Set Me Free From Me

Set Me Free From Me

A Story by "Aleeza"

We can be our worst enemy

As I woke up this morning I had a feeling very unsettled and naked in heart. As I slept last night I had a dream, and through this dream I believe God had revealed to me the truth, the truth about myself. A truth that I did not know or a truth I never wanted to know. The truth about what lies within a person’s heart. The actions we take, the words we speak throughout our lives are a true representation of what lies deep within us.

There were things revealed to me that I never realized and as angry as I was at myself for finding out those things about me, I was also excited to know God loved me enough to show me what needed to be changed within myself. One of my changes required me to swallow my pride and call someone to apologize to for my actions, which I must say was not easy. I pray daily that God continues to show me the things about myself that need to be tweaked so I can be more like Him.

Only God knows what lies in the deepest parts of our hearts, but if we watch closely to the things we say or the way we react to things, or maybe it’s the way we judge someone before we even know them. Maybe it’s the way we treat the people we’re the closest too. I know that as much as I love to love people and as much as I have a heart to serve and see others set free, I also have a way of doing or saying or feeling things that are not of God.

Some people will say; well that’s only human. Maybe it is, but once you make Christ the center of your life, you become a new creation. 2 Cor 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Now that we are children of God, we are to desire all things new, which include the way we act and react to all situations. Yes, only Christ is perfect, but are we not called to be Christ-like? How many of us have become frustrated or overwhelmed in our lives and reacted horribly? I know I have. The word of God says this in Matthew 15:11,18 Jesus said, “What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him ‘unclean,’ but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him ‘unclean…But things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man ‘unclean’.

There are many scripture in Gods word to back up what I’m saying about what we spew out of our mouths, and typically what is spewed out of our mouth in anger is what is truly in our hearts. That’s what I believe the lord showed me in my dream last night. When God reveals the truth to you it’s not always pretty, but it is extremely humbling. I want my mouth, my heart and my actions to represent my Father at all times.

I know that I love to love. Love is one of the greatest gifts to carry in my opinion. Even the word of God says: The greatest of these is love. Loving even the most un-lovable becomes a joy for me. I love to see the hard hearted break. Maybe because I spent most of my young life very hard hearted and once I truly knew Gods love, I wanted everyone I know to experience that same kind of love.

In order for God to use you in your full potential then you have to be purified with a clean heart. So even if you think your heart is clean and pure ask God to reveal to you what needs delivered within that heart of yours. It is the most humbling yet most awesome experience you will ever face. If God is taking the time to show you what will make you more effective in Him, then He must really love you and believe you are worth it.

It's one of His ways of showing you that you are called for righteousness. Ask God to be to bring revelation to your spirit and mind, and to create in you a clean and pure heart. Ask the Father to reveal to you what needs to be purified within you. God is the ultimate Revealer and He reveals to those who desire to be a witness for Him, those who desire to go out into the world and bring the lost to Christ. But, in order to be that witness, you must be willing to humble yourself and kill that flesh. Be willing to see the plank in your own eye and seek forgiveness if necessary. You see, what I speak to you I speak because these are personal things I've experienced myself, as you can see, through the revelation of my dream that I am not perfect in any way, my favorite book of the Bible is Revelations. Lately, I have been studying that book to the deepest depths of what I can understand. Now I ask for Gods understanding, I ask God to reveal to me what needs to be changed within me to be a better witness for Him.

It’s truly okay to be imperfect, to make mistakes. It’s what you do with them that makes the difference in who you are in Him. Humble yourself enough to allow God to reveal to you what makes you a better witness for Him. He loves you more than enough to reveal to you what your inner heart desires to know to be a greater testimony to Him. So if you truly desire to know the real things that have to be changed to be more like Christ, then go to Him and ask your Father to be the Revealer in your life and then be willing to change them. The truth is not always pretty and it may even bother you as it did me, but now I know what it is about me that I need to change. We often pray for God to change the ones around us, but how often do we ask Him to reveal the truth about ourselves and really mean it. Do you really want to know the truth? Are you ready to change what is not of Him and to make sure that it is He that is elevated in your life and not yourself?

In order to live out our full potential in Christ, in order to set the captives free, we must be free of ourselves. Have you died to self? Are you free from you?

Karen Smith - Hurl

© 2024 "Aleeza"

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Added on November 10, 2015
Last Updated on March 13, 2024




I have a tremendous passion to share my heart with anyone who is willing to listen. I write about the experiences I've lived throughout my life before and after accepting Christ. Everything I have wr.. more..

Undone Undone

A Story by "Aleeza"