A Story by TheAdamBryant

A new face is coming in town , and Jack brings back two people separated by fate back together . In this story Jack helps Adam to reunite with his siter lost from childhood , read it and have fun :)

Characters :
JD : Jack Darby
AB : Adam Brooks
CH : Christian Hill
AA : Arcee Arias
NT : Nicole Tristan
CW : Claire Wyatt
AT : Alice Torres
Mom : Adam and Alice mom
Dad : Adam and Alice dad

                       LOVE AND NIGHTMARE
                          A new face in town

          Jack Darby tells the story
          For some time i have some dreams of Adam and a girl . And I keep thinking about this , what is this dream about and who is that girl .
          The last dream was more powerful than the last ones . In that dream Adam said to that girl ,, I finally meet you Alice , my sis '' , it might be possible . He never meet his parents , but maybe he has a sister . If this is true then i have to find out the truth .
          If my dream was correct and he has a sister i will do everything in my power to make them meet eachother . Adam was at the orphanage when i meet him when we were young , and he never wanted to have a family , he wanted his family , his real parents , but they never come .
          I will return to the Earth again . And i will try to found her , i already know how she looks , from my dream . Beautiful blue eyes , a nice brown hair , and a cute face . Thanks to this ring from William i can only ask for what i want and this ring gives me what i want .
          Now i am on the Earth on the street ,  I asked the ring to bring me close to her so I am pretty sure she is close .
          AT : Help , that men stole my bag ....
          JD : I'm on it .
          I stood in front of that men , grabbed the bag and punched that men in the face . 
          Some people called police and he was immediately arrested . I stood in front of that girl face and she was calmy looking at me .
          JD : You might not know me but i am ...
          AT : Jack , I know you , but you don't know me yet .
          JD : What ?
          AT : You told me you will return .
          JD : How do you know me ?
          AT : We meet 6 years ago .
          She took me by the hand and told me she is ready to go .
          AT : I am ready to meet my brother .
          Then it is true , she is Adam sister . But it's strange , how does she knows me , how we meet ? I was worried about what i should tell her to convince her to come but now , i am worried because i don't know what the f**k is going on .
          I have to stay calm , I should just take her to Adam and find out if they are brothers . And after that i will ask some questions .


           I returned to Lomberger , at the Arias castel . Alice was surprised but her reaction wasn't like mine when i first arrived here , she was calm .
          We entered in the castel and we were in front of Adam and Arcee .
          AB : Hey Jack , how are you doing .
          JD : Hey Adam , i have someting important i want to tell you , please come Alice . I don't know how to tell you but she might be you sister .
          AB : What ?
          JD : Adam , you know how i deram from time to time .
          AB : Yes and those dreams are about something that will happend .
          JD : I had a dream with this girl and you called her sister in my dream .
          AB : My sister . She could be my sister . But how ?
          AT : Jack , when we meet 6 years ago you told me you are from the future , after i meet Adam . And you told me to tell you that you have to talk with our parents . 
          JD : Your parents , but ...
          AT : Inside a dream , because , our parents died to save us .
          AB : Jack , what is she talking about ?
          JD : I don't know .
          AA : Enought . Let's go in my room to talk .
          We talked in Arcee room for hours and we all finally understoon what we have to do . They are brother but to find the truth they must talk to their parents . Some time ago William comed to me and told me many things , he teached me how to use this ring and what i can do with it , he told me about the spirit world like he knew that this will happend .
          Using my powers i connected with the spirit world , me , Adam and Alice in that room to meet the spirits of their parents .
          AT : Where are we ?
          AB : We are in a spirit world .
          Jack : Yeah listen you two , talk with your parents , find out what happend , but do it fast , i can't keep you two there to much time .
          AB : Don't worry .
          And then it happend , these two finally meet their parents . Or at least the spirits of them .
          AT : Mom , dad .
          AB : You are our parents ?
          Mom : Yes my dear we are .
          Dad : Look at you two , i am proud of you .
          Mom : I love you kids . Mommy loves you .
          Adam wiped his tears and looked at them .
          AB : Why are you dead , why are you now with us in all of these years . Why ?
          Dad : My boy , when we were on a road late at night returning home and we were returning home , something happend .
          AB : What happend ?
          Dad : A car accident , me and you mother were hurt , we were bleeding so much , i took you mother from the car but she was already dead . I took you two out of the car but i was bleeding so much , i couldn't resist , my body was bleeding . I was just standing there looking at you two , i was on the ground , crying , i closed my eyes .
          AT : You saved us .
          Dad : But i couldn't save you mother .
          Mom : But you saved the kids honey .
          Dad : But if was faster .... 
          Mom : It's okay .
          AB: So you had to sacrifice yourself to save us ..... I am proud of you dad .
          Dad : What ?
          AB : You tried to do everything a men can do , and you did .You should not feel bad about what happend , you are a hero , for me and Alice .
          Dad : Thank you son , to hear that from you , it makes me happy .
          Mom : Alice , Adam , you two are brothers . I am sorry i was not strong enought to resist for you , maybe if i was you would have had us and we could have been a happy family .
          AT : Mom .
          Mom : Don't cry my dear
          AT : Mommy i love you .
          Mom : I love you too Alice my dear .
          Dad : Now i can rest in pace because now i know that you two are safe .
          I was listening all but i had to tell them .
          JD : Guys fast , i can't keep this up more longer .
          AB : Okay Jack .
          I will keep this spell just a little time , they have to say goodbye . 
          AB : Dad , i am proud of you , and be sure i will take care of Alice the way you  wanted to took care of us . I will give her many resons to be happy .
          Dad : Good luck son .
          Mom : Goodbye kids , mommy loves you .
          AB : Goodbye mom , dad . Goodbye .
          AT : Goodbye .
          We just stood there , I saw Adam and Alice crying . They didn't stop form crying 10 minutes .
          How sad , to live a whole life now knowing what happend to you parents . And how that men Adam father saved them , what a men right ?
          They stoped crying and they embraced .
          AB : I finally found you Alice , my sis . You are my sis , my sis .
          AT : And you are my brother , my good brother .
          AB: I will never let you go . You will stay here with me where it's good and safe .
          AT : There is nothing else i want .
          Adam is looking at me and he is approacing . He hugs me now .
          AB : Jack , thank you men , thank you .
          JD : No problem . I am glad i could help .
          AT : Thank you Jack , i knew you will return , you are a wonderful men .
          JD : Thank you .
          They were so happy , smiling every second . i was happy too , i did something nice for Adam , my good old buddy . But now i have something more to do , because Alice told me i have to meet her in the past .

           Night comed , i leaved the castel and i knew i had to meet her , Alice from the past . If what she told me is correct it means that i have to return in time at a moment when i can find Alice when she is like 17 years old .
          I used my powers and i wished to meet Alice 6 years in the past .
          And i was on the street , late at night , very cold . 
          I seen her and she was in danger , 3 big guys wanting to do something to her . I will beat them up without using any kind of power , i don't want to attract attention or the scare the young Alice . I will have to act normal to not scare her . NO no no , they will not gonna do anything to her .
          I started to fight them , it was so easy to beat them , i finished them in 1 minute . They are normal mens , i am not , i have powers , but i just used the power , not showing to them a strange power . They run away .
          JD : That's right run . Hey are you alright ?
          AT : Yes i am , ouch .
          JD : Hey your ankle , it's hurt , let me check out .
          AT : Okay .
          JD : You are hurt , you should go to the hospital .
          AT : I can't , my leg .
          JD : Come in my arms , i will take you there . 
          AT : Wait let me take that bag .
          I want to know more about the young her , so in the time i carry her i ask her some question , to see if she the same hard life as her brother .
          JD : So do you have a home ?
          AT : Why do you ask .
          JD : Just so the time pass by you know , if we talk the time will pass fast .
          AT : Okay . I don't have a home I live at the orphanage .
          JD : Oh , and what is in that bag ?
          AT : Just some toys for the kids , i help the orpahage as much as i can .
          Well it seems that she had the same hard life as his brother . But Adam leaved his orphanage and never returned there , but Alice stayed here and helped the others , she was a good girl .
           A doctor consulted her , the doctor bandaged the leg and i helped her to go home . I carryed her again and i bought her at the orphanage she lives .
           Before she could go inside i stoped her .
           JD : Hey do you have a family or a brother ?
           AT : No , i mean , i don't know .
           JD : Right . Do you trust me ?
           AT : What ?
           JD : Just answer , do you trust me ?
           AT : You helped me so yes , i trust you .
           JD : I can bring you to someone from your family , but only if you want .
           AT : Yes i want .
           I have to be sure that she knows my name and i know her name , to be sure that in the future i will met her again .
           JD : I will help you only if you promise to not look for me , when i will find someone from your family , like a brother , let's say , i will come to see you . And you will see your parents in a way . Oh and my name is Jack .
           AT : Alright , but you will really help me ?
           JD : Yes but you will have to wait okay . I promise , I will help you . You have my word , but , listen , maybe it's not really gonna be so happy , maybe it will be sad for you , and i hope you will not hate me .
           AT : Thank you , oh i am sorry , my name is Alice .
           JD : Alice , I promise , I will keep my promise , goodbye now .
           AT : Goodbye and thank you .

            I returned back in the future , my present , back to my friends . What a day , so many things happend today . All i want now is just some rest .
          How wonderful is now that i found Adam's sister , i wonder how she will react to this world .
          It seems that Adam already told to Chris , Claire and to Nicole too that he found his sister . And now they are all in the castel , having fun , eating and having a lot of fun .
          AA : And tell me Alice , do you like the room prepared for you ?
          AT : Yes , thank you Arcee it is very nice from you .
          CW : It is so nice to see a new face around this place , if you want you can come to me and Chris , because i want to know more about you .
          CH : It would be a pleasure to us if you could come . Are you gonna come , right ?
          AT : Thank you , i will come .
          NT : And what do you say about our world , are you ready to see all the wonderful things from here tomorrow .
          AT : Yes i am ready , hm , Jack , is it you ?
          JD : Hey i am back . Well , it seems that you guys have a lot of fun , glad to see this .
          AT : Please come here , next to me . 
          We talked for hours , joking and laughting .
          I made my job , it was my destiny to make these two brothers reunite , and i did it .
          For now , this is all that matters .

© 2013 TheAdamBryant

Author's Note

Sorry for my bad english .
Anyway i hope you will like this season 3 of my story
Oh and you shoul check out the first season This is war and season 2 Love and Nightmare , or you will not understand too much :)

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I love the piece and I strongly suggest that you compile this in a book and one more thing so the english will get better you can type it on Microsoft Word that will help a lot, I promise! ^-^

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

And now i present to you the next part :) : read more
Rhianne Ney

12 Years Ago

i'll read it in time;D

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1 Review
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Added on October 13, 2012
Last Updated on September 19, 2013
Tags: Love and nightmare season 3




I love to create new things . I love to write something new . I am a very nice person , I really am , and everyone who wants to know more about me , they will find out what they want about me very eas.. more..
