the man who stole the king's horse

the man who stole the king's horse

A Poem by alan khan

maybe it's a song


All the monarch’s men

Numbering in the thousands

They rode this b*****d into the sea.


And while he fell from high 
Down where the devil cries
He knew he would die 
Not for liberty.


For the man who stole the King’s horse

Knew only up and down.

He never pondered once

The weight of the crown.

He understood only the wind

And the howl it made

When he rode on the King’s horse.

Oh oh oh

He was the dead man who stole the King’s horse.


A man who can't lie

And who can't understand why

Won't last long in our world.

A hero he was not

A message mattered not He only wanted to ride that fat horse

Ride it straight into the sea.

Oh oh oh

He rode the king's fat horse into the sea.

© 2014 alan khan

My Review

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I'm trying to make sense of your prose. I can understand the man wanting to ride the King's horse but why into the sea? Did you intend to give the reader a hidden meaning or a moral issue for us to find?

Posted 2 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 28, 2014
Last Updated on October 28, 2014
Tags: lyrics, poem


alan khan
alan khan

Mint Hill, NC

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