![]() Saturn Sunrise Chapter 1: The Move Jace's POVA Chapter by A2J![]() This chapter is about Jace's family moving to Forest, Ontario. it took me a really long time to write![]() 1 1. The Move ”Jace hurry up. The cab will be here any minute!” said my father. As I looked around my packed up of a room. I couldn’t help but remember what it was like before my mom died. I can still remember that day. That was the day my whole life fell apart. It was five years ago, my mom had just finished her shift at the hospital. She always loved helping people, always had a good heart. I remember my dad and her weren’t talking. I don’t think he ever knew that would be the last time that he would see her, speak to her, or tell her he loved her ever again. Mom would always call me to let her know she was on her way home. It was our way of knowing that the other were safe. This was different, she didn’t call, and I got worried. Twenty minutes passed, thirty, even an hour passed, and she still hadn’t called. I then decided to go tell dad my worries. “I’m sure she’s fine Jace,” He had once said. “She probably just got stuck in traffic. You know your mother; always the last one to leave.” What was wrong with him? I had wondered. His wife could have been in danger. I was so nonplussed I didn’t know what to do next. I then grabbed the phone myself and decided to take initiative, I would call my mom, hear her angelic voice; and then I would know she was ok. That night I didn’t get an answer. I didn’t need one after that. She wasn’t coming back, that is what I was most afraid of. I stayed up all night in the living room waiting for her to walk through that door. Dad walked in, newspaper and all. “It’s late Jace, go to bed.” He’d said. “I’ll be sure to wake you if she comes home.” If? Why was he being so doubtful? Was he not worried? Was he not anxious to see his wife of eleven years? I tried not to think about it. I 2 slummed all the way to my bedroom. To fall into a gracious sleep. “I love you Mom.” But things are different now. Dad remarried, and I got a new stepmother, Andrea. Dad met her at some conference just three months after we found out mom was killed. To be honest I don’t think he ever loved her. The way he just forgot all about her, after the first two weeks he stopped looking for her. That’s also when I stopped being my father’s son. William entered my bedroom not happy with my belatedness to get to the cab. “Jace, did you not hear me? I said lets go.” I turned to face him. Obviously he could tell I was not happy, I haven’t been happy. Ever since he is forcing me to move with his new wife from the only home I have ever known is sunny North Carolina to cold winters, wildfires, and wildlife of Forest, Ontario. “Jace!” This time I didn’t resist my urge to pull him off me. He fell to the floor with a very pissed look on his face. “What is wrong with you?” William said as he pulled himself up from the ground. “Nothing you would be interested in, so how about you just leave me alone.” I had nothing else to say to him, he had already ruined my life by completely abstaining anything that had to do to my mother. He made my life even more complicated when he married Andrea. Who did William think he was? How could he expect me to just go along with his little plan? “I can’t believe your making me move, do I get a say in anything anymore?” “What are you talking about?” William may have been a lawyer; but when it came to feelings he was clueless.” You know the only reason you want to move is because my mother, your wife, is buried here and you want to get as far away as possible. Did you ever love her at all?” The anger in my dad’s 3 face light up like a bright Christmas tree with glittering crystals for the ornaments. “This has nothing to do with your mother, where did you get that from?” I cant believe he was playing dumb with me. Had he not been paying attention to the last five years and counting. I don’t remember the last time he visited my mother‘s grave. The last time he actually did cook in mom‘s kitchen instead of ordering takeout. He was completely resenting her, and she wasn’t even alive to confront him about it. “Oh I don’t know, maybe it was when you started dating three months before mom’s memory had the chance to surface.” William started to pace around the room with his had on his hips. What did he have to think about, he knew I was right; about everything. I would love to see him deny it.” Look here kid,” he started this time he actually sounded sympathetic instead of being so reluctant about the certain topic. “I loved your mother, she was everything to me; as well as you. I just couldn’t stay sad forever Jace. It wouldn’t bring her back, you know that.” I wish I could tell him I understood where he was coming from, but I was too angry at him to even say the words I wanted to. I would have forgiven him, years ago. But it was always about him being to busy, or having a date, or being too tired to want to talk about my mother, or anything else. I can’t forgive him now, not after what he is making me do; move across the country without my mom. I know she is gone, and that its been five years, but I just cant get my mind around leaving her here; along with my life, my friend, everything. William put his arm around me, we hadn’t had a moment like this is so long. “Listen kid, we both have to move on. Your mom was a wonderful woman and I will never forget her. I love her, but we have to let her go and live our lives. She would have wanted that. Jace, she would hate it if you missed out on a chance of making a new life for 4 yourself in Canada.” He was right; mom would kick my butt if she saw me this miserable. I guess he was right about something, I had to move on and accept everything that has happened over the past five years. My mother’s death, William’s girlfriends, the wedding, and now the move. “I guess your right, this could help me start my new life. Maybe there is something waiting for me in Ontario. I mean you can’t knock something till you have tried it right? It’s just-” I finally looked at my dad, he knew how hard this was for both of us. This is where our lives were; the Christmas’s and the birthdays, and not to mention the family gatherings. I would miss it all; I had to make a promise, to never forget my old life and to not not mention my mom’s memory. I had to promise to not let my mother’s death influence my new life. I had to promise to make my new life in Ontario; another adventure waiting to happen. “I know kid, but we have to let her go.” This time I don’t know what made me do this but it was like a miracle happened, I very astoundingly, very unexpectedly hugged my father. “I love you, Jace” Oh come on, don’t pull the ‘I love you’ card. I was supposed to be mad at him. It was bad enough that I was actually hugging him, I couldn’t say that too. I have been so out of practice, I haven’t said it in years. “Oh come on kid, don’t tell me your not gonna say ’I love you’ for your old man? Andrea isn’t even here; no one will know.” My dad then nudged my arm and I let out a chuckle. “If I say it will you get off my back about it?” He chuckled. I haven’t really seen this side of him in a long time. I guess it was my fault that I never got to all these years. I had one more promise to make; to stop making William, my dad, the bad guy. It was a long time ago and he did all he could to try and find my mother. “I promise I wont embarrass you?” William was always so corny but hilarious it couldn’t hurt to say it, at least 5 once. Then I could wait another five years and start over. “ Ok fine, I love you.” Wow that actually sounded nice to say out loud. It felt refreshing to say. “ Aw really Jace? I had no idea.” Now he was just being annoying, sometimes I wonder if my dad is really an adult or just a plain old teenager. “You know what-” in the middle of mid sentence Andrea walked in, suitcases and all. “Come on you two,” She said, Andrea was always one to ruin a moment between me and my father; hence the reason why she is here. Maybe I could try to accept her as well. I mean if I could give William a chance, I’m sure I could do the same for her. Andrea set her suitcases by the door and walked toward William and I. I’m sure she was wondering why my father and I were having a conversation. So was I; William and I had never said more than two sentences to each other. “The cab is waiting for us outside. Plus he’s got the meter running.” My father and I just looked at each other, and then shared a chuckle. Andrea looked at my father, then to me, then to my father again. “Am I missing something here?” My father and I let out another harmonized chuckle once again, this time much louder. “Yes Andrea, you missed something” Andrea looked even more confused than before; you know, I spent so much time being angry at the two of them I never noticed that I missed out on a lot of these family moments. “ Will, Jace, what is going on here? Where you two fighting?” William then looked at me then looked at Andrea and gave her a peck on the cheek. “No honey, we weren’t fighting. Jason and I were just remembering the old days, that’s all.” I looked at William and Andrea, they seemed so happy and I never noticed how comfortable he was around her. I guess he really did love her. I always thought he just remarried to just block out the pain. My prediction was wrong; and right now I was actually glad it was. “ Well that’s great, I’m 6 really happy for the both of you. “William looked at me; “Me too,” I said. The cab outside honked his horn, I wasn’t ecstatic about moving away but it couldn’t hurt to start new, what was the worse that could happen. Andrea let go of my father and grabbed her suitcases. My father began to follow. “I hate to break up this nice family bonding but if we don’t want to miss our plane; I suggest that we get a move on” Andrea then started to speak Spanish to the cab driver. I didn’t know a whole lot of Spanish but I was pretty sure she was cursing at the cab driver. I chuckled at the idea. “What’s so funny, kid? Andrea wasn’t kidding; the cab driver actually had the meter running.” “Nothing dad,” I said jocularly. I picked up my suitcases and my gym bag and began to head towards the cab out front. I set my suitcases down to shut my bedroom door one last time. I followed the hallway, that then led me to the front door, where I saw my father and Andrea loading up the cab. I looked around the empty space, I would miss it here. Everything was packed up and ready for our new life in Canada. I walked down the granite and cobble stone steps to where the cab had been parked. I took my one suitcase and gym bag and put into the trunk of the cab. I took my backpack to the backseat with me. I looked out the car window, I looked around the street one last time before our impatient cab would take off. I saw the yellow painted house with blue shudders that our neighbors, the Rogers, used to live in. I saw the unfinished tree house that Tommy and his father never finished building. And lastly, I saw the one story house that my family used to live in. I 7 remember all our adventures. So many memories in that house; not enough for my brain to grasp all at the same time. I saw Tommy , now thirteen years old, riding down the street towards me. “ Hey Jace!” He cried. I jumped out of the car to greet him he had something in his hand, maybe a present to give me. “ I didn’t want you to leave without saying goodbye.” He then handed me the unknown present. Tommy was always so nice to me, he was my best friend when I really needed one. “ Its few tapes of the adventures we would always have in my backyard. I thought you should have them; so you don’t forget me.” I took him by the arm and gave him a shoulder hug. “ I wont forget you Tommy, thanks man.” “Take care of yourself, Jace. I’m really gonna miss you. I mean who is gonna stick up for me when Marko Landers threatens to throw me in the trash can? Or when I get stuffed in my locker and I get so scared I forget my combination. Not even that who’s going to help me to remind me to take my medication at exactly 2:30? Who going to help me do all of that when my best friend is moving away?” “I do not know Tommy, trust me in a couple of months your going to meet another kid you think is cool and who you will make your own adventures with, your going to forget all about me. I promise.” “No, I wont. You’re the only thing closer to a best friend that I have ever had. I wont forget you dude.” 8 “Thanks man,” I said I gave him another sideways hug. “I will see you later Tommster.” ‘’J-man, Come on we got to go. See you later Tommy, Be sure to mind that father of yours got it?” Tommy then ran up to my dad. “I sure will Mr. Ashbrooke, Thanks.” I then took one more look at the old house. Oh how I would miss this place, the neighborhood, Tommy, my mom, everything. But I had to keep remembering my promise. That was my main goal from now on. Andrea walked toward me and put her hand around my shoulders. “I’m going to miss it here too Jace.” I then stepped into the backseat of the cab. I clicked the seatbelt and waited for the cab driver to proceed moving out of the neighborhood. As we were pulling out of the driveway I couldn’t help but take a look at our empty house, one last time. * * * * * The rush to the airport was a disaster, I don’t know how we made it in time when we were almost 5 minutes late, but we did, and we boarded the plane safely. “Can I get you anything? Juice, water, a snack perhaps.” said the flight attendant, She was kind of cute but so out of my league she to be at least in her thirties. I’m only sixteen, and besides I’m moving to Canada, how could I date someone that travels for a living. Dating, I wonder when that would ever happen again. I only had one girlfriend in my life, her name was Amanda Kensington. She was smart, pretty, rich, and also a tickler, but she had to cheat on me. So that was the end of Amanda and I. I wonder what kind of girl I will fall for in Forrest. I wonder if I won’t fall for any. Will she a blonde, a brunette, a redhead, what? Will she be white, black, mixed, part Native American like me? Will she be popular, or not. Would that even matter to me? Now all of a sudden this move isn’t working so well. “Well young man, what will it be?” said the cute attendant. “ I’m sorry miss, that fine I don’t want anything. Could you come back later?” I wasn’t in the mood for any food, which was a real problem considering I hadn’t ate since last night. I was too busy thinking of what kind of life I will have in Forrest. What if I am miserable? But then again what if I am happy? I guess that I will just have to wait and see. “ Jace, come on. You should eat something; We will be on this plane for a while.” said my father. William then handed me a pack of Chex 9 Mix. My favorite, the cheddar kind. “Fine, I will eat something.” I then became too sleepy to eat after eating the entire bag of Chex Mix. I began to fall into a deep sleep. I began to start dreaming. I saw a beautiful forest, with a waterfall that had such beauty it almost made me look away. I saw the flower bed of peach and pink roses around me, along with lilac flowers, dandelions, tulips and much more. Then all of a sudden the sun began to shine on a particular spot, more importantly a particular person. A girl, a gorgeous girl. Her beauty was unbearable, she had the most gorgeous green eyes that I couldn’t stop staring into. Her hair was a chestnut brown color in a wavy texture all the way down to her shoulders. She was just too beautiful I couldn’t stop but to keep staring at her. She was wearing a white toga gown that made her look like a goddess. Who was I kidding she was a goddess. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen in all of my sixteen years. Who was this girl? I needed to know. She then began to speak. Her voice, the most angelic I had ever heard. “ You must be Jace,” she said. “I have been waiting for you to come here.” She began to walk toward me, along her way she picked up a peach rose from the flower bed and then headed towards me. Once she reached me she handed me the flower. “ Beautiful isn’t it?” without thinking I blurted out “ Not as beautiful as you are.” She then laughed, oh how her laugh sounded like a symphony, so orchestrated, so poetic. “Thanks, Jace.” I still couldn’t believe she knew who I was, but what I really couldn’t believe is how I didn’t know who she was. I then took her hand and said, “Do I know you? Have we met?” that was a stupid question. If this beautiful girl and I would have met I would have remembered her angelic face. She must have been an angel. No girl on earth could have been this beautiful. She then looked into my eyes and then answered me. “No, we haven’t met. But we will as soon as you come here.” Here? Where was here, I had been so caught up in this girl’s beauty I forgot to ask her where “here” was. “Where is here, anyway.” She smiled and then turned around with my hand still in hers. “Here; is Forrest, Ontario,Jace” she said. “Your home.” I then looked around at all the beauteous things. The birds, the animals, the trees, the flowers, and the beautiful girl. “Forrest? Forrest is where we are?” She then nodded. Then she then let go of my hand and went next to a deer and began to feed it. She looked even more beautiful than ever then. “Who are you?” She then turned around and strolled towards me again. This time she took her gorgeous hand, placed it on my cheek and then kissed my other. I took my hand and a caressed hers. Her beautiful brown skin shimmered in the sunlight. “ I am someone from your future.” She then ran toward the trees and before I 10 knew it, it began to be nightfall. In the distance I heard her call me. “Come on!” I followed in an instant. I ran as fast as I could. She then stopped at a little pond filled with lily pads. Dozens of lightning bugs flying around. She then reached her hand out to me. “Come here,” She started. “I want to show you something.” It was impossible to not listen to anything she was saying. With someone as beautiful as she was, it was hard not to. I took her hand once again and we both kneeled down to the small little pond. She poked her finger in the water and then waited for something to happen. “What are we looking for?” I asked. She then said. “Shhh, wait. There is something I want you to see.” I then took her word for it and waited. Then all of a sudden a swarm of fish appeared, they just as beautiful as the angel was. I still didn’t get why she wanted to show me these magnificent fish. But as of this moment, I didn’t care just as long I was beside her. She then began to speak again, this time not to me, to the fish. “ Ok guys, now” She said in a hushed tone. The fish then responded saying. “Yes, ma’am.” I couldn’t believe it, but yet I finally understood what she wanted to show me, talking fish. What kind of Forrest, Ontario was this? The fish then began to sing in a harmonized tone. The most beautiful ballad I had ever heard. “ I looked at her and she smiled. She then lifted us both up for the ground away from the pond. “ Dance with me, Jace.” Once again, I couldn’t say no to her. It was like she and only she alone was my weakness. I took her hands placing them on my shoulder’s. I then placed my hands on her waist and began to sway back and forth. This felt like magic, the good kind not the cheesy kind. She placed her head on my broad shoulder. “Why is it that you wont tell me who you are.” I wanted to know that way I would know who it was to look for. Since I wasn’t anywhere near her face, I couldn’t tell when she was going to speak again, that is until I felt her breathing. “ I don’t want you to spend all of your time trying to find me. I want you to focus on your other future relationships first.” she started. I wanted to tell her I didn’t care about other relationships, I only wanted her, and her alone. “ I would become too much of a priority,” she then said. She then took her head off of my shoulder and looked at me with her gorgeous eyes. “ I don’t want that for you, Jace.” she said. I then began to argue my case. “ I don’t care about anyone else. I want you and only you. I love you.” She then looked down at the ground and looked back up, this time with a tear in her eye. I then wiped it way with my finger. “ I love you too, Jace.” I then couldn’t resist myself I bent down to her beautiful face and kissed her warm, soft lips. She then tangled her fingers in my hair and kissed me back. This felt right, it felt complete. A swarm of lightning bugs 11 surrounded us, and we broke the kiss. We stared at the beautiful lights surrounding us but yet we couldn’t stop staring into each other. We leaned our heads onto on another’s and continued to dance. I had never felt this way before about anyone in my life. I wanted her, I loved her, and she felt the same but wouldn’t tell me who she was. “ Please,” I pleaded. “ Tell me who you are. Me not knowing is going to kill me.” She started again with a little choke inside of her. “ I can’t” she said in a whispered tone. I looked into her eyes again. “Yes you can.” she then pulled out of arms reach and stared at the moon. At that very moment the wind began to whisk around her. She then turned to face me and she looked even more beautiful than ever. “ I can’t, It’s too late.” I then ran towards her and took her hand. “ No, it’s not too late. We have plenty of time.” The angel began to shake her head. She began to whimper. “ No there isn’t.” I looked at her with confused eyes and placed both of my hands on her cheeks. “How is it too late? Tell me.” She then took one hand from her face and held it in hers. She then looked at me and said “ You about to wake up.” She said. I then blinked my eyes. I then saw the plane I had boarded. It was already the next day. I had made it to Forrest, Ontario. “Jace, wake up. It’s time to get off.” The angel was right, I must have been dreaming. That was the most beautiful but most horrible dream of my entire life. Beautiful, because I met the most gorgeous and most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Horrible, because the dream ended. I then unbuckled my seat belt and began to exit the plane. I then caught up with my family. “Dad,” I began. “What is it Jace?” He asked. “How long was I asleep? I mean how long was the plane ride?” My dad then picked up his luggage from the carts and we all the proceeded to the exit to call for a cab. “ Oh, about 6 to 9 hours, why?” I wondered if I should tell him about my dream or not. The question was would he think I was crazy? “Jace,” he began. “What happened last night that had you smiling so much?” The beautiful angel is what I was smiling at. I loved her. Now I really sound crazy. I was in love with a girl that was in my dreams. But what if what she said was true? What if she was real and she was in fact here? I have never been to this country for more than three days. I only knew one person and that was Brady Garcia. I met him last summer when we came to start scoping for houses. I wonder if Brady ever saw this girl. I don’t even know how to contact him. Also, how could he possibly know who she was, he never mentioned her to me before. I have to find her. But I wouldn’t even know where to begin to look. “ Well?” said William. “Well what?” I said “Well what had you smiling so much last night? You also said ‘angel’ a lot 12 too.” I then began to blush. I was talking in my sleep now? “ I just had a really great dream dad. A dream that made me change my mind about this place a lot more.” He then nodded and began to follow Andrea outside of the airport. I passed a help station just before we let. I quickly grabbed a map of the state and stuffed it in my backpack. If I was going to find her, I had to at least start with finding what forest we had been in. Once we finally left the airport, we then headed towards our new home. I saw lots and lots of trees, ferns, lakes, ponds, swamps, forests, grasslands. No wonder it was called Forrest, Ontario. There was so many damn trees it was like a bio dome. We must have been in the country because as soon as we hit the city it was covered with streets, restaurants, malls, stores, schools, parks, car dealerships, the whole nine yards. We then finally pulled up to our street, Typical, a suburb like we always lived in. But it was nice. The cab pulled on to the side of the road since the moving vans were already in the driveway. I got out of the backseat of the cab and strolled toward the house. The house was nice it had three bedrooms, four bathrooms, and awesome kitchen, a backyard, basement, living room, and the most amazing dining room. I wonder why they had a third bedroom, they weren’t having kids or anything. Or maybe it was a guestroom. Who knows and who cares; at least I could pick out my own bedroom. I picked the biggest one closer to the size of the master bedroom. William was still outside talking to the next door neighbors. I wonder if they had any children; more importantly, if they had any daughters. Older daughters, more around my age. I wonder if they had a daughter with the slightest resemblance as the angel from my dream. The angel, she was amazing. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, she was so beautiful, so smart, so perfect, so….real. As I said on the cab ride home, I don’t know where to start. I wonder how I could contact Brady Garcia. I would probably see him at school next week. I am glad we were able to move when the new school year was about to start. NO catching up on homework, no awkwardness when meet new classmates. A fresh start to a new year. Will, Andrea, and I spent all afternoon unloading the moving trucks and put everything into the house. It was a very tiring job. When we were finally finished we ordered a pizza while watching a movie. “So,” I started while wiping pizza sause from the corner of my mouth. “ Dad do you know a way to contact Brady Garcia?” My dad looked up in such surprise that I would even remember Brady. But he wasn’t that surprised because he answered 13 13 after thirty seconds of silence. “ Uh, yeah. His father is one of my employees at the office. Is there something you needed?” My father offered me the last piece of pepperoni and bacon pizza. I turned down the offer, so my father decided to devour it before I even had the chance to change my mind. “ Yeah there was something,” I couldn’t tell him that I wanted Brady to help me find my dream girl. That was funny, because she was actually my dream girl. I chuckled to myself because of that specific thought. “ I need him to fill me on Camelot High.” My father took my word on my false pretenses and agreed to help me. “Alright, I will talk to Dan tomorrow at work. Brady will be stopping by the office. I suppose you will want to get together also?” My mind went blank to the dream I had earlier “Who are you?” She then turned around and strolled towards me again. This time she took her gorgeous hand, placed it on my cheek and then kissed my other. I took my hand and a caressed hers. Her beautiful brown skin shimmered in the sunlight. “ I am someone from your future.” I came out of my fantasy all on my own. All I needed was someone to show me around, so I could find her. “ Be ready at 8:30am sharp, or I’m leaving without you.” I then took my plate and rinsed it in the sink. “ I got it. 8:30 sharp.” I envisioned her face again. Her eyes, her skin, her lips, her wavy hair.“ I am someone from your future.” she had once said. “ I wouldn’t miss it” © 2010 A2JAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on April 24, 2010 Last Updated on May 18, 2010 Tags: Ally Romano Jace Ashbrooke Alli- |