A Story by TheAdamBryant

In this season Jack is has to train to become a better magician nad he meets new people

Characters :
JD : Jack Darby
AB : Adam Brooks
CH : Christian Hill
AA : Arcee Arias
NT : Nicole Tristan
CW : Claire Wyatt
AT : Alice Torres ( Adam sister )
WA : Wade Arias ( the king of Lomberger )
DA : Daniel Arias ( the prince )
WC : William Carter The Wizzard
JC : Judy Carter
NC : Nicolas Conner

                      LOVE AND NIGHTMARE
                         Love and nightmare - Season 4

           Jack Darby tells the story
           This story begins like this , ever since The wizzard William was gone and he left me that ring , i tried to master it and understand , to be more powerful . But from time to time i was more sick , more powerless and really tired . One day i made a trip to Lomberger .
           I comed to Lomberger to king Wade , to ask him about William .
           WA : Do you really feel that bad Jack .
           JD : Yes sir , i feel more bad everyday , please contact William , i tried to use my powers but nothing .
           WA : I will send someone to bring him here , until then you can stay here tonight .
           JD : Yes sir thank you .
           WA : There is no problem son , now you can go .
           I had to wait and i was even harder for me to stay concentrate . The only thing that made me feel a little better were my friends .
           AB : Don't worry Jack , you will be better soon . Should i bring you a puppy , a beer , a  umbrella .
           JD : Hahaha no please no . Hey , where are Chris and Claire ?
           AA : They will come here soon . But please , you have to rest , you don't look very well .
           JD : Yeah i should , thank you .
           Arcee and Adam left thge room but Alice stood with me a little bit longer .
           AT : Jack , are you okay ?
           JD : Yeah i am , don't worry , only i feel sick more lately .
           AT : If there is anything i can do for you , to make you feel better , tell me .
           JD : Your presence here already makes me feel better .
           AT : Um ... i am glad to her that . You should rest now , see you tomorrow .
           JD : Thank you Alice , goodnight .

            The morning comed and all my friends were right here for me . But i was so sick , i had fever and it was hard for me to even breath nomal ., and i was feeling like i was about to vomit , i was a mess .
           CW : Jack i will try to help you .
           JD : Please do it .
           CW : Here i go.
           JD : Aaaaa..... Oh .... Much better , thank you Claire .
           CW : Are you feeling okay now .
           JD : Yeah kinda , thanks .
           The rest of the people were talking about me and my condition . But the only one that can tell me what is going on is William . This is not just a ordinary sick like anyone is having , this is worst . Because of the ring is happening to me .
           DA : Okay guys , William is close . Jack are you okay .
           JD : Yeah , but please bring him fast .
           DA : I'm on it .
           In 4 minutes David was back and William was finally here .
           WC : I am here , what is .... Oh my god Jack you looks awful .
           JD : What is happening with me William .
           WC : It happend to you , i was thinking that this might happend .
           JD : What do you mean ?
           WC : Did you made a special program training to make sure you know how to use these powers ? Have you trained ?
           JD : No why ?
           WC : In that letter i told you to be careful . And before i left i trained all of you kids , you didn't think that you have to train more then them since i gaved to you this ring .
           JD : And what is to do now ?
           WC : You will have to come with me at my house , where you will train .
           NT : Wait , you mean he has to leave us and come with you ?
           WC : Yes Nicole .
           NT : But for how long ?
           WC : This might take a while , maybe 4 to 5 months .
           NT : What , are you joking ?
           WC : No .
           CH : Excuse me William but ... when this training will start .
           WC : Tomorrow  , now we will go to my house . Jack i hope you are ready ?
           JD : I am not , but still i have to do it .
           I am pretty sure that the training will be hard . Me , Arcee , Nicole , Chris , Claire , Adam and Alice too wanted to see Wiliam house , to see where he lives . William was leading us throught the forest , on a path to his house , it was just 2 hours away from the Lomberger city . And out there were many other houses , a little city in the forest , it was a nice place , and i didn't even knew about this place . And it seems that this people from here knows all about us .

            I let Alice to hold my hand , she was a little bit nervous and i wanted to give her a little courage from me .
           Of course Arcee , Nicole and Claire knew about this place and it's existance , but me , Adam , Chris and especially Alice had no idea about it .
           Anyway it was nice , pacefully and a great place .
           In a little time we were at William house .
           WC : Hello my dear .
           JC : You are back , they are the kids ?
           WC : Yes they are , kids , she is my wife Judy .
           We all said hy to her , wow she is beautiful , i never knew that William is married .
           WC : Well , now you now where i live kids , but in this time when i will train Jack , i want you to stay home and don't come here , okay . If you want to come , do it , but don't do it too often , Jack has to be concentrated . Got it .
           CH : Don't worry William , we understand . Well Jack , this is , good luck .
           AA : Do a good job .
           AB : Men , see you soon . Be careful to party and don't listen to William , and don't forget the girls .
           JD : Hahaha stop it men , leave .
           CW : Take care of yourself .
           JD : I will , thank you guys .
           NT : Goodbye Jack .
           AC : Well , um , i hope you will return soon .
           JD : Thank you Alice , all of you , now go . I have to start the training .
           We started to do a training like soldiers do at first , i train like a normal person , without using my powers . In the first weeks i trained in running, climbing, wrestling, stability, and many other things . It was hard . I meet many people and it was a good place a nice homestead . And i had the chance to know better Judy , William's wife .
           Just like today when she brought some food for me and we talked .
           JC : So how is the training doing Jack ?
           JD : Very good Ms Judy .
           JC : Please just call me Judy .
           JD : Sure Judy .
           JC :  You train hard , don't you want to go and see someone , maybe your friends or someone more special .
           JD : Hahaha yeah i want to see someone actually .
           JC : I want to tell you something nice . It is a girl that always comes here and watches you .
           JD : What , who , can you tell me who is she ? Or how does she looks .

           JC : She has blue eyes , brown hair and she is a little shy .
           JD : That's Alice for sure .
           JC : I see you are smiling , do you like her , she is pretty cute .
           JD : Yes i do like her , she is cute , wonderful and i spend some great time with her since she came here .
           JC : Talk to her .
           JD : Sure , but when she will do the first move , thank you for the food . 
           JC : You're welcome .
           Arcee and Adam made a visit to me in one day , i was glad to see them again .
            AA : Jack , so glad to see you , wow you changed .
            AB: Men , you make me gealous .
            JD : Well , don't worry , she loves you .
            AA : Yeah i love you and only you you silly .
            JD : Take a seat , and go to Judy talk to her if you want boys .
            AB: I would love to know her too .
            AA : Let's go .
            JD :Have fun
            They spend some time together and Adam and Arcee are a nice couple , i want to have that too .

            Another weeks have passed and i meet someone else , a boy who was trained by William too . He is Nicolas Conner , and he is the father of that crazy Professor John Conner that was killed 2 years ago . At first i was not pleased to train with him but after a while and when i heard his story and the way he talks about freedom , liberty and what is right , i changed my mind about him . We became good friends in time and he said that he is in a order , the same order that even William was in . The order of Hunters , they work naturally without powers like magic , they are just trained warriors taht are ready for anything .
            That's why i respect him , Nicolas does this to be strong enought to protect his mother . He said that his father death was what is right to be . He understands the difference between good and right .
            NC : It was a hard training for you today ?
            JD : Yes it was , how much took you to be used with it ?
            NC : 3 months and after that it was more easily .
            JD : I am only in my second month and i feel like i am about to give up .
            NC : Be strong , don't give up , give everyting you got , and it will be over soon .
            JD : Yeah . Well , we have some free time tonight , let's go to that bar and have some fun .
            NC : Yeah , sure .
            William let us tonight to go . We were drinking , dancing with a lot of girls and returned at William house .

            NC : Well that was fun . 
            JD : See you tomorrow men.
            NC : Yeah see you tomorrow .
            The body training ended in a week and now i had to train and control my magic powers . William bought me a lot of books that i had to study , a lot of spells and many things . It was difficult at the beginning but became more easily sooner .
            I understood now , and i became much stronger , being able to use more magic everyday .
             In one day Chris and Claire made a visit to me.
            CH : Wow men , you look awesome .
            CW : Hello Jack , give me a hug , how u been ?
            JD : I was good .
            CW : Did you had any problems again ?
            JD : No , actually Judy made some potions for me and they helpend .
            CW : Potions , can i go to talk with her ?
            JD : Yeah sure , go .
            CW : Okay .
            CH : So men , how is the training .
            JD : Very hard , but it worth it .
            After they left i returned back to training .
            Afetr some days ........
            WC :This is good Jack , we are doing a lot of progress really fast . Now after you will end the training you will not have problems anymore , but remember you have to train everyday , got it .
            JD : I will do like you say .
            WC : Good , i am proud of that .
            JD : I have some questions William .
            WC : Say it .
            JD : You have a wife , but do you have kids ?
            WC : Yes i do , a boy .
            JD : And where is he .
            WC : In Northenger , he is fine and he is living a good life . But why do you ask ?
            JD : Just curiosity .
            WC : Anything else you want to know ?
            JD : Just when will the training be over .
            WC : In a couple of weeks , now if you excuse me , i have to go somewhere .
            JD : Yeah ,sure .
             It was a simple day of training when Judy was next to a tree , she comed to me and she told me to go there to see soemthing special . I found before a tree the cutest girl ever spying me .
            JD : What are you doing here ?
            AT : Jack , i .... Hy .
            JD : Judy told me you are looking at me always , how may times have you been here looking at me like this .
            AT : Um . For the last 2 months i was here everyday .
            JD : Are you joking ?
            AT : No .
            JD : I don't know what to say .
            AT : Do you want to eat something , i made it for you .
            JD : Aaaaa Judy , she is behind it , does she ?
            AT : Yes she told me that you might like to spend a time with me , and i heard that William has something to do . What do you say , can we have a picnic ?
            JD : I can't refuse you and a picnic is a good idea .

            JD : This is good .
            AT : I am glad you like this .
            JD : You will be a great wife , i tell you that .
            AT : Really ?
            JD : Yeah , you will .
            AT : Thank you .
            I spend the rest of the day with Alice and it was great , it was so nice . I belive i start to love this girl .
            She said that she told Adam she will come here tonight , it was almost midnight and she fall asleep on my shoulder , i took her and put her on the bed in a room that Judy prepared for her . I kissed her on the forehed and left the room , now i will go in my room to sleep too .

              Alice left the house and returned at the castle in Lomberger the next morning . Now i have to return at my training .
             The training was hard on the last weeks but now is finally over and i feel good .
             I returned back at Lomberger to see the others .
             It was a party for me , a ,,Welcome back '' party made by Adam . I brought Nicolas with me and Nicole seemed to be very intereted in him , i told to Nicolas about Nicole .

             JD : Good luck to get her Nicolas . Nicole is ambitious and stubborn m and she is young and beautiful .
             NC : That sound like my next conquest , she is a beautiful women .
             JD : yeah she is , weel anyway , have fun men .
             NC : I will .
             It was nice that night , William told me that i will see that all this training was good for me . But right now , i am back and i just want to have some fun with all of my friends .

© 2012 TheAdamBryant

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Author's Note

i hope to see some reviews . i hope it is a good story and you liked to read it C: :) ^_^

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The pics are really cute and yeah I like it dude

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

i am very glad to hear that
Rhianne Ney

12 Years Ago


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1 Review
Added on November 23, 2012
Last Updated on November 23, 2012
Tags: Love and nightmare season 4 Jack




I love to create new things . I love to write something new . I am a very nice person , I really am , and everyone who wants to know more about me , they will find out what they want about me very eas.. more..
