Ballad for John LennonA Poem by Aldo kraasThat is an old poem Written by Aldo kraasYou tried hard enough to change the world You tried hard to send a message to the world with all your songs You were an activist The kind that the world needed I don't think that the world was ready for you But you worked hard to send the message anyway Because you believed deep in your heart that it would do The world had been falling apart for sometime You kept working hard to bring the world closer You first attenp had failed So you kept on trying And you did You were persistent And in your mind you thought that you would achieve it somehow You knew that peace Was what the world needed You worked towards peace You wanted so badly to make peace with the world and the people People misunderstood you 26 years later all the messages that was written in all the songs You had composed lives on forever
© 2021 Aldo kraas |
Added on November 29, 2021 Last Updated on November 29, 2021 AuthorAldo kraasToronto, Ontario, CanadaAbouti am Aldo Kraas I been writing poems For 25 years In 2011 I self published 3 chapbooks more..Writing