"to be no longer condemned" wow. pain has a way of pushing us away from everyone else. wishing and wanting belittles none of the sting. i particularly love the last line because it is a place than can be left behind. a new perspective can not only ease the pain but somehow give it purpose, as the lesson is learned we all become free....thank you for sharing-
"to be no longer condemned" wow. pain has a way of pushing us away from everyone else. wishing and wanting belittles none of the sting. i particularly love the last line because it is a place than can be left behind. a new perspective can not only ease the pain but somehow give it purpose, as the lesson is learned we all become free....thank you for sharing-
Such strength and emotion in this poem. The language was dark and the desire to be free of the pain. I like the flow of thoughts and some hope at the ending. A excellent poem.
My name is Alex Miller I've been writing poems and short stories since I was 8 I am now 16 and I enjoy poetry and understand it as if I were an adult. more..