Chapter 6: A Day of Crowns

Chapter 6: A Day of Crowns

A Chapter by Albert Freeman

Arturan's story




A Day Of Crowns

Arturan tugged at his silk collar once again and gritted his teeth. He had no love of pomp and ceremony and he was now willing to concede that there was none worse than the crowning of a new king. The great hall he now stood in was overcrowded with the nobility of this backwater kingdom and the few merchants and other commoners too powerful to be barred from the historic moment He did his best not to scowl and snarl as his patience grew shorter by the minute. The ceremony was well into it's second hour and when he had inquired when the prince would make his presence he had been incredulous when Wahric had replied with glee that they'd be looking if the prince showed up within the next three hours. Westim then had rebuked him and advised that if he had payed attention to his lessons he would have known this was the way of the country.

"If you keep scowling like that your face will freeze," Wahric said with a grin.

Arturan directed his scowl at his friend. "If it did, it would give me something to do instead of just wait. We've had half a hundred priests come through with blessing, at least a dozen bishops and go between types, three magicians to say this was an auspicious day, and now I think I see Ashian dancers coming down the carpeted floor." He stepped under the rope line that held everyone back from the raised carpeted walk that led to the throne and got a better look at the exotic veiled dancers as the danced, flipped and twisted down towards the throne.

"Six of them, I see," Westim said. He grabbed Arturan and led him back to his station. "A small fortune to get that many. Serishin sea shells upon them as well. Let us hope that he doesn't beggar his kingdom to impress before his crown."

''Think I'll make sure I talk to them either way," Wahric said with a grin. He turned to one of the ladies by his side and said something low to her. What ever he said made her giggle and put a hand possessively on his arm.

Arturan held back another scowl. He wondered how big a diplomatic scandal it would be if he left the coronation. He looked up and caught Westim eying him.
Westim sent him a warning look and shook his head as if he knew what Arturan was think. Arturan hated when the old veteran could follow his thoughts like that.

''It's not all bad, Arturan,'' one of the nobles standing near said with a grin.

Arturan shook his head. ''Rahany this is not how we do things," he told the young noble. ''I am just beyond amazed that this is a shortened version of this ceremony."

"I don't know," Wahric chimed in. "I wouldn't have minded a month of feasting and having my way...I mean such interesting discussions with the fine ladies of Diadem Riork."

Westim snorted while Arturan settled for a glare at his friend. Wahric and his healthy appetites. Arturan had stayed away from the welcoming hands and arms of the women of the southern nations. He had no use for their soft ways and the way they twisted words. He had even less use for the men though he had to admit grudgingly that not all of them were bad. Rahany Uth'Savory had been one of them he had grudgingly come to like these last few months. The Belaren lord had a quick mind despite his penchant for showing flashes of his youth.

''Well you are far from home at the moment," Rahany pointed out. "Why not settle in and enjoy yourself? There is no war to speak of here. This is suppose to be a joyous occasion." He leaned over to speak to two of the ladies at his side and whatever he said had them tittering and giggling. The women turned their frank gazes upon Arturan.

Arturan ignored their looks and turned his thoughts back onto the ceremony.
Chanting had now started, which managed to quiet the crowd and the great double doors opened once again. In came glitter girls dropping glitter after them as the made their way down the carpeted path. Behind them came a dozen pages, all from the wealthiest houses of the land. Next came ten knights of the royal guard, polished gray-gold armor glittering with their white cloaks flowing. Followed by at least two dozen other notables that Arturan tuned out.
Finally after all them came the Knight-Protector, sworn defender of the crown,
Magus Keronin, in the whitest armor that Arturan had laid eyes over. Full plaited armor judging by the ponderous steps the old man took, while being helped by two of the burliest of the royal guard.

Arturan was curious to know what the white stood for. It was almost laughable to think that all of the happenings in this farce had some special symbolic meaning. After righting himself the Knight-Protector was handed an elaborately jeweled sword. Arturan eyed the sword with scorn. It would never be good for combat. It was simply in use for the ceremony no doubt. The Knight-Protector was helped to the throne and he waited with everyone else.

Suddenly trumpets sounded and four pages came through the great doors dropping rose petals onto the floor as they went along. Fifteen paces behind them came the captain of the royal guard and two of the guard, followed by the royal family. After them trailed the Bishop of Diadem Riork---a portly old man, who looked to be no stranger to the rigors of a good meal. After the Bishop came the heir apparent himself, Prince Clangely.

When they all reached the throne the prince was seated on it with enough pump and ceremony to bring a sardonic smile to Arturan's face. The Bishop was looking back in the direction they had come from, no doubt in an attempt to locate were the food was going to be set up, and when they were going to be served. The Knight-Protector---Arturan thought him a fool for wearing such armor in the heat---pointed the great sword at the prince with obvious care using both hands and said some words that Arturan was unable to make out. He looked the room over with a slight frown when a sudden hush descended over it.
There was an expectation in the air, as if something beyond even the crowning of a king was about to take place.

The prince seemed about to do something, but hesitated and cast a look in the direction of the Bishop for help. The Bishop took his eyes reluctantly off the doors to give the prince a fatherly nod of approval along with a smile of encouragement. With that simple show of support it seemed that a collective relaxation rippled through the room. Clangely managed a weak smile and nodded in the direction of the Knight-Protector.

With that done, more trumpets sounded and, to Arturan's open astonishment, the roof split in half. It just...that was the only way he could think to describe it. He cursed under his breath when he thought it over. There was nothing behind this except simple gears and pulleys. They were simply going about their coronation and pulling out all the stops to impress the visiting dignitaries.

It took close to ten minutes for the roof to stop opening and for the trumpets to finally fall silent. The old Bishop was handed a gold encrusted staff,
decorated with enough jewels in it to buy a kingdom, and glared at the two clergymen who had brought it to him. The Bishop shuffled over to the prince and bang the staff on the floor three times. The crowd, which had began to whisper amongst themselves and grow restless, immediately fell back into silence. The Bishop stared out into the crowd with hardened eyes. He seemed to be as annoyed as Arturan was that things were taking so long. He beckoned towards the Captain of the Guard, causing the many jeweled rings on his fat fingers to glitter.

Arturan watched scornfully as the Captain jumped forward and made his way to the throne. The man did not look comfortable at all in his silks and velvet.
Arturan took him to be a seasoned soldier and that was surprising. He ignored the rest of the coronation content to let it play out. Luckily it was over in little more than a half hour. He did his duty and made his way to the throne like everyone else to pay respects to the new king. Afterwards he worked his way back into the crowd until he came up against a wall and leaned against it to start coldly at the people mingling.

It seemed that all the varied people of every nation could be seen in the vast hall. The people ranged from the Frexlorian's with their outlandish pinks and reds to his own dark and gloomy colors. He smiled darkly at the Recoran dignitaries. One could only guess at why they were looking at everyone with suspicious eyes. They were notorious at seeing enemies in every smile.
Emaries, with their single gold earrings in remembrance of their salvation,
chatted about trade and the latest rumors with several of the stoic Philosopher-Lords of Agrapa. Stiffly dressed Riparian's talked with flighty emissaries from Atrana. Arturan cared nothing for them or the hundreds of other fools wandering around the room.

All of this extravagance and luxuriousness was starting to put him on edge. It was not in his habit to be sullen or sulk, but it grated that he had been forced to be around these...people. It had not taken him long to realize that he could not believe at face value what many of the people said to him.
Everything that was said seemed to be a hint and something opposite of it.
Where he was from one said what one meant and got to the point.

He watched as Rahany made his way to him, while draped upon both arms he walked with two strikingly pretty ladies. Arturan arched an eye brow. "What do you want now, Rahany?" He barely glanced at the two women who openly looked him up and down.

Rahany just grinned at Arturan. "Nothing much, I assure you. As you can see people are already moving towards the royal ballrooms to more enjoy themselves." Seeing the languid look Arturan now had on his face caused Rahany's smile to slip slightly. "I wanted to introduce you too two lovely ladies I've known for years." Seeing his friend scanning the crowd instead of the women caused him to scowl. "Oh, come on Arturan. Break whatever vow of somberness you have and have some fun! We all deserve it after these last few days."

The lady on Rahany's left arm batted her eyes innocently at Arturan. She had on a dress splashed with the red and white stars of a Shamidaran high lady.
The other lady had a haughty look about her and wore a flowing dress white dress with dark red slashes and the pale yellow crescent of Sashar upon it.
They had a similar look about that that Arturan guessed made them cousins at the least. She looked him over as if measuring him up for something.

Rahany sent Arturan a slightly pleading look, before nodding his head graciously at the younger girl in the Shamidaran dress. "This is the princess Islana Moryar, of Shamidar." Islana gave a dazzling smile in Arturans direction followed by a deep curtsy that sat her mass of strawberry blond hair bouncing to a fro and the diamonds and gems laced in it to sparkling crazily.
Nodding enthusiastically at the other lady, Rahany spoke with some genuine affection in his voice. ''This delightful young lady is the princess Felani of Sashar."

Felani gave Arturan a cool appraising look that brought a ghost of a smile to his face in amusement. She then seemed to dismiss him from her thoughts as she turned to speak to a group that had drifted in their direction. An arrogant lot of people was what the southern nobility had turned into. Arrogant and childish in its needs and ways.

Islana stared openly at Arturan. She looked him up and down while toying with a ringlet of hair and slowly licking her lips. "Tell me, milord," she began in an almost breathless voice, "is it really as awful and dreary along the Shadow Mountains as they say?"

Arturan pushed away from the wall and kept his face carefully blank. He looked down at the woman. "I'd ask who would say it was dreary or awful, but I doubt I'd get the answer. To southerners use to the fatness and richness of living without fear it may seem that way one would suppose. The things we see on a daily basis are but myths to those of you who don't guard what we guard."

He watched as Islana turned pale and start to tremble before him. She took a step back from him and Felani pushed Rahany aside to put a arm around her.
Felani shot him a venomous look, which he returned with a dark look of his own. He dismissed both women and turned to look at Rahany. Rahany simply sighed and through up his hands in defeat before turning to murmur profuse apologies to the two women.

"Your highness'," Rahany said hastily. "You'll have to forgive my good friend here. The journey of so many months has clearly tired him. No doubt he is beyond exhausted with the whirl wind nation tours he has had to go through before his arrival here." He took Islana's arm with a full smile. "It is a fascinating story, I assure you. It would take hours upon hours to tell. One would even say it could rival the great epic, Avim Thundermaker. It is truly---"

"Avim Thundermaker?" Felani broke in cutting Rahany off. "I think not. I would imagine that it does not matter." She grabbed Islana, sent Arturan another look, and joined the rest of the people making their way to the ball rooms.

Rahany groaned and gave Arturan an accusing look. "You border landers scare me sometimes. Can't you relax and enjoy yourself for even a little while?" He rubbed the top of his head. "Either one of them would make a good catch for me or any other man here. I can only imagine how I shall get back in their good graces."

Arturan laughed and clapped Rahany on his shoulder. "I'm sure with your honey silvered tongue that it will take little time to get back in their good graces."

Rahany flashed his best smile, though it seemed a bit forced. He shrugged.
"Probably true. Why don't we find ourselves some other ladies? Maybe some who will show us greater appreciation for gracing them with our presence. They were beginning to bore me to be truthful."

Arturan looked at Rahany sideways. The man simply had no shame when it came to chasing women regardless of rank or station. He almost found himself envious of the mans carefree manner and ways. "I'm sure you will charm any of them with you fine southern sense of humor."

"I fancy your northern humor as well," Rahany replied. "Well, what little of it I have seen."

Arturan laughed. He felt himself relaxing and letting go of some of the guarded awareness. He led into the large ballroom and through the many group of delegates and others. They both weaved their way through the room until they reached the other side of it where they were met almost immediately by the new king.

The newly crowned king beamed at Arturan and Rahany. Arturan smiled back cautiously and looked at Rahany. Over the last few days he had heard that his friend and the newly crowned king had hit it off well. Rumor had it that Clangely had been trying to get Rahany to marry one of his sisters. He had four and none of them were attractive enough to catch Rahany's fancy.

"Rahany!" Clangely fairly shouted. He gave Arturan a puzzled look, until one of his ever hovering advisor's whispered urgently in his ear. Clangely's eye brows shot up. "Lord Arturan," he said with a smile. "All the way from along the Shadow Mountains. This is an honor. All I read are myths and wild stories like Mythril Dracus and Vanixtin Sextus's adventures. You must tell me if what they saw is really how it is!" He turned back to Rahany and shook his hand. "I have been looking all over for you!" He gave Rahany a bear hug, which took him by surprise.

Arturan stepped back to avoid the hug it seemed the king would give him too.
He settled for letting Clangely pat his arm. "Many blessings of the seven upon your coronation," Arturan said. He looked at the advisor's and servants and hanger ons that crowded behind the king. If this was what it meant to be a southern king Arturan was glad he would never get the opportunity to try it.

Clangely removed the gold and silver worked circlet that he had upon his head and leaned closer to Arturan and Rahany. "If I had known it would be ten times worse than when I was crown prince I would have gladly ran off to a monastery," he said with a whisper and grimace before stepping back with a smile once again upon his face. He rubbed at a scratch and red mark that the crown had left upon his head. It looked like he was about to set the crown down in one of the many high backed chairs that lined the walls, but reconsidered and put it back on with a sigh. "I've never seen so many people in my life," he said once again loud and boisterous. "I should have one of these every year!"

"I agree," Rahany said with a straight face.

"Do you need a wife, Rahany?" Rahany choked. Clangely turned anxiously back to Arturan. "How about you? Do you need one?"

"I see someone I know," Rahany said weakly. "With your leave, your majesty"
Before Clangely or Arturan could say anything, Rahany slipped off into the crowd and vanished.

Arturan looked at Clangely. "Thank you for the offer, your majesty, but my duties mean I must regretfully decline your offer. If things should ever change, of course, then you'll be the first person I make a calling too." He lifted his eyes and looked at a number of the people who were staring in his direction trying to see what business was taking place with the new king. They quickly averted their eyes in a pretense at looking at or doing other things.
Arturan gave them all a cynical sarcastic bow. He made his leave from the king, who was quickly swallowed up by other people who wanted to catch his ear, and made his way to the tables laden with food and drinks.

Southerners! As far as he was concerned they were all crazy. It would be hours before the dinner galas would start, so he would have to survive on snacks and appetizers until that time. He arrived one of the tables the same time one of the Dukes and Duchesses of Colimar arrived at it judging by the slashes and stripes upon coats, pants and dress. Servants stood ready to serve him whatever he wanted, but he waved them irritably away.

"They can be bothersome," the duke said with a smile and shake of his head.
"You must be this Arturan fellow that we have heard so much about. Our group is slated to travel with your group when you leave. It does me honor to meet you. I am Gerarz Vanakof." Gerarz clasped the hand of the duchess and drew her closer. "This is my lovely wife Gera. Twenty years together and going strong."

Arturan found himself smiling a genuine smile at the love and pride the two people shared. "It is my honor to know your names," he said. "Travel with you will honor my forefathers." He began helping himself to the meat and cheese platters. "Where I am from we can not afford to waste people doing simple serving jobs which a man or woman can do themselves."

Gerarz nodded in understanding. "That is true. Many of the people in this room could learn a lot from understanding what you do along those dread mountains."

"Now dear," Gera said, patting her husbands arm, "this is a time for celebration. Don't bring doom and gloom on this. Let the young man enjoy life while he can." She flashed Arturan a smile.

"I agree," Arturan said smoothly. "Better to celebrate this joyous occasion.
Your wife is beautiful and wise."

Gerarz beamed. "The Creator blessed me and allowed me to marry above myself"
He turned and kissed his wife upon her cheek. "His will has shone brightly for me in this."

"Her," Gera said, blushing and giving her husband loving looks.

Gerarz shrugged and gave Arturan a look over her head. He handed his wife a plate and they excused themselves to fill them with a light fare. Rahany eased his way up to Arturan's side to watch them go off with a speculative look on his face.

"If I didn't know better I'd swear you could play the Game well," Rahany said with an admiring look. He gave Arturan an exasperated look when Arturan gave him a blank stare. "You won favor of two of the most influential people here tonight and you don't have a clue who they are?"

Arturan shrugged. "Those two love birds?"

Rahany shot Arturan a disbelieving look. "Arturan, those 'love birds' control the Andreyorv Guild. They represent the gateway for all goods flowing from Ealdizar, Amosark, Abjure, Agrapa, Kanostra and who knows what other places.
Their people control all of that through treaties, contracts and what not. How can you not know who they are?" Looking too his left, Rahany grimaced slightly and grabbed Arturan's arm. "Don't look to your left," he said, while darting his eyes in that direction. "Just guess who is watching us like hawks."

"Members of the Recoran delegation again?" Arturan said. He was mildly amused by their amateur tactics. "I know you explained it to me a half dozen times,
but I'll still never understand how they seem to think I'm on some secret mission because I came into the city with the Faridan and Anerian delegation."

"It's how the Game is played," Rahany said. "Feints and counter moves and disinformation drive it. Just let's you know there is a lot going on under the surface. I never could stay in the Game because it had too many twists before the results would even show."

Arturan held in a frown. It was a whole lot of none sense piled on top of none sense. "I am getting tired of so many people staring at me and whispering behind their hands every time I come around though." He stared pointedly at the Recoran delegation and they moved off into the crowd. "This is the damndest farce I've ever found myself involved in."

Rahany grinned. "You learn to live with it after a few years. Just go with the flow and have some fun. Tweak their noses and laugh as they scramble to figure out what you meant and what you didn't mean."

"I suppose I can deal with it. It'll soon be over and I'll be far away from these children's games." Arturan turned and pointed to a large dish that had armor like red tails in it. They reminded him of scorpions or some such. "What are these?"

"Lobster," Rahany said. He gave Arturan a slightly disbelieving look. "You've never seen or had lobster before?"

"Maybe," Arturan replied noncommittally. He decided to pass up the lobster, as well as the rest of the food. He would settle for something to drink and eat at the formal dinner. He grabbed a glass from the tray of a passing servant and made his way over to a chair in the closest corner with Rahany following him still chattering up a storm.

"Ah, why am I not surprised to see you sitting in a corner away from all the action," a man said mildly.

Arturan looked up from his drink with a scowl. "What are you doing skulking around me, Varek?"

"Now is that any way to speak to a fellow border lander?" Varek asked Rahany.
His eyes glittered with amusement at the unease upon Rahany's face. Varek took a seat on the opposite side of Rahany away from Arturan and gave a wide smile at the dark look on Arturan's face. He smooth out the wrinkles in his dark red and gold inlaid coat and lounged back arrogantly to survey the room.

"I thought it would be entertaining to come over and add some fire to the rumor mongers." He nodded his head in the direction of a group of lord's and ladies who kept giving them glances as they talked amongst themselves.

Arturan scowled. "I don't need your help handling myself around southerners.
Why did you bother coming over to tell me the obvious? What scheme is being hatched in that head of yours, Varek?"

"Peace on you both," Rahany said with a uneasy smile. "I don't think we need a scene with you two trying to throttle each other over something that happened thousands of miles ago." He placed a bigger smile on his face and dropped his voice lower. "Wouldn't it be better if you called a truce to whatever is between the two of you?"

Arturan swallowed the remained of his glass and settled for another glare at Varek.

Varek arched an eye brow. "Your friend makes sense. What lies between us will always be there, but we needed give these people the entertainment they so desire. Besides I'm sure you already heard that within the week we'll both be leaving and traveling together." He shrugged at the look on Arturan's face.
"I wasn't too happy either Kingoric, but just like Westim, Perinor can be rather persuasive when need be."

"I bet," Arturan muttered. "Collared you and got very persuasive I imagine.
Why do I have a feeling he got hands on to make you come over here with an olive branch." He nodded in satisfaction at the flush that came upon Varek's face and the dark look he gave briefly. "I thought so."

"Never mind that Kingoric," Varek said. "I've said what I came to say. You can take it or leave it. Matters not too me." He stood up and stared at Arturan.
"Sooner or later we will settle this once and for all. Be it in the Gajin'Or or upon the field of battle." With that said, Varek made his way back into the crowd of people.

"What was that all about?" Rahany asked. "'Gajin'Or' doesn't sound like you two will be shaking hands anytime soon." He turned a curious eye on Arturan.
"What is it with you two. You've gone out of the way to avoid each other and even your friends and men-at-arms walk around each other as if on egg shells.
Where does the bad blood come from?"

Arturan found himself still staring after Varek and slowly unclenched balled fists. He took a deep breath and looked at Rahany. "It involves someone we both cared for and lost through foolish pride. Better left unspoken until it is resolved upon the field of honor once and for all. I need time to think,
Rahany. You'll have to excuse me." He walked away leaving Rahany staring after him perplexed and wondering.

© 2008 Albert Freeman

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Compartment 114
Compartment 114

Author's Note

Albert Freeman
Still have to do a few things with this chapter, but getting it up for now. All reviews are helpful.

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Added on March 16, 2008


Albert Freeman
Albert Freeman

raymond, MS

I'm one of 5 boys born to my mother and father. My dad served 23 years in the Army. I served 6 years in the Air Force and enjoyed traveling to Korea, Japan, and Maryland while in. My interests vary, b.. more..
