i wrote this when i'm bored taking lectures . .
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Good write , but I would have preferred a bit more structure in this , I really think that would bring out the punch ..
My favorite lines :
I used to know you from the start
But now I blame myself for knowing
you that far
this I feel is the centerpiece .. sometimes I feel as if a poem is centered around one single line or stanza of expression and the whole poem centers round it to fit itself to its expression .
It should begin, "You WERE so different when I KNEW you.' That way, it is parallel to your next line, which is in past-tense. Also, there's a line that should be 'we DID all the things that WERE worthwhile.' It would read much, much better that way.
Yes, people do change over time, and relationships end if the two people are suddenly moving in different directions, and wanting different things.
great work...reminds of a piece i wrote - "Butterfly"
everyone knows the feeling- relationships, friendships, and all else under the sky will eventually obey the rule of all things - they begin, and then they end.
A cry of personal puzzlement. In the end it is a poem that the reader either relates to, or does not. The reader would have to search around one's own acquaintances, lost friends, realtives to find someone who fits. Or, one would be looking at a close friend or relalive and be realising that he/she has changed. You are in touch with something here, but I think you need to take this as the inspirational part and craft it to its full potential.
Good work. Its sad when friendships turn out that way. Nicely written. Could use a little brushing up on the grammar end of it, but other than that its great. :)
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I LOVE MYSELF...!! :-P I am methodical,practical and a great friend....!!! I never make snap decisions, preferring to weigh the pros and cons of every.. more..