![]() Chapter Six ~ I Cannot Believe ItA Chapter by Allison![]() Wings![]()
~Albert's POV~
Walking to a park, I see a figure of a woman. Then soon two other people. I look closer to see it's Angel and Dylan, but who was the woman? Apparently she was the one giving the powers to Angel. She soon disappeared and there was Angel lying on the ground with wings. I watched carefully planning my attack on Dylan. He slowly walked toward Angel as though to wake her. "Hello, again, Dylan," I said gently with a smirk. "Great. What do you want?" he asked glaring. "Just to kill you and the girl." I simply said. "But why? What did we do to you?" "I have orders, and I have to follow them." It was quiet for a moment; he looked in thought. "What are you?" Now that was a question I never expected. I stood there baffled and stuttered, "I...I don't really know." Soon the wind started blowing and I heard, "He is a broken soul from this world or, as you might call him, a demon." "Demon? How can-? This can't be-!" Dylan stuttered. "Yes, so I'm that, big deal. But now you die!" I said, pulled out my sword, and charged at him. ~Angel's POV~ I fluttered my eyes open to see my arm that my head was lying on. I heard talking and sat up to see Dylan talking to Albert, but right after hearing, "Now you die!" I noticed Albert was charging at Dylan, and hearing the word "Fly!" in my mind I quickly grabbed Dylan. While grabbing him, I somehow began to fly. "Angel? How are-? Oh, your wings, Angel! You're flying!" Dylan said, amazed. "I am? But how did I receive wings?" I asked, confused. "The woman, Abigale, gave you wings somehow." "Well, now that I am using them. Where do we go?" "Let's go back to my house; we need some sleep." So after a few instructions, I flew us to his house and after landing I tried to look at my wings, but they are too hard to see when they are behind me. "I don't know how we'll tell this to my mom," he said, sort of chuckling. "I do not know, either." We walked inside and his mother asked us where we have been. "Just sitting at the park," he replied, looking back at me. "Okay, but aren't you going to take her home?" "She doesn't have a home." "Oh! Well, she can sleep on the couch then," his mother said, surprised and walked upstairs. "She does not notice my wings?" I asked Dylan. "Guess not...wait, they're gone?" "How?" "I don't know." His mother came back downstairs with some pillows and blankets and placed them on the couch. "Fix them however you please. And, Dylan, get to bed." she said, smiling. They both went upstairs to their rooms and I set up two pillows and a blanket to sleep with. After a few minutes I was fast asleep. ~Laylie's POV~ Finally, today will be better! I thought, getting excited. I ran downstairs and saw Pete look up at me while eating breakfast at the table. "Shut up, Pete," I said, rolling my eyes. "I didn't say anything!" he shouted, baffled. "I know what you're thinking," I glared. After that, I ate my breakfast then headed for Dylan's house. I wonder if Dylan and Angel were all right while I was gone. I thought, trying to think of what could have happened. After the few blocks, I showed up at his doorstep, knocked, and waited for a reply. The door opened to Dylan with a towel around his neck and wet hair. "Hi, Laylie, how's your leg?" he asked, shaking his hair. "Great! Where's Angel?" "Watching tv," he said, pointing to the living room. "May I come in?" "Of course." I walked to the living room and saw Angel mesmerized by the television. She was watching the news. In the news, it was talking about some murder and other things. "Hi, Angel, how are you?" "Great! Thank you for asking!" she said, looking at me. "So what happened while I was gone yesterday?" "Well...we went to the festival, and after it we were met by a woman named Abigale who gave her the power of an angel," Dylan explained. "Wow! I missed a lot then," I said, sort of bummed out. Dylan chuckled, "It's okay. It was actually sort of scary." "Well, it's still cool enough to be friends with an angel!! Where are your wings?" "I do not know. After we came here, they disappeared," Angel replied, looking back at the television. "Weird. I'm sticking with you guys like glue from now on!" Obviously disgusted, Angel asked, "Why do people kill others?" Dylan and I looked at each other, and Angel looked at us with questionable eyes. "Usually from anger or greed," Dylan decided to answer. "Really? So it is more close to selfishness, right?" "I suppose," Dylan shrugged. "So what do we have planned for today?" I asked, ready for adventures. ~Dylan's POV~ "I'm not so sure. It's not like we can chase Albert, he just poofs! And I don't even understand why I am some chosen one or something," I replied, sitting and placing my face in my hands. "Maybe to defeat evil?" Laylie asked as if to help. I then heard in my mind, "The sword, boy, you must find the sword in a grave you know of." "Sword?" I asked aloud. "Sword?" Angel and Laylie questioned back. "I think Abigale just talked to me in my head," I stated, feeling stupid. "I think that is how I flew! I heard someone say 'Fly!' and I knew what to do," Angel said with some excitement. "Okay, so I'm not crazy," I said with a smile of relief. "So what about a sword?" Laylie said, poking me in the arm like she always does. "She said I have to get a sword in a grave that I know." "Someone died recently in your family?" Angel asked with concern. "Yeah, my father," I said, looking at my feet. "Did he have a sword?" Laylie questioned. "I-I'm not sure. I know he had something he would never let me hold, when I was younger. He hid it, and it might have been a sword. It was too long ago," I said. searching my mind for clues. "Well, it could never hurt to search his grave," Laylie said casually. "I mean, he wasn't exactly buried." "He was not buried?" Angel asked with her obviously confused face. "He was to be in a...umm...some small house thing. I forget the name." "Well then, let's start there then," I said, standing up. © 2013 Allison
Author's Note
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