One super villain character coming up

One super villain character coming up

A Story by Albert Freeman

For the ''Give me a Super Villain'' Contest.


Tiberius Karok

"The Swallower of Light"


Power: Master of shadows. Able to draw upon darkness and manipulate it. Can even use a persons shadow against them.

Weakness: Tiberius is vain, arrogant and loves intrigue to a fault. See's a conspiracy behind the simplest of reasons and is prone to bouts of paranoia.

Fighting style: Being a master at manipulating shadows and the darkness, Tiberius avoids physical activity and prefers to let his minions do the actual physical dirty work. When needed, he isn't above using a weapon above using his hands.

Likes and dislikes: Tiberius views himself as the only person who can right the ills of the world. He is warped by his thoughts that only he can bring order from chaos. The terror and madness he brings is easily rationalized by the knowledge that what he does is for the good of all in the long run.

Tiberius has an obsession with military strategy of old and is prone to quoting the sayings of past military geniuses to justify his actions. Being a decisive leader, he has no use for those who hesitate or doubt themselves.



© 2009 Albert Freeman

Author's Note

Albert Freeman
I have no idea how something like this could be reviewed, but would be cool to see.

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It is a good start and the character is actually interessant. All will indeed depend upon the way you will develop it. Has it something to do with the real Tiberius?

Posted 14 Years Ago

I think you have the art of creating amazing characters and visionary idea's when it comes to building a fantasy world, not a bad skill at all for a wonderful writer xxx

Posted 15 Years Ago

Great Villian. I love this guy is. Thank you for submitting and when it is all done, will seriously consider this one. If you do not mind, I have another contest called, "Give me a Super Hero or something. If you would like make a super hero for me.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 27, 2009


Albert Freeman
Albert Freeman

raymond, MS

I'm one of 5 boys born to my mother and father. My dad served 23 years in the Army. I served 6 years in the Air Force and enjoyed traveling to Korea, Japan, and Maryland while in. My interests vary, b.. more..
