When Denial Meets Reality

When Denial Meets Reality

A Story by Albert Freeman

A tragic story of addiction.


When Denial Meets Reality



    I have a problem. I've had it as long as I can remember. I'm going to need to lower my voice so my girlfriend doesn't hear my confession. I've struggled with denial for many years and this is a big step for me.


(Looks around nervously)


    Okay, come closer. This is between you and I. I'll need you to swear on the pink rubber bunny of tasty confections gone past. You see my addiction is one that I really don't want to beat. I'm a candy addict.


(Rocks back in chair and flashes indignant look.)


    Don't laugh or give me that look! It's a serious addiction! Not a day goes by when I don't crave it. I hear its siren call to me. Candies in all shapes and sizes. Candy from chocolate to caramel, from candy canes to cotton candy and all yummy stuff in between. It's my burden, my curse, my joy.


(Pleading look.)


    You're thinking of telling her! I can see it in your eyes. I'll deny it. I can quit anytime I want too. I don't need your pity. Do you have any candy on you? You see! It's always in my thoughts. In moments of weakness I've chased my girlfriend around the house and stalked her for her share of the candy. I can quit though, I assure you. I can.


(Mumbles and grumbles to self.)


    Remember you promised you wouldn't tell her. What do you mean you made no such promise? You did! Well you don't have to have a verbal agreement to agree. I don't care if you didn't nod. The rubber bunny requires a nod. Oh, stop with the sarcastic comments.


(Shakes head in disapproval.)


    I know where she keeps her secret stash of mints. Oh, I see your eyes have lit up. Good. If you keep quiet about me admitting this I'll raid her stash and we can both come out winners. Don't tell me that's wrong! What are you a moralist? You're going to do this when the mints could be in your hands? You'd never make it in my world! Not five minutes. People like me would take your candy from you like...well like taking it from a baby.




    Oh, fine! Get up and walk away. I don't know why I told you anyway. All you do is it healthy food. Go away. I didn't want to share my mints with you anyway. Umm...can we do this again tomorrow. Talking to a professional would be expensive. Don't wave your hands in disgust! It was a compliment to your abilities! You'll be back.




    Time to raid her mints before she comes in from the backyard. I really can quit when I want to.

© 2008 Albert Freeman

Author's Note

Albert Freeman
All reviews are welcome.

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What's your problem? What is it? Are you sick?

An addiction? To what? Coke? Crack? Crystal? Whatever it is, we can help you, buddy.

...A can...candy...a CANDY addict? Is that a medical term?

...And your girlfriend doesn't know this? Hasn't noticed it at ALL?

I never said I was going to tell her! Look pal, having this candy addiction is just as bad as drugs. Look at you! You're in denial! "I can quit anytime I want" well why don't you quit NOW. Right now. Get your filthy hands off of my M&M's.

Well I never said I WASN'T going to tell her either! Dude, you know how bad this is for you?! You could get diabetes, high blood pressure all kinds of s**t from this! Oh yeah, the rubber bunny is going to inject pure sugar into my veins if I don't agree. Boo hoo.

My eyes are lighting up because I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KNOW THAT. NO! I'm NOT going to help you! Do it yourself! You're the one with the addiction, not me! And if you're going to stoop so low as to STEAL your GIRLFRIEND'S MINTS, then maybe that should just be YOUR problem and not MINE.

SCREW YOU. I'm NOT a baby! I'M LEAVING. There are doctors for this kind of thing! UGH. Eat a carrot. *storms out*

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


and there goes those mints again, lol, yes, you get em this time, fully visually impacting work
written with a vivid, 3 dimensional view of the the circumstances, i really enjoyed where you took
the idea here albert, turning it into a candy adventure, a delightful dream cinsuming sweets,
this is a valentines dream for you and your love, the entire concept is positive and leaves the reader
feeling happier after having read it, great job, the idea
Okay, come closer. This is between you and I. I'll need you to swear on the pink rubber bunny of tasty confections gone past"

albert this is absolutely interactive and makes the reader part of the stroyline thats brilliant, imaginative,
lmao definitely, you should write others like this with different scenes that would be awsome as well.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

All you do is it healthy (maybe: all you eat is healthy food?)

This is GREAT! A guy addicted to candy. Richeous! I love the way you speak directly to the reader. Probably chocolate addicts get edgy reading your little blog here. I had to quit-I'm diabetic and I was getting out of control. Sometimes I sneak pastry though, with caramel or chocolate toppings and cream fillings.

My real addiction is salt water taffy. It comes in bags at Walmart for $1.88 BUT
It caused me to have abcesses in my mouth and lose two teeth. Guess I over-did it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

What's your problem? What is it? Are you sick?

An addiction? To what? Coke? Crack? Crystal? Whatever it is, we can help you, buddy.

...A can...candy...a CANDY addict? Is that a medical term?

...And your girlfriend doesn't know this? Hasn't noticed it at ALL?

I never said I was going to tell her! Look pal, having this candy addiction is just as bad as drugs. Look at you! You're in denial! "I can quit anytime I want" well why don't you quit NOW. Right now. Get your filthy hands off of my M&M's.

Well I never said I WASN'T going to tell her either! Dude, you know how bad this is for you?! You could get diabetes, high blood pressure all kinds of s**t from this! Oh yeah, the rubber bunny is going to inject pure sugar into my veins if I don't agree. Boo hoo.

My eyes are lighting up because I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KNOW THAT. NO! I'm NOT going to help you! Do it yourself! You're the one with the addiction, not me! And if you're going to stoop so low as to STEAL your GIRLFRIEND'S MINTS, then maybe that should just be YOUR problem and not MINE.

SCREW YOU. I'm NOT a baby! I'M LEAVING. There are doctors for this kind of thing! UGH. Eat a carrot. *storms out*

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

rofl this is so funny!!! awesome idea, im a candy addict myself, and lol this is hilarious, and so cute! great write,

Posted 16 Years Ago

LMAO you see why I adore you, you make me laugh when I have little to laugh about & for all interested parties, his girlfriend is well aware of his addiction. I have suffered the indignation of having to flee around the dining table while trying to retain my own LESSER portion of After Dinner Mints (to which Albert developed an unhealthy addiction). I was only trying to ensure he didn't overdose !!! Having said that, I felt there was some benefit to keeping him addicted.. (yes here I admit my failings :( ....) I too am addicted to candy (lollies as we Aussies call them) and hiding them in secret compartments of the fridge, while dishonest, was necessary to ensure I got my "fix" too. Please be aware that we aren't discussing drugs, but actual candy in the traditional wording..lol... Albert you truly are wonderful..lol Love you.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 2, 2008


Albert Freeman
Albert Freeman

raymond, MS

I'm one of 5 boys born to my mother and father. My dad served 23 years in the Army. I served 6 years in the Air Force and enjoyed traveling to Korea, Japan, and Maryland while in. My interests vary, b.. more..


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