![]() This Day in History (Imageless)A Story by Alexander's Books![]() This does not have any images I'd fix that but I don't actually have the images on my computer they're only saved in the document![]() This Day in History: Scandal in Rssiu, The Story of the Message of a Dead Man By: Maji Bion The year is 1958 and the Rssiu Country is in bloom the Meriaist Revolution has come, a light for the country stuck in oppression. Poster ‘Make the World More” by Mksta Bekino, 1952 A light seemed to expand for the country of enlightenment and a new start, but it was a false light, and a false start. The people crowded into an abyss of labor and oppression just as they experienced before. It became obvious that the country had become a Labor camp them digging their lives away for jewels for their higher ups. People are churned in, churned out and then die. A fate worse than death for many, and the policing became relentless. no one was safe from the random checks, and corruption was apparent, their first attempt to remedy this was pamphlets, and pamphlets they made, encouraging patriotism and immigration into the country citing equality and employment. Pristine Wimir region Pamphlet, 1954 This of course failed, people saw through the scheme and it tanked horribly. The copy of the Pamphlet above is in mint condition because it was never sold and was kept, sealed in a box for the last 76 years. Now all this brings us to the fact Rssiu is not popular, not by the a longshot and news was no different, one star, Nimaka Mikumi (Nemaka Mikume) a Rikan Immigrant to Sekste became famous for his Anti-Rssiu views and ended up hosting Pheo New’s Late Night show for 14 years, you could say… He was, passionate for a start. Screen-Cap from Pheo’s the Late Night show, 1953 In addition, after his 14 years were up he retired but continued to publish new articles once in a while. One of these; on his wish to have Riko conquer Rissu (Future vision am I right?) being his most popular article of all time. This is where are story really begins, its 1958 the color TV was just invented by Liam Trotsky. Another Rissun, and because of that won’t be adopted worldwide till about a decade later, and Rissu is down on it’s luck. Everyone hates them the Politicians, the People, the Press. They needed a bit of good publicity and so they created this; an article made Audibly broadcasted worldwide and it went something like this; “This is Nimaka I am here to give this Publicized verbal article to the World, I am moving to Rissu, It is not that bad of a place after all, I retract all ill feelings and all negatives statements I gave about this Country I hope good will onto all and for you to see the light and Move here to, That is all from your reporter. Nimaka.” -Transcript of recording, 1958 This odd message tolled once a hour every hour for 5 months and no one knew what it was or who made it, it burned through groups for days as proof between friends of the superiority of Meriaism thinking and it genuinely worked for a great deal of people, we ran a story all those years ago ourselves; “Radio Rissu Plays Message” SI News, June 18th, 1958 This controvesty raged for 2 Months until; “The message of a Dead Man” IZDI Times, August 12th 1958 The man Nimaka was dead, in his Seksten apartment 2 months before ‘his’ article appeared on Radio Rissu. This was startling, and people were shocked. Over time more info came out about the situation, a group of people from Mikno University on their path to a degree in computer Science came out and said they found something on their trip to Viknio. Image of the Computer Science Class 1958 They published their findings. an old wall computer was set up in the far corner of the room on it were contained recordings of Nimaka’s voice saying various things, and the final recording being blasted on air. They found out that the engineers had been taking audio from the Late night show and experimented altering and stitching them together to make a whole recording saying something he never said, and the Radio broadcast was one of these tapes. The news hit immediately and it spread like wild fire, the fake recording, but what startled people came later on in the report, “Upon further Examination it was found that the computer no only Contained Nimaka’s voice samples, but those of the Prime Minsters Of both the EAE, and the UTON, voice recordings of our Prime Minster And, Emperor; including voice lines including the work attack and war. However those were not the only voices present. We found a folder entitled ‘Regular People’ that contained voice clips of people from around us, And scrolling down we found millions upon millions of recording. We Still wonder where this amount of storage space comes from but more To the point, after examination of all the data, we found voice clips Of every citizen of Rssiu and every person who has ever visited, including Few voice clips of ourselves stored on the computer, we tried to remove The samples but the BIOS prevented us from deleting any data in any folder and we could not find a way to bypass it. We only had limited time with the computer so we did not have time to crack it and even if we did we probably would still have more challenges to face, it being of foreign infrastructure. We made rough estimates of the amounts of data throughout this Report but we never actually saw all of the data there and it’s possible There were other folders hidden out of view that we couldn’t access, But we totaled the amount of data we estimated and we have Concluded that the amount of data on that computer has to be at least 4.32432 Petabytes (a new word we’ve coined) of data stored on that Computer, and a increase of 16.201512 Terabytes (another one of ours) Per minute, lets be clear, this shouldn’t physically possible, We have no clue how they did it other than black magic or genuine Technological superiority, If we find an answer we will update our report” Excerpt from ‘Report of Computer Science on trip to Viknio’ August, 25th1958 We now know how the Rissuns managed to keep so much data on disk, It wasn’t, 60 years later a man named Rob King of the same university as those college kids all those years ago, got his hands on the machines that had rocketed their college into stardom all those years ago, and what he found shocked him; “The reporter is correct in his assumption. There is no way the Rissun could’ve stored the files on it’s single hard drive, which is why They didn’t, I have poked through the code and realized it was missing Something, half of the files, the computer on it’s own only had a couple Hundred files on it, not the millions that the reporters claimed, I Wondered what happened to the rest of them and when I began Querying the computer on the whereabouts of the other files, It gave me a message I understood, I have not worked with Rissun Computers before, nor have I much experience in their language, But this was clear, and a message I’ve seen before, it said on the Green monochrome screen “Connection not found ,elbac noitcennoc ni glup esaelP” I rushed over To the lab in Viknio I still don’t know how I got the thing through Customs, but I did and by the time I got there they were just about To pack up their old stuff for good. I quickly tell them to stop and I find A cable, much like that of a telephone and I plug it into the back of my Old hunk of a computer and suddenly in another message I understood “Connecting…” it whirled away and eventually, “.detcennoC” It loaded the file manager as I saw it and Suddenly, I saw them all the files, every one of them, and I realized Something, this wasn’t one computer. It was way more than one, I checked and saw the computers all over Rssiu in operation and I Realized, these computers where communicating, I tested this out By getting one of my collegues in Khnk on vacation to go to the nearby Also abandoned lab, and when she did I added a small text file called “Hi” and she found it within seconds of me creating it, and now I realized these were computers communicating and exchanging data all across the continent. Something today we would call the internet.” Excerpt from “The Internet Pioneers and a Story of Audio” Rob King, 2011 people at the time speculated on the reports impact on court and the reliability of recorded words, but on the matter of Rssiu the idea finally settled. This country was evil, and on that people everywhere were clear, the speech ‘No Longer’ by then Prime Minster of the EAE Rob Mornoy quite clearly says his feelings of the incident: “This country [Rssiu] has been left to stand to long on its own. To long it has been left to stand upon its citizen’s rights and liberties, This day we the Eledcri People say No Longer to this treatment. Not because They are Eledcri but because they are people and all people deserve Liberty and freedom from being pummeled into the ground by a Tyrannical government.These past few months a story has been past around, of Nimaka Mikumi, a man of whom I admired greatly, but I say to Rssiu No Longer may you use this mans voice against us, and today we have had it come in That you have had hidden recordings of every important man in this world, and I say if you ever hear a report of me saying something I will have you the people know now that I have not and will never Say a nice thing about Rssiu in my life, and I say; No Longer will I let these injustices of audio and possibly even video slide. Today us here in the EAE are blocking all Radio, Televised, and Written Material given out by the Rssiun State. All attempts to give your Vicious lies to the Eledcrian people will be met with force, No Longer, will our people have to suffer another lie, and you Dictator Mklsvoky if you wish to get a seat negotiations I tell you, surrender now, or your seat will No Longer be a seat but radioactive ash at our table, and to our good Seksten and Rican friends, we deeply apologize for their actions and we stand by you As allies to protect you from this trechery, like in MineFine 2 we aren’t down till we are Separated, remember that. One last thing to the people at home The Rssiuns are a menace, I do not say this lightly, they are a menace To this country and to all civilized nations and I tell you, don’t give it Sympathy. Its people are in hard times but the State is of no concern. The people are hungry but the State has enough to feed us all. The people are illiterate but the State can pull off this stunt in months. This is not the place of the State to pity but the one of its poor workers, And Slaves that have no choice but to work in the fields for years and to Gain nothing of their work but a prolonged life, I say if any one of you Out there pities this nation of greed and evil. That you sir are No Longer Eldcri, you are not a citizen but you are nothing but a instigator of the Very violence that takes millions every day, I say to you, I do If you like it so Much leave us and go there, but if you wish to stay here, Know that we take No Longer room for Rssiun sympathizers and if you are one, you better on Leave now before we make you.” Excerpt from ‘No Longer’ Rob Morony, 1958 This sets off a chain of events that will eventually break the Rssiu and lead to the formation of 3 new countries entirely, Wimir, Havla, and Mino, that are culturally miles apart, but physically close that will set in almost all conflict occurring within the last 50 years, but that is a story for another day. For now that is all. By Maji Bion, Educated Writer and English with honor, Nimo University, Maji Bion is a writer, and editor for the Sekste Inquirer, and writes part time for the IZDI Post. Thank you for Reading, if you like that story you’ll like these: © 2020 Alexander's Books |
StatsAuthor![]() Alexander's BooksStockport, OHAboutHey welcome to my page I'm a new writer in a small town and I like writing all sorts of things! Prompts are my favorite though so if you have any ideas or suggestions on what to write send them my way.. more..Writing