Time to Go

Time to Go

A Poem by Emanon

just a spooky poem i gues...:)




Time to Go


Embers burn and crackle

upon the flames...

Of the fire burning in the fire



You enter a dark mane of hair

burning green eyes...

My soul is stolen

In a flash of sweet fantastical majesty...

I give my will, my soul to thee


And I wonder...

What shall you do to me?


My sweet visitor of the night

Its dark the moon, barely hangs in the



Your eyes are hungry...

For my tender flesh

I will not, cannot be shy


My sweet visitor...

with handsome face

Give my pallid flesh a try


Oh, I'm glad, so glad...

you came to me


My sweet visitor of the night

your eyes they burn bright, like fire

I shall go where you please, oh please!

Please take me away!

Oh, please my sweet dark prince,

Is it time to go?


My sweet visitor so tall and handsome...

With coal black tufted mane upon...

Your large and...

deformed head...



What has happened!?


You were so entrancing...so

very handsome

Not just a moment or two ago



The magic must be fading for...

the illusion's dissipating and all I see...

Is your misshapen head, horns...

Protruding long and



But still I am lost for...

Already have I committed the sin...

And gave my will, my very soul unto you...

And my soul still is yours

Though you be devil of...

hideous guise


With not green eyes...

but sunken black and



Where I suppose eyes should go


I want to scream as you come


Dragging one mangled and

gnarled rotted leg upon the


with a scrape that slides...

Across my bones, my...



Your dripping fangs they gleam from

the moonlight...

Beaming through the window...

Oh! The moon was there all along...

But all I saw was your illusion...


Cruel demon of trickery, stealer of my soul!


You come closer, ever...


And the scream tears from my lips

And echoes in the hollows...

of the walls where rats...



But I cannot run...

my feet they shall not move...


I stare fearfully at you...

Demon of the full moon night...


My hideous and dark visitor

of the night

Sprung forth from hell...and from out

the darkest recesses of human...



Why have you come I want to scream,

to shout

But my lips do not move, no words

come out...

of my quivering lips...

As you venture ever closer...

I see your flesh seems still more grosser...

As your withered lips form a ghastly



'Time to go,' you say...

and I scream again but...

still my feet won't move

As your disfigured, decaying hands move forward...


As they touch my skin and lift me from the floor...

I am held...

In arms once so inviting now...

entirely frightening

That I fear...I may




And so I do

I die of fright in your arms...

You ghastly, ghoulish, grim and grisly demon...

of the night


But to my own sorrow, my soul...

does rise...

but to heaven will not go...

nor shall it stray...


As it floats above my body

And I stare at you through sceptre's eyes...


As your withered cracked and bloodless lips, smile

And say once more...


'Time to go.'

© 2009 Emanon

Author's Note

all reviews are greatly appreciated :)

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Added on January 31, 2009



Hollywood, FL

I am 21 years old am in a steady relationship with a man i truly love. I value individuality, creativity and beauty in all forms. I love to write, i have been writing poems and stories since i was eig.. more..

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