How Kind, The Morning

How Kind, The Morning

A Poem by Alan S Jeeves

6 quatrains, free

The morning is kind to me when I awaken
She dallies in waiting till I first peep my eyes
As one is half open and t'other half closed
Yet, both can detect her fresh, golden grin.

"Stay away darkness!" she seemingly says
"At least for now, let me take my turn"
So, darkness agrees and sleeps for a while
And the morning is grateful and laughs with the sun.

As the deer in the meadow bound for the woods
(The cover of darkness now is forfeit)
For, the trespassing deer are really quite shy
And morning has stalked them, back to their haunt.

Still, the morning is bold and hurries ahead
Nought stops her now, not even the rain,
As she braves it head on and shines through the diamonds
Gifting a rainbow, by my window to end.

But my window is closed and the rainbow stalls
And peers at himself in his own reflection
"Who is the fairest ?" asks he to himself,
He, gazing right back as the window is glass.

And what of myself ? what, then, of me ?
Remorses of yesterday spill all about
Then, the kind morning whispers (soon before noon)
"Ah! that was before - today, it is new!"

© 2022 Alan S Jeeves

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I enjoyed the personification in this piece Alan. Really captivating imagery. Morning is always the best time of day. Light over dark anytime. An accomplished write. Very well done.


Posted 2 Years Ago

Alan S Jeeves

2 Years Ago

Hi Chris, I am pleased that you enjoyed 'How Kind the Morning'. I don't write that many pieces in fr.. read more
I like how the speaker is set into this poem almost as a prop...for the sun, the darkness, the morning, the window and the rainbow, all personified..Who is the fairest of them the rainbow is looking into a mirror....and the last stanza brings us back to the speaker...who deftly asks "what about me?"
Are I not important, too?

Nicely verse with a true rhythm to it.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Alan S Jeeves

2 Years Ago

An excellent interpretation of this piece Jacob. Thanks for enjoying your read.
I think that .. read more
The "remorses of yesterday" do seem to spring up shortly after arising. Don't know why. But the morning, assisted by that first cup of coffee, does disperse them.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Alan S Jeeves

2 Years Ago

Each morning always brings something different for me John. The Yorkshire moors (where I live) are p.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on June 10, 2022
Last Updated on June 10, 2022
Tags: morning, rainbow


Alan S Jeeves
Alan S Jeeves

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I live among the Pennine Hills near Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, England. I was, though, born in Nelson, Lancashire., England. My days are spent writing, arranging and playing music - and also writing .. more..
