![]() Red Coat MurderA Story by Alice14Chapter 1 Mr.Gill was walking down the cold, damp street when he heard a woman screaming. He ran as fast as he found humanly possible and in his astonishment it was his best friend, and companion, mrs.Gill. What had happened to her? He examined the body closer and he realised that she had blood draining from where her heart was. he placed his hand slowly onto her chest and suddenly there was rustling in the bushes behind them but when he got to the bushes all he could see in his view was a few trees and a lot of mud. Could it have been an animal or was it a human? Did someone just killMr.Gill’s wife and then sneak away through the bushes? He didn’t know so he went to the local detectives of his town: Mr. Alright and Mr.Bill. Knock knock. the door creaked open and Mr.Gill gingerly stumbled in, ‘Hello? Is anybody there?’ He asked the darkness. ‘Ah! Mr.Gill! What can i do for you my old friend?’ Beamed Mr. Alright. He was a tall, skinny man with bright blue eyes and jet black hair. He stood there holding a teapot of tea wearing a dressing gown and slippers. ‘Well, my wife…’ Mr.Gill whispered. He was in so much shock about what had just happened that he struggled to speak. ‘What about your wife? What happened to Lottie?’ asked Mr.Alright worryingly. But all that Mr.Gill could do was stand in Mr.Alright’s house between Mr.Alright and Mr.Bill. Frozen with fright. ‘I heard a noise-’ Mr.Gill finally said. ‘-a woman screaming, when i went to see what was going on i saw a dreadful sight of Lottie on the ground with blood pouring out her chest.’ Mr.Gill finished speaking and went to sit down in the chair opposite Mr.Bill. ‘Oh my. Did you see anyone or gun at all?’ asked Mr.Bill. ‘I don’t know if there was a gun. As soon as i saw my wife i leant over her. Then i saw her chest and i heard rustling in the bushes near by, but when i went to check what it was there wasn’t anyone or anything there.’ AnsweredMr.Gill as quickly as he could because the thought was still fresh in his mind and he didn’t want to think about what he had just seen. ‘We shall start looking straight away-’ Mr.Alright said while setting the teapot onto the table gently ‘- you stay here and help yourself to tea and biscuits, we shall put a sign on the door saying we’re not here, ok?’ asked Mr.Aright while changing from his dressing gown and slippers into his coat and boots. Mr.Billgot up shortly after and did the same. When they had left Mr.Gill did help himself to tea and biscuits and after he felt much better. Then he sat back down in the chair opposite the detectives one. He sat in the chair for around 15 minutes getting warm by the fire. Meanwhile, detectives Mr.Alright and Mr.Bill were at the crime scene. They found a gun close to the bushes. They put the gun in an evidence bag and they carried on searching. Then. Mr.Bill found some red cloth on the bushes twigs and he put it in a plastic bag as well but not the same bag as the gun. Mr.Alright and Mr.Bill drew a white line surrounding the body in chalk and they followed a gold trail they had found through the trees on the other side of the bushes.They took a sample of the gold trail and made their way through the town to find back at their house that there was no home left for them. Their home was a burnt mess! It seemed that Mr.Gill was so angry with himself that he didn’t look after his wife enough that he had tried to commit suicide by lighting a fire and tying himself to a chair so that he couldn’t change his mind. An old man from next door could see Mr.Gill about to set light to himself and the man stopped Mr.Gill just in time but Mr.Gill still dropped the bucket of fire covered coal all over the floor and the ground floor started to burn. A fire started in the whole house! The detectives did forgive Mr.Gill. They bought a new house and carried on the mystery as they were fully intrigued with what had happened. They set back to work as soon as they got to the hotel they were staying in until the old landowners had got completely packed up and moved out. After a day or so of being fully moved into their new house Mr.Alright andMr.Bill found out that the gold trail was glitter. It had started to get dark so they decided to call it a night, have dinner at the warmth of the fire and then set off to bed. Suddenly Mr.Alright heard a noise downstairs and woke Mr.Bill. They both got up and set off down the creaky stairs to find a strange black figure jumping out of the window! They were clutching a plastic bag… It was one of the evidence bags! Mr.Alright chased the man down the frosty, dark and quiet streets. Meanwhile, back in the house, Mr.Bill investigated the window and found some gold glitter, the same as before. Mr.Bill collected it up and put it into an evidence bag. He also found out that the figure hadn’t taken anything but the gun… So when Mr.Alright came back with a photograph of the figure, Mr.Bill told him what he had found out and both knew that they had found their criminal so they put photographs all around town and wrote ‘WANTED BY MR.ALRIGHT AND MR.BILL’ at the top. Now all they could do was wait… Chapter 2 Later that day the man who had stole the gun knocked on the detectives door, ‘yes?’ Asked Mr.Bill. ‘I’m the one you’re after, why do you want me? Yes i did come here and stole the gun but it’s not me you’re after!’ Shouted the man. ‘But why did you steal the gun, how did you know we had the gun and finally, do you know the criminal?’ Asked Mr.Alright. ‘Well i do know who it is, you’re the only detectives place and i stole it to clear myself and help him out! And I am not going to tell you who it is i just came to tell you that it wasn’t me, so you can take down those lousy posters from around town, thankyou and goodbye.’ Then he left. Slamming the door behind him. ‘Well that was quick.’ Said Mr.Alright to finish the conversation off. Then they both put their shoes and coats on to search for the real criminal once again. As they shut the door they both heard another loud bang coming from the Gill’S house so Mr.Alright andMr.Bill raced toward the house to find out what it was and they had got there just in time to see a man in a red coat running away dropping his gun and ripping his coat. ‘He’s not very good with that gun is he?!’ Said Mr. Bill. ‘It’s not funny! Common, let’s see if we can keep up him, grab some of that red coat, he seemed to of ripped it again just like before and don’t forget the gun!’ Shouted Mr.Alright already starting to run after the guy. Mr.Bill took two bags out of his pocket and put the oily gun, why was it oily? And the shiny bit of red materiel into the other. Then he turned around to see in great astonishment that Mr.Gill was on the ground trying to crawl toward Mr.Bill he was covered in red blood but he was on the blink of deaf when he pointed at the ground toward a piece of paper, Mr.Bill picked it up and it was a dark figure in a red coat, it was a bit blurry but when you are about to get shot you have to take it quickly or not at all. It’s just good that he did take a photograph. Then Mr.Alright came back holding a red coat, ‘I got his coat but he was too fast for me to grab his arm!’ Mr.Alright shouted as he came toward Mr.Bill. ‘We could put this coat in our window and see if anyone comes in to claim it.’ said Mr.Bill Two days later someone did come to claim the coat, but it wasn’t the man who Mr.Alright chased after. It seems like he is smart he knows that if Mr.Alright and Mr.Bill see him he will be caught so he is getting his friends to collect his stuff. ‘He’s a smart lad.’ Said Mr.Bill ‘God don’t you learn anything, common and stop joking around!’ Said Mr.Alright whilst putting on his coat and shoes. ‘Where are we going?’ AskedMr.Bill. ‘To follow that man who just took the coat!’ Shouted Mr.Alright. © 2024 Alice14Author's Note
Added on December 29, 2015 Last Updated on February 9, 2024 Author