Friends and Anger

Friends and Anger

A Chapter by AleahZody

"What is this feeling, so sudden and new?"

Lovely, turns out that that kid, Richard, is in five of my six classes, great. I was ripped out of thinking when someone asked “Do you know where I could buy a rubber snake?” their tone was more frustrated than curious. My body slowly turned and saw Rachel Wright and her two friends behind her. Camille had an expression like she didn’t want to be here and Francesca was holding out a rubber snake in her hand with a smug look on her face.

I sighed and before I could answer I heard Pam’s voice answer, “Oh, you can find all kinds of snakes at the corner of "your" and "stupid.” Yes, I know how bad Pam is at comebacks but she had a serious tone that made you think she was going to win this argument.

“Ha Ha! Not funny.” Rachel said in her nasally stuck-up voice.

“No! Really?” Pam said sarcastically.

Rachel rolled her eyes and speculated Pam. “Your clothes are disgusting.”

“So is your face.”

“How dare you!” Rachel gasped.

“Oh yeah, I dare.”

A sudden anger filled me up that I had never felt in a long time, since my parents died. I knew I had had enough with Rachel. She always ordered everyone around like she was the boss. “Rachel? Why don’t you patronize to someone who is actually listening? No one wants to hear your snobby voice and I don’t think anyone wants to see your face either.” I blurted out. Rachel was looking around to see if anyone heard what I said. And a good fifteen people were watching. Nice. Where did this sudden splurge of anger come from anyways?

“So why are you still here? Find someone who will actually listen to you. Cause me and Pam sure aren’t.” I said more loudly; making sure everyone heard.

With a stomp on the ground and a squeal, she turned around and walked away with Francesca keeping up and Camille dragging along.

When their body’s moved from my view, I could see the sixteenth person who was staring at our small conversation. Caleb. I gasped and he was paralyzed in place; he knew that he was caught.

Pam was ecstatic. “Who are you and what have you done with my semi-quiet Susan?” I grabbed her wrist and she was complaining but, I didn’t hear her.

I walked to him and folded my arms across my chest. From the corner of my eyes I saw Pam mimic my action.

“How much did you hear?” I asked because I was afraid he thought I always started trouble like this.

“Enough to know that you hold too much anger inside yourself.” He said in a sarcastic voice.

“Hello? What’s going on? Who are you?” Pam was frustrated; I forgot to introduce her to Caleb.

“This is Caleb…the umm…” before I could take a breath Caleb finished my sentence for me.

“The newest member to the fam.” he said very calmly. It was like he took the words from my mouth.

Pam looked at me and said, “Oh! So this is guy who hates you?” and then she stared at me with a smirk on her lips. I closed my eyes hoping when they were open I would realize it was all a dream. I opened them and they were both staring at me. Perfect… secrets out!

He looked at me and asked “You think I hate you?”

I sighed and told the truth, “Yes…I thought you hated me. It was just the way you acted, and you were always so…rude.”

He started laughing really loudly. “Susan” that’s the first time he said my name, “I told you had some anger to blow off, right?”

“Not in those exact words but, yeah I guess you did.” I answered still a little confused.

“Do you really think that I don’t have anger to blow off too? After my parents…died, I had a lot of anger wrapped inside of me. I think you do too. Your problem is that you’ve bottled it in for ten years.” He was staring at me while Pam was getting her book bag.

“Yeah.” I asked I was still a little confused.

“I didn’t mean to be make you think I hated you, Carrie, twins or Haley or Kirsten.” He actually said it like he meant it.

“Come on you guys! Haley and Kirsten are going to be waiting!” Pam said impatiently.

We all got our stuff and started to walk the short length to the door. “Wait, are you coming?” Caleb asked toward Pam’s direction, he sounded surprised.

“Yeah, do you have a problem with that?”

“No, no I was just…worried about space.” He said with a smirk on his face. We walked out the door to the Mustang that was probably not going to fit seven people.

“Mustang?” Pam asked with disgust making a distasteful face. He just nodded his head.

Nina, Nessa, Carrie, Kirsten, and Haley were already in the car when we started walking toward them. Haley had a smile on her face when we were in sight. She jumped out of the car and started walking to us.

“Hey Haley, how are you?” Pam asked while she hugged Haley.

“I’m doing fabulous Pam! I haven’t seen you lately are you coming over?” Haley asked.

“Yeah I am!” Pam said with excitement. Haley nodded her head and turned her view to Caleb. Oh, I wish I could read her mind! She looked suspicious.

“Well Caleb I see it’s getting better.” Haley said quietly. Caleb nodded once and got in the stylish car.

After Haley and I got in, Pam sighed, “Really? Did you ever think about getting a car that actually fits more than four people?” Pam said grunting after every few words.

“Fashion is better than safety” Kirsten said lightly. “If you’re going to have an accident tha"”Pam cut her off before she finished

“Let me guess…than you might as well do it in style.”

“That’s the spirit!” Kirsten said to annoy her…it worked.

“Ugh!” Pam sighed loudly.

When we got in the house the twins ran to my room; they like to rummage through my stuff. Carrie went to sit on Haley’s lap who was sitting on the futon in the living room. Kirsten grabbed a stack of beauty magazines and headed for the dining room table. Caleb went to sit by Haley. And Pam and I went to watch TV in the living room next to Haley, Carrie, and Caleb. We couldn’t help but to eavesdrop on Caleb and Haley conversation.

“So Caleb I see your warming up to school…and people.” Haley said while she shot a grateful glance at us. She knew we were listening.

“Umm…yeah school’s fine. I don’t know many people there though.” Caleb was distracted by the TV so he answered quickly, no doubt to get back to the TV series we were watching.

“How many people do you know Caleb?” Haley asked while her blue eyes were shining with curiosity. Caleb hesitated away from the TV during a commercial to answer her.

“I know umm…about seven or eight people.” He shrugged.

“Oh…that’s good.” Haley answered while Carrie slowly fell asleep.

“It’s not that much. I bet Pam and Susan know more than I do.” He answered lightly.

“Well, Susan knows more than I do.” Pam said

“No, I don’t!” I answered.

“Umm, yes you do. You know like half the school, but you just hang-out with me, which I am 100% grateful for!” she said.

“Whatever. Who do you know Caleb?” I asked, sure I knew a lot of people but they were those type of friends who were just there. You know those ones who pretend they’re your friend but you know they’d leave you in a split second if they could? Yep, those are the kind of people I knew, that’s why I hang-out with Pam and Charles, because I know they aren’t those types of people.

“I know a boy named Charles and a girl nam-” He started to say but Pam cut him off.

“You don’t need to say which ones a boy and which ones a girl…I think we know which name goes with witch gender” Pam said sarcastically.

“Ok then…Charles, Jake, Sasha, Richard, Josh, Blair, and Camille.” He said quietly.

“Camille?” Pam questioned.

“Yeah, Camille. She was one of my first friends when I got here.”

“Yeah” Pam snorted.

“Camille is sweet…she doesn’t like hanging out with Rachel and Francesca.” He said.

“We’ll ask her that tomorrow.”

“Pam, why don’t you stay over tonight?” Haley said, changing the subject.

“Sure! I’ll keep Susan company!”

After dinner, Pam ran to the bathroom to dye her hair pink and I went to get dressed for bed. I got my oversized white t-shirt that went down to my knees and my gray sweatpants. Rachel was sure a jerk today. That same anger filled me up when I just thought of her name. So I changed my thinking to Camille. She looked like she really didn’t want to be in that group. Maybe Caleb was right. I could invite her to lunch tomorrow. I’ll do that. My thinking quickly switched to that strange kid in the corner of most of my class " Richard. He must be so lonely. I wonder who would be friends with him. Wait…didn’t Caleb say he was friends with a boy named Richard?

I quickly shoved my head though the top of the shirt and walked down the hall. His room was at the last one. I hesitantly knocked on his door. He immediately opened it before I finished the second knock. He still had his jeans on but, his shirt was off. This was awkward. There was a moment of silence until I broke it.

“Could you put something on? Please?” I covered my eyes. I heard him chuckle before he put one on.

“You can look now.” I peeked and he had a dark blue t-shirt on. So I put my hand down.

“Earlier you said you were friends with someone named Richard.”

“Oh! Richard. Yeah I know him. What about him?”


“Yup.” What would I ask him? All I wanted to know is if he knew the jerk that pushed Pam and I.

“Does he have anger management problems?” I blurted out.

“Did he do something rude?” he had disappointment written all over his face.

“Does he push people normally?”

“Sometimes…” he started to stare at the floor.

“Well, he pushed me and Pam before class started.”

“I’m gonna have to talk to him…again.” He mumbled.

“That would e a good idea… well, I’m gonna go to bed.”

“Ok, night.” He shut his door and I ran back to my room.

Pam’s pink hair almost blinded me when I got in. “Where were you?” she asked.

“At Caleb’s room.” I answered jumping into my bed.


“One of his friends…Richard, is the one who pushed us.”

“Oh… I’ll be right back.” She left the room probably to have the same conversation with Caleb.

After she got back my room, Pam got a sleeping bag and laid it on the floor next to by bed. I looked at my digital clock it was 10:08. She sighed after I turned the lights off although the room was lit by the moonlight outside my window. She soon fell asleep before her usual talk-all-night-to-keep-Susan-up scam. I fell asleep soon after she started snoring.

I opened my eyes to moonlight. The moon shouldn’t still be out. How long did I sleep? I glanced at my clock. 10:11? That couldn’t be right, did I really only sleep for three minutes? There was sound that made me freeze in place: someone cleared their throat. I slowly turned my head to the sound.

© 2011 AleahZody

Author's Note

Please, comment and give me some feedback!!
Next chapter is definatly more exciting than this, I promise!!
I'm too excited to edit it. Haha.

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Added on February 9, 2011
Last Updated on February 9, 2011
Tags: deamons demons angels heaven Des




Hi, I'm Aleah and I like to write and I'm just really trying to get some MAJOR feedback on my writting skills. So please read my stories and give a girl a comment, thanks haha. more..

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