A Book by AleyshaRosa
When what is real, and what is not collide and become one 
© 2012 AleyshaRosa
Author's Note
Part one, but tell me what you think
This is well written. You managed to show me the scene, not just tell me. Your description is wonderful, so much so that I can imagine the pain my self; the creature looming over your character.
I want to read more, with a passion, had this been a book, I wouldn't put it down until I was finished.
Do continue this, dear. I'd love to read on
Posted 12 Years Ago
AleyshaRosaAbbotsford, BC, Canada
Canadian, eh? I've been writing since I was 13 (I'm now 18) and have recently started back up on writing a novel that I'm now half through.
I mostly write prose poems and short stories with a tonne .. more..