

A Story by "Aleeza"

I guarantee that many of you can relate, but so many times I've gone to bed at night feeling as if so many things in my day was undone, not finished. It could be dishes, laundry, homework etc, but being undone is not just a chore that's left unfinished. It's a feeling, an emotion, a sense of feeling like you've not lived up to the expectations that others have placed on you, or the abnormally high expectations you've placed upon yourselves.

Maybe it's in the form of a relationship that has gone astray. Unfortunately, there are times when we have no control over the actions of others that have chosen to walk away, to disappear without a trace. I know that abandoned feeling all to well, and unfortunately so do my children. Maybe it's in the form of a loved one passing away before we get to say I love you one last time, and it all seems so surreal., like it's not really happening. I've been there too. Although In most cases, your loved one knew your love for them beforehand and was most likely very grateful to receive your gift of love.

Why do most relationships wither away? Well, I'm going to take a shot at it being a huge lack in communication. Not trusting and loving one another enough to have conversations, to just take a few extra moments in your day to share with one another. Whether it's a marriage, a friendship, siblings, co-workers etc, we all have the responsibility of communicating with one another. Lack of communication and truth begins to create dividers. A separation/a dividing of trust, security and love. We begin to fall apart, we begin to feel completely undone.

Well that holds true with our relationship with Christ as well. If you are anything like me, a person who is in love with Jesus and so hungry for biblical truth, then you know how exciting a relationship with Christ Jesus can be. But, if you are anything like me and you fall into these ruts where laziness and pride creeps in, then you can also relate to sometimes falling short in your relationship with the Lord, and you begin to ease up on your time in His word, your time in prayer. A time of filling your mind and spirit with His truth.

You begin handling things differently, you're less understanding, less compassionate. You easily overreact when the trials come your way. You fall apart at bad news, you literally become undone. You feel empty, alone, unable to push through your day. Go ahead and raise your heart to the Lord and repent if this is you, because it's definitely been me from time to time. The reality is that I've experienced so much hurt, abuse and pain in my life that I've allowed it to define who I am at times. And by allowing the past, the hurt, the pain, the lies that have been spoken over us to hold more value with us than the words written in God's Holy Bible, then we easily become undone.

That is why God instructs us to meditate on His word day and night. He is our peace, our comfort, the truth in which we hold onto. Some of us have lived our lives hearing that we're not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough etc. All lies, but then on the opposite spectrum we get involved in the Christian community and we are told that WE are worth it, We are enough, We are Sons and Daughters of the King. Yes, we are His sons and daughters, but when WE become so emerged in self love and self gratification, we tend to get so wrapped up and excited to finally see our worth that we begin constantly reminding ourselves of our worth, our own goodness. We elevate one anothers worth daily on social media instead of elevating the One who is Worthy. I absolutely believe in building one another up, it's a beautiful responsibility in the Kingdom of God, just not to the point of our Christian walk becoming more about us and less about the Lord.

When we turn away from the One who is Worthy and tell ourselves that we are the ones who are worth it, that we are enough, then we literally become undone the moment someone reminds us of our faults, our sin, our behavior, and we begin a downward spiral of self loathing and depression. Why? Because although God created us in His image and we are beautiful in His eyes, we've been programmed to make it about us. About what He can do for us, how He wants us to prosper, etc. (Not saying He doesn't) but when we learn and discipline ourselves to focus on elevating Christ and not ourselves, when our walk with Him and our relationship with Him becomes about Him and not ourselves, when we stop becoming the main focus, we have a lot less moments of becoming undone.

We are called to BE Holy as He is Holy. Being holy as He is holy is... BEING. It is putting into practice what we learn. It is emulating Him in our actions, our words, and our character. Leviticus 11:44 “…ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves… This is not a yes/no statement. No matter who we are, where we live or our status in life, we have been called to live holy and blameless before God. God wants us to desire His presence more than anything else so that we can be like Him in character and our actions.

So how do we stop allowing ourselves to become undone? We trust in the lord and we meditate on His word day and night.. We must keep our focus on Christ. We stop following our hearts and start following Jesus.. We stop elevating our own worth and we begin elevating the Lord our God who is the One who is Worthy! We become like Him in character, and by doing so we get better at keeping the lines of communication open with the people we love. We remind them of our love for them, and then we remind them of God's love for them. So that when we Face Trials of many kinds, we can count them as all joy - James 1: 1-2 Then and only then can we have less moments of becoming Undone!

© 2021 "Aleeza"

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Added on March 15, 2021
Last Updated on March 15, 2021




I have a tremendous passion to share my heart with anyone who is willing to listen. I write about the experiences I've lived throughout my life before and after accepting Christ. Everything I have wr.. more..
