How are you feeling?" Bramblepaw asked, her tail flicking with concern.

"Better," Pebblepaw replied, her eyes shining with a hint of mischief. "Thanks to you. I owe you one."

Bramblepaw felt a warmth spread through her chest. "You don't owe me anything," she said, her voice earnest. "We're clanmates. We take care of each other."

Pebblepaw nodded, her smile growing. "Well, I'd still like to thank you properly," she said, pushing herself to her paws. "How about we share some fresh-kill together?"

Her legs wobbled slightly, but she managed to stand, her tail wagging with excitement. Bramblepaw nodded, and together, they limped out of the medicine den. The sun had dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the camp. Sootypaw spotted them from across the clearing, his eyes lighting up as he bounded over.

"Hey, you two," he mewed, his tail waving. "Mind if I join?"

The three of them made their way to the fresh-kill pile, where Bramblepaw picked out a plump squirrel, her paws still trembling slightly from the day's events. They headed for Sunningferns, a large sunlit hollow surrounded by thick, plush ferns that had always been a favorite spot for apprentices seeking a quiet place to relax.

As they approached, the ferns parted to reveal the warm embrace of the sun-drenched area. They settled down in a cozy circle, the squirrel lying between them. With a prayer to StarClan for Pebblepaw's swift recovery, they began to eat. The juicy meat filled Bramblepaw's stomach, and she felt the last of her fear and tension melt away.

For the first time since she had become an apprentice, Bramblepaw felt truly at home. The whispers of doubt had been replaced by whispers of admiration, and she had earned the respect of her peers. But most importantly, she had proven to herself that she had what it took to be a warrior. She had faced her fears and come out the other side, stronger and more determined than ever.

The sun grew lower, casting long shadows across the camp. As they finished their meal, Bramblepaw looked at Pebblepaw and Sootypaw, feeling a sense of camaraderie she had never felt before. They had all faced challenges today, and together, they had come out the other side.

"You know," Sootypaw said, his voice thoughtful, "today was a pretty big day for all of us."

"Yeah," Bramblepaw agreed, "but we've got a lot more to come."

Pebblepaw's eyes gleamed. "And we'll face it together," she said firmly. "As one clan, as one team."

The three of them sat in companionable silence for a moment, the only sound the rustling of the ferns in the breeze. Then, as the warmth of the day began to fade, they rose to their paws and made their way back to the apprentices' den, the whispers of the clan now a comforting lullaby that sang of bravery and friendship.

The other apprentices greeted Pebblepaw and Sootypaw with warm smiles, but their grins were replaced with hostile glares towards Bramblepaw. She ignored them, trotting off towards the back of the den with her friends. The apprentice's den was set in an old badger den, with several thick, exposed tree roots covering the entrance, making it impossible for anything larger than a cat to enter. Inside, the earth was soft and warm from the heat of the day. Bramblepaw curled up next to Pebblepaw, feeling the gentle warmth from her friend's body seep into her own. The whispers of the other cats outside had turned into a dull roar, but here, in the quiet of the den, she felt safe.

The next morning, Bramblepaw was jolted awake by a gentle nudge. She blinked sleep from her eyes to find Redfang standing over her, his fur glowing red and white in the early light. "Time to get up," he mewed, his voice quiet but firm. "We're going on a hunting patrol with Tawnyclaw."

Her heart raced with excitement as she jumped to her paws. Hunting was always a thrilling challenge, but today felt different. The whispers had faded into the background, replaced by the steady rhythm of her paws on the forest floor and the rustle of leaves. She had proven herself, and the clan was beginning to see her for who she truly was: a dedicated and capable apprentice.

Tawnyclaw, tall and stoic, met them at the camp entrance. His coat was a tapestry of various shades of brown, each one telling a story of battles won and lessons learned. His eyes, a wise amber, searched hers, and she felt the weight of his gaze. He had been a mentor to Redfang, and his presence brought a sense of pride to the young apprentice.

The three of them set out into the forest, the dew glistening like diamonds on the blades of grass. The air was cool and damp, a stark contrast to the warmth of the sun that would soon break through the canopy. Bramblepaw felt alive as they moved through the underbrush, each step taking her further from the whispers and closer to becoming the warrior she was meant to be.

Redfang nudged her shoulder, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "What do you smell?" he whispered. She took a deep breath, her nose twitching as she sorted through the scents of the forest. There was the faint scent of old deer dirt, a few days old, and... a rabbit! She could smell the sweetness of the clover on its breath. She nodded, excitement bubbling in her chest.

They crept ahead, their paws moving silently over the damp earth. Sure enough, a plump rabbit sat just ahead, nibbling away at the lush greenery. Tawnyclaw's tail flicked with anticipation. "Bramblepaw," he mewed softly, "Could you show us what you've learned today?"

Her heart pounded in her chest as she nodded, her eyes never leaving the rabbit. This was it, her chance to prove herself. She crouched low, her muscles coiled like a spring, and then she pounced. The rabbit's eyes went wide with surprise, but instead of bolting, it kicked out with surprising strength, its hind leg catching her square in the face.

Pain exploded through her nose and cheek, but she didn't let it deter her. Bramblepaw stumbled back, her vision swimming. She could feel the warmth of blood seeping from her nose, and she could hear the stifled gasps of her mentors. The whispers of doubt grew louder in her mind, but she pushed them aside. This wasn't going to be the moment she failed.

With a snarl, she lunged again. The rabbit, now alert and terrified, took off at a breakneck pace. Her heart hammered in her chest as she gave chase, her paws pounding the earth. She had to show them she was capable. That she wasn't just the daughter of Foxpelt, the cat with a secret.

Her muscles burned as she closed the gap between them, the smell of fear thick in the air. The rabbit zigzagged through the underbrush, but Bramblepaw was relentless. She had to make this catch. For herself. For her mentor. For Pebblepaw.

Her jaws snapped shut around the rabbit's neck, feeling the warm flesh and the throb of the creature's life beneath her teeth. She held on tight, digging her claws into the soil to keep from being shaken off. The rabbit's eyes went wide with terror, then glazed over as it went limp in her grasp. She had done it.

Redfang and Tawnyclaw burst into cheers, their tails high. Bramblepaw beamed more than ever before, her eyes shining with triumph. She had not only caught the rabbit but had shown them that she was more than just Foxpelt's daughter; she was a warrior in her own right. They had seen her courage and determination, and she felt a sense of pride swell in her chest that washed away the whispers of doubt.

As they made their way back to camp, Bramblepaw could feel the tension in the air dissipate with each step. The other cats looked at her with newfound respect, and she felt the weight of their stares lift from her fur. The whispers had changed again, now carrying the promise of potential and the excitement of what she might become.

Upon returning to the camp, Bramblepaw proudly presented the rabbit to Foxpelt, who was waiting at the entrance to the apprentice's den. Her mother's eyes widened at the sight of the blood on her daughter's muzzle, but she quickly masked her concern with a look of pride. "You've done well," Foxpelt purred, giving her a gentle nudge with her nose. "But remember, there is always more to learn."

Bramblepaw nodded, her heart swelling with the praise. As she dropped the rabbit at the fresh-kill pile, she noticed the other cats looking at her with a mix of awe and envy. The whispers had transformed into murmurs of her bravery and skill. Even the elders had gathered around, nodding approvingly.

"That was a catch Palestar would love," Tawnyclaw said, his tail twitching with excitement.

Bramblepaw's heart soared at the comparison to the great leader of their clan. She had always admired Palestar from afar, watching her lead with grace and strength. Now, she had a chance to show that she too could be a warrior to be proud of. She nodded eagerly, her eyes alight with determination.

As they approached the leader's den, Bramblepaw couldn't help but admire the beauty of the area. The lush ferns grew tall and thick around the entrance, their emerald fronds whispering secrets of the forest. A carpet of colorful wildflowers painted the ground in a riot of color, the scent of their sweet nectar filling the air. It was a place of peace and reverence, and she felt a strange mix of awe and belonging as she padded closer.

Palestar sat outside, her cream fur gleaming in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the leaves. The golden rings on her tail and paws caught the light, giving her an almost ethereal glow. Fernclaw, the clan's burly and stoic deputy, stood beside her, his deep brown fur highlighted with golden whispers around his eyes and underbelly. A large scar marked his back left leg and right eye, a testament to battles fought and won.

The two cats were deep in conversation, their voices low and serious. The tension in the air was palpable as Bramblepaw and Tawnyclaw approached, the latter's paws heavy with the weight of their successful hunt. Palestar looked to Bramblepaw, eyeing her catch with both a look of shock and pride.

"Well done Bramblepaw," She meowed with a tail flick. "Did you catch this yourself?"

Bramblepaw nodded, her whiskers quivering with excitement. "Yes, Tawnyclaw and Redfang taught me well."

Palestar's eyes searched hers, and Bramblepaw felt a strange warmth in her chest. "I see," she said, her voice measured. "Your bravery today is not to be overlooked. It's clear you're growing into a fine warrior."

Bramblepaw felt a surge of pride, and with a quick nod to her leader, she turned to leave. Her paws carried her to the fresh-kill pile, where she selected a plump mouse, the perfect size for Pebblepaw. As she approached the medicine den, the scent of herbs grew stronger, and she could hear the soft murmur of Gingerpelt's voice.

"And this," Gingerpelt was saying as she pushed a sprig of horsetail to her apprentice. "Is best for coughs."

Pebblepaw nodded, before noticing Bramblepaw with a smile. "Hi Bramblepaw!" She exclaimed. "You're back from the hunt! I heard about the rabbit." She glances to Bramblepaw's still-bloody nose. "We'd better get something for that." She turns to Gingerpelt.

Gingerpelt nods solemnly. "Pebblepaw, I need you to fetch me some yarrow. It's in the back of the storage hollow." Pebblepaw nodded and took off towards the inner den, her paws barely making a sound on the soft moss floor.

Bramblepaw watches her friend go, then looks back at Gingerpelt, who is gently taking the plump mouse from her jaws. "Thank you," the medicine cat says, her eyes flicking over the fresh-kill. "And how are you feeling today?"

"I'm okay," Bramblepaw says, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "Just a bit sore." She touches her nose gingerly.

Gingerpelt nods, her gaze understanding. "Come, sit." She gestures to a smooth stone beside the pool of water that glistens in the center of the den. The stone is warm from the sun that filters through the dense canopy above. Bramblepaw does as she's told, her fur sticking slightly to the stone.

"Now," Gingerpelt says, her voice soothing. "Let me see that nose." She dips a paw into the water, then lifts it out, shaking off the excess droplets. Her paws are gentle as they probe the tender area around Bramblepaw's snout. The coolness of the water is a welcome relief against the throbbing pain.

Pebblepaw returns, her eyes wide with excitement. She holds out the yarrow and dandelion stems. "I thought you might need these," she says, her voice hopeful.

Gingerpelt looks up from her work, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "You're learning," she praises, taking the plants from Pebblepaw. "The dandelions are a nice touch. They'll help with the swelling and the pain."

Pebblepaw's eyes shine with pride as she watches Gingerpelt chew the herbs into a paste. The medicine cat's teeth grind against each other, mixing the yarrow and dandelion into a smooth, wet mass. The smell fills the den, earthy and bitter, a scent of healing and care.

Gingerpelt pads over to Bramblepaw, her expression one of gentle authority. She lifts her paw to Bramblepaw's face, the paste warm and sticky against the fur. "This will help," she says, her voice a purr of comfort. She spreads the paste over Bramblepaw's snout, her movements precise and efficient. The coolness of the paste is soothing against the ache, and Bramblepaw can't help but lean into the touch, her eyes half-closed with relief.

The medicine cat steps back, her work done. "Now," she says, her tail swishing. "Rest. Let the herbs do their work."

Bramblepaw nods, her nose feeling tight and tingly from the paste. She watches as Gingerpelt and Pebblepaw go back to their work, the latter eagerly asking questions and helping to organize the herbs. They make a good team, she thinks, and for the first time, she feels truly part of the clan. Her heart swells with gratitude for her friend's quick thinking and Gingerpelt's guidance.

The rest of the day passes in a haze of pain-dulled training sessions and whispers of her successful hunt. The clan's whispers are no longer about her heritage but about her bravery and the potential she holds. Her nose still throbs, but the pride in her chest dulls the pain.

As the evening approaches and the shadows lengthen, Bramblepaw and Sootypaw sit by the fresh-kill pile, sharing a squirrel they'd caught together earlier in the day. The squirrel's flesh is still warm, and the juices dribble down their chins as they tear into it hungrily. The sounds of the camp are comforting, the purrs of contented cats and the soft whistle of the wind echoing through the trees.

Suddenly, the tranquility is shattered by a commotion at the camp entrance. The thunder of paws and a series of high-pitched squeaks pierce the air, and every cat in the camp jerks their heads up. Bramblepaw's heart races as she and Sootypaw exchange a look of alarm, both of them dropping their prey and sprinting towards the noise.

As they get closer, Bramblepaw can make out Tawnyclaw and Frostblossom, their fur matted with dirt and leaves, dragging a limp, tan-and-white cat into the camp. Dustytail.

© 2025 Alice Reiht

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Added on February 23, 2025
Last Updated on February 23, 2025


Alice Reiht
Alice Reiht

Yep I exist, deal with it, deal with it

Sup hairy meat sacs! Alice's the name, and weirdcore demon-obsessed stories are my game. Just kidding! Not all of my stuff is demon-related. Hehe. Anyways, sorry for the weird intro, I'm inhaling drug.. more..
