How Did this happen!

How Did this happen!

A Story by Al

What is happening to women today. In a time when everything should get getting easier for women, why is it getting harder?



It’s a mans world, we all know this to be true, men don’t get older, they get better, on average men get paid more money for doing the same job as a women, if a women has too many sexual partners, she’s a w***e while a man is a stud!  Hey, I didn’t make the rules and honestly, my entire life, I really didn’t think much about it, why would I, I was lucky enough to be born on the right side of the gender lottery.  But then, through our creator’s infinite wisdom, I was given two beautiful daughters.   Now, all the sudden, the plight of a woman has become amazingly important to me.  One day I was sitting with my daughters watching a video on MTV and it really made me think about the future of my daughters.  Some of the lyrics in the song were:



Debbie just hit the wall
she never had it all
one Prozac a day
husbands a CPA
her dreams went out the door
when she turned twenty four
only been with one man
what happen to her plan?
Hit Song: ”1985”

Artist: Bowling For Soup
How did this happen?  Consider Debbie depicted in the song “1985” as a woman with all her dreams right in front of her.  She grew up thinking she can have it all and at the young age of just 24, her dreams went out the door.   How did this happen?  Dan Brown, author of the De Vinci Code gives us a little inside as to where this started, in the De Vinci Code he writes:

“The power of the female and her ability to produce life was once very sacred, but it posed a threat to the rise of the predominantly male church, and so the sacred feminine was demonized and called unclean.  It was man, not God, who created the concept of the “original sin”, whereby eve tasted of the apple and caused the downfall of the human race.  Woman was once the giver of life was now the enemy.”







In case you are wondering; Dan Brown is referring to is a verse from the bible, the book of Genesis to be more precise, the actual verse reads:


and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be
desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and
did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat
Genesis 3:006





According to the bible, not only did Eve commit the first “Sin”, but also she tempted and influenced her husband to do so as well and subsequently caused the downfall of the human race.  I didn’t realize that it was the first woman who screwed everything up for all of us, no wonder women are treated the way they are treated!  Do you realize that many religions that date before Christianity, women are sacred, women and sexuality went hand and hand, and there were actually women goddesses.  In the Christian Religion, the only woman we would even think of praying to is the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Don’t you find it interesting that the only woman that we get to worship is the “Virgin Mary”?  A woman that had a child but remained “Clean”, “Untouched” “A Virgin”!   As Dan Brown said, “it was man, not god that created the original sin”.  This is where it started; this was the smear campaign on women that dates back well over two-millennium. 



Fast forward to the 1950’s. 

Women had a lot to overcome; apparently because the first women ever created couldn’t control herself, we were all tossed out of paradise and honestly, people have been really pissed about that every since.  Over the thousands of years since this happened (or at least since this was written), women where no longer thought of as humans, they were property, only there to have a child, clean the house and have sex with her husband.  Women were no longer honored or sacred for their ability to have children.  They were not allowed to be unclean; they needed to remain a virgin until they got married, the bottom line is woman were not allowed to experience pleasure, they needed to suffer for the sins of their actions.  In essence, they lived their lives in servitude. 





But, in the United States things started to get better for women, women slowly started to breaking through the image of what a women was suppose to be and started to carve out their own path.  A path for Women!










By the 1950's, most women were raised to be housewives and moms.  Girls were taught from a young age that their job in life was to be married, have kids and raise them.  An important part of their job would be sex with their husbands (because that's where kids come from). There were strict religious, governmental and social prohibitions on premarital sex because sex was reserved as a “privilege” of marriage.  Your probably asking yourself right now, didn’t he say that things got better for women in the 50’s, this all seems like the life women have been leading for thousands of years?  The difference was in the 50’s women started controlling the household, many would say that women were the bosses of the household in the 50’s.  They took control of the house and became the Homemaker!  In the 50’s women had been voting for thirty years and a sense of pride was growing through out the female population.  For the first time in thousands of years, not only was the women's role very distinct from a man's role but it was being celebrated by both genders.  Women where put up on pedestals and worshiped again for doing what they were put on this earth to do. 




  “Women had more sex in the 1950’s then they do today”

The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction in America






Think about it, it’s 2008; we survived the sexual revolution, we are in age of self-awareness and self-discovery.  The Internet brings information to your doorstep.  Gays are allowed to marry in Vermont and even in California.  We are allowed to let our innermost sexual beings out to run naked on the lawn.  It should be a special time for all of us!  That being said, and this is a shout out to all the modern women of today.  Your Grand Mother had a better sex life then you do!  So I ask you, how far have you really come?









Why do you think women had a happier more fulfilling sex life in the 50’s then they do today?  BECAUSE THEY FELT GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES!   We all know that when a woman fells good about herself, she enjoys sex more!








In the 1950’s women where enjoying more power and more control then they have in thousands of years.  They were the backbone of American families, contrary to popular belief, they did control the family.  More importantly, they were creating a path for women!  You may not understand that statement now, but by the end of this article you will.  


Still Second Class Citizens:

Do not get me wrong, a lot of this article is tongue and cheek, but I am not stupid enough to think that you will believe that life was so wonderful for women in the 50’s and I want things to go back to the way they were at that time.  Let’s be realistic about it, women still had little rights in the 50’s.  At the time, no one talked about the abuses that women had to endure in their marriages, or the fact that woman were taken advantage of in the work force, women were still denied basic rights and although they where half the population, they had little to no say in the government.  Women were still thought of as being a second-class citizen.  Remember, we are talking about thousands of years of oppression towards women, but, in the 50’s women started gaining enough pride in themselves to demand change.  They wanted to and needed to be “Liberated”.  Which gave birth to the Women’s Liberation Movement of the 60’s and 70’s. 



What started out as a right and just cause for women actually pushed women back two thousand years into the past! 


What was the “Women’s Liberation Movement”?


Women’s Lib!  The truth is, I’ve researched it all over the Internet and realized that I’m not sure what it was.  There were so many groups of women, all trying to accomplish something slightly different.  The only common thread between all the different groups is they wanted more rights/equal rights for women and honestly I’m the first to stand up and say that women needed more rights/equal rights.  But the message got screwed up in the translation.  Women were taught (wrongfully) that they had to be more like men to be equal in all respects.  Apparently, "separate could never be equal".  Ironically, however, while the 1960's equal rights movement was suppose to be championing diversity (or differences), actual differences among the genders were being destroyed.  Women began to act like men to be equal, wearing pants, loosing their bras, and cutting their hair short, basically do what men do to be “equal” to them. 



Don’t Eat The Apple Again!









Thousands of years have passed since Eve took the fruit off the tree and ate it.  Women are just slightly beginning to get a glimpse of what paradise could be and low and behold, Gloria Steinem gets out her ladder, goes up the tree, plucks off the beautiful apple, wraps it in a “Liberation” and “Equal Rights” wrapper, serves it up all the women in the United States and while everyone ate, in the back ground you could hear the song, “I am women, hear me roar”!   








Gloria Steinem is the obvious poster girl of “the feminist movement”.  When I started writing this article, I thought she was just a symbol of the time and probably did not directly cause the path that modern women follow, but as I researched Gloria Steinem’s life, I realized she was directly connected to modern women and if you ask her, she would probably say she’s proud of what she had done.  She made a promise to our Nation, a promise that equality will be better, but it was never clear that equality did not mean women and men are the same!   Steinem once said: 










“We know that we can do what men can do, but we still don't know that men can do what women can do. That's absolutely crucial. We can't go on doing two jobs.”            

Gloria Steinem

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So let’s get this straight, to be equal in Gloria’s world, a 50/50 split is not good enough, it has to be 100/100!  Women are 100% ready and able to do whatever a man can do and men should be 100% ready and able to do what a woman can do.  That sums up how the “Women’s Liberation” movement became screwed up!  Women became so caught up with thinking to be equal they needed to be able to do everything a man can do, in essence become a man!  Do you know why this logic if flawed?

















In the 60’s and 70’s women were burning their bras because they wanted to show that if men did not need to wear bras, women did not need them either.  Did Gloria forget to tell these women that after they burn these bras they still had breast!  In Gloria’s statement above she’s saying it’s unfair that women are capable of doing everything a man can do, but it’s unclear as to whether a man can do what a can do.   Well, I’m going to clear it up for you Gloria, Men can not do what a women can do!  We cannot produce a life!  We joked above and said you still have breast after you burnt your bras; you have breast to feed the life you brought into this world, again, something a man cannot do. 


“A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space”






Gloria Steinem










Women in the 60’s simply blow their big chance!  They blow it!  Equal does not have to mean the same!   Cats don’t need to be Dogs in our society for us to love them just the same.  What Gloria didn’t realize is she had a chance, a chance to help create a path for women.  More importantly, their own path!  She didn’t take the time to realize what women truly wanted or needed, more importantly, what makes women special in our world.  Women are not placed on a pedestal to keep them in a prison, they are placed there because they can do something we can not do, they are the creators of life, they are nurtures of our young, they are capable of preparing the foundation for our future leaders, again, something men can not do.  Women are sacred and should be worshiped!  Women are equal as humans, of course, but they have different talents and these differences should be celebrated and not merged into equality. Somehow different cannot be equal.  Now women are expected to be housewives, work a job outside the home, stay young, and still have to bear children.







Look at women today; they are at odds with the Feminist Movement.  It’s almost a slap in the face to call a woman a feminist.  Women actually want to celebrate the fact that they are different from men, women should want to champion their differences.  But they can’t:








She was gonna be an actress
she was gonna be a star
she was gonna shake her a*s
on the hood of white snake car
her yellow SUV is now the enemy
looks at her average life
and nothing has been alright

Second Verse


Bowling for Soup “1985”



Look at Debbie from the song “1985” again.  She was going to be so much with her life and what happened to her?  She had kids, she needed to stay home with them and the promise that Gloria Steinem made to her was filled with unfair expectation that very few could live up to.  Her “Average” life sucks and nothing will ever be all right!



I don’t know what the answer would have been for women.  I agree that women rights needed to be reformed, I agree that women should have a major place in the workplace; I agree that women should have an active and equal role in our government.  Women have something to say.  It was man, not god that created the concept of the “original sin”.  This was done because men wanted to keep women down, men were somehow afraid of what women could do.  The sad part is, women almost need to start over; they need to figure out what it is to be a woman, celebrate and embrace the differences between men and women.  A mans path has already been created; women need to create their own path, a path for women!  And personally, I need it done soon, I have two young daughters, I do not want them to suffer the same faith!


© 2008 Al

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Oh God, that was deep. Interesting how you think about these things when you have children. Actually, some men never think about these things. I have often pondered the plight of modern women and the way we have totally screwed ourselves in our efforts to further our cause. Where are we now? Like you said, we are trying to compete with men in the workforce while raising our children, and trying to figure out who the hell we are. We are driving ourselves insane trying to look model perfect. We want to be sexy, but want to be respected. I want things to be fair, but your analogy of cats and dogs is perfect. Women and men ARE like cats and dogs, or apples and oranges. I went to see "Defending the Caveman", and the best thing I took away from it was a line about women needing to be protected and safe in the cave in order for them to do what they do best. That was to "create their magic". My husband can bring home all the money in the world and buy the best house and give us all the finest things. However, it is my job to create the "magic". It's not that he doesn't want to create magic. He just can't. At the risk of offending sensitive men....perhaps there are a very special few that can create that magic, It's mostly a woman thing. Just like it's a man thing that my husband can pick himself up and go to work everyday no matter what the circumstances of life are at any given time. His gramma can die, my daughter can be in the mental ward for threatening to commit suicide, my son can quit going to his college classes and decide to eat valium and drink vodka for a weekend, and that man can still go to work and do a good job. We both do our own things very well, we just have our own things. It's not just men that need to realize this, but also women. I just want to cry every time I hear a woman describe herself as "just a housewife". Anyway.....I loved this. It needs to be talked about. I have hope for your little girls. We will all get it right someday!!!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 21, 2008
Last Updated on May 22, 2008



New York

I guess the first thing I should say is I'm not a writer. My writing skills are terrible, but I do know how to tell a story. I also have a way of making people understand what I'm trying to say and .. more..