![]() Chapter 1: The background of foolsA Chapter by AlexJamesStrickland1![]() This chapter follows the philosophy behind discrimination. A little introduction to my book.![]()
Okay, in the last few years I have really started to witness "Social Prejudice" in the flesh and I have to admit to being a fool to discriminate against those I didn't view as "Normal" in society: Whether they are Homosexuals, Transgender or even just a different ethnicity. But, at the end of the day, kids are fools, they all are; but it isn't entirely their fault. Many people in society today believe that a child's morality isn't built in by some divine force but actually, they believe that it is embedded throughout their childhood and via the upbringing of the child, which, and no offence intended for theists, kind of makes sense, doesn't it? Surely an omni-benevolent God wouldn't stand for such prejudice and discrimination to happen in his "Creation" but yes, that is one of the questions the great philosophers ask along with the common: Why doesn't God stop all Evil and Suffering? Or, what is the meaning of life? These are all unanswerable questions that to be quite frank we deserve answers to.
If this planet was indeed created by a God, who in my view is a selfish, egotistical and conceited fool, I don't want to live here. This is a world that is home to transparent blood shed, a shelter for evil and a ghetto for sufferers; we live in a dome of misery that is supposedly run by a vain and corrupt beast. If he thinks he has a right to sit upstairs and judge people on their sins then don't we have a right to judge they way the planet is run? The question that persistently invades my mind however, still stands; why would anyone want to go to Heaven as a reward for living through such a barbaric and insane world knowing that he helped create the place it is today. I, on the other hand, would happily traipse through the fiery pits of hell with Satan because at least he can admit he is wrong. Why would people want to be in God's presence? If I met him right now I would demand answers as to why he has allowed diseases to tear through his world inflicting pain and torture on his innocent women and children; I want to know why he willingly allows people to fight wars in his name while he sits there in vain watching those innocent civilians die in his name and leads his people to segregation and pain. He wants us to have a strong sense of morality but where is his? In my opinion, God is a fairy tale; a tale that people would use to explain the unexplained, physics- people were and are petrified of the concept of everything not being given to us in answers and so they created a God to explain everything for them. The word of God literally lies in a book. Aren't we, in the eyes of God, supposed to be equal, cherished and created in his image so why does he show more care for some than others? In my view, this doesn't represent equality. Anyway, back to morality, do you even remember that? I strongly believe that a persons morality highly depends on the nature of such persons childhood. If for instance you are brought up in a neighbourhood of drug dealers and abusive parents then it is most likely that the child will grow up with a bad influence of drugs and will misuse drugs. Likewise, if a child is brought up in a rich estate with ponies and servants then the chances are reasonably high that they will turn out to be spoilt brats. Of course those views are based highly on stereotypes but you get my point. Parents embed the ideas in the children's head and henceforth the children will do it to the next generation and likewise the generation before will have passed them up. Assuming this theory is correct then the concludes that the world is a messed up place to live in. This also suggests that for as long as man there has been prejudice between humans. We have actual evidence of prejudice from Hitler towards the mass genocide of the Jews in the Holocaust to the Tudor period witch trials, the extermination of the Native Americans, homosexuals in the early 1900s and prejudice against women into the mid 20th century until suffrage. Prejudice has always been around and it will unfortunately, inevitably never end. The Human mind is not built to understand anyone else but yourself- we are vile, unfathomable creatures. I was a fool, just like what I have described above. I was an uneducated, self absorbed idiot. In this case, it wasn't my family who inflicted the beliefs onto me but it was my peers from school. The impact peers can have on one another is remarkable, we can inflict so much damage for such little reason just because they aren't in your category of "Normal" but is "normal" so good anyway? Is there anything wrong with a bit of uniqueness or originality, more often than not it is a nice change not a negative. When you are around people five days a week it is hard to avoid rumours and we know that most of the time the rumours are false but we all accepted they were true to fit in and be the "class clown"- I now ask myself why people can't just leave people in peace. Prejudice, unfortunately, doesn't just in school, it is everywhere: work, the streets and social media. The difference, however, in a working environment is that adults know what they are talking about whereas children don't; children are only informed the basics and in a biased view by guess who... the adults (yes, the ones who persistently claim they are more mature than children), therefore the children's oppression is generated not from their own minds but the communities. But, everyone is entitled to their own view but there is no reason to publicly announce them or inflict them on your children. For those who are theists: Why do people discriminate against others who are also God's creation? Do you honestly believe that God made a mistake creating different people, did he perhaps select the wrong mode whilst creating Homosexuals, Transgenders, or was he half asleep? No, he wasn't, everything that is here now is here for a purpose... I hope, or what is the point? God put everything here on the world to, in a way, make it a better place. Perhaps, he thought that by creating everyone different but thereby in his image would be a good thing... boy, was he sorely mistaken; he doesn't appear to be as omniscient as first thought. So, to conclude, all these thoughts, have in the last few years flowed in my head and made me see what an idiot I was. This is where the story begins:
© 2015 AlexJamesStrickland1Author's Note
Featured Review
1 Review Added on November 5, 2015 Last Updated on November 8, 2015 Author![]() AlexJamesStrickland1Portsmouth, Hampshire, United KingdomAboutI am a 15 (nearly 16) year old male from England and I am passionate about Writing. As well as writing I also like to spend time with my girlfriend and watch football. more..Writing