![]() ElvesA Story by TweedledeeA horse, pure white, galloped furiously over the
hills, his rider, Patrick, urging him on to go faster. Patrick’s blonde hair
was flying behind him in the wind and his blue eyes flashing against the icy
morning air. The horse’s hooves left deep, muddy imprints in the ground, the
sound of them like thunder slicing the air around them. As the horse and his
rider neared the summit of the Green Hill by the elven wood, the horse shied
suddenly and the knight was thrown from his back, there was a huge thud and a
clatter as the unfortunate knight crashed to the ground. As he slowly and blearily sat up he noticed a
small movement in the trees, blackness shifting upon blackness and got the
feeling that someone or something was watching him. He slowly walked toward the
edge of the forest, curious to know what it was, and then, as he got closer he
tripped over something, he looked down, and there, gazing up at him, was a tiny
green elf. ‘I’ve been waiting for you,’ it said. ‘Follow me.’ As if under a spell, Patrick followed the little
creature deep into the woods where animals fled in fear and tiny eyes seemed to
be peering out at them from behind every tree trunk, leaf and woodland flower.
As they went deeper and deeper in, Patrick began to feel uneasy, for although
the elf kept up a constant stream of irritating chatter, there were no other
sounds in the black and gloomy forest. ‘What is your name?’ asked Patrick at
last, ‘Saesajj,’ said the elf quietly. ‘Where are we going?’ He asked and
immediately wished he hadn’t for his voice sounded thin and unnatural in the
heavy silence. ‘You have to come with me,’ it whispered. ‘And what if I don’t?’
asked Patrick. ‘you will die.’ Said the elf simply. ‘Of course I’ll help you!’
said Patrick brightly, ‘what else?’ Several
hours later they reached a small clearing in the forest, the elf turned to him
and said, ‘do I have you word that you will help me?’ ‘Yes.’ Murmured Patrick,
bowing low before him. The elf sat on a stone and began to talk. ‘A long time ago my people ruled this land,
we would ride over the hills laughing and singing, without a care in the world.
Every day we would swim in the rivers and dance round fairy circles at night.
It was the best life anyone could wish for. And then the Red Elves came,
suddenly our days of dancing were over and we spent all our time fighting and
we fought bravely, but it was not enough, there was nothing we could do to stop
them. They took our land and our homes and destroyed our palace; their king
Morsqarn took our elven queen away and drove us out of the elven wood. We have
been hiding away for years now, waiting for someone to save us, and save our
queen Aisling. And that someone,’ said the elf bowing low to Patrick, ’that
someone is you.’ ‘W w w why m me?’ stammered Patrick. The elf
smiled and said, ‘because you are the chosen one.’ For many tiring days and nights Patrick and the
elf travelled through the forest searching for the base of the Red Elves. The
forest was dark and nothing was there except endless trees. He thought there
were eyes upon him everywhere but there was nothing to my seen. The elf kept
talking non-stop, insisting on telling Patrick his complete family history:
‘first there was Zeezee I, then he married Elzatcha II and they had three
children called Sorphe I, Ferastlst III and Teralsion II…’ According to the
elf, word had travelled through the forest who they were and what they were
doing. No animals came near them and birds stopped singing at the sight of
them. Then at last they came to the gateway to the Red elven world. As they stepped towards it, invisible hands seemed
to push them away. But Patrick pushed on giving strength to the tiny elf behind
him. Flames roared up around him but he didn’t flinch, small red-winged birds
pecked at them and tiny red animals tore at their feet. But then at last they
were through, into the angry redness of the Red Elf hideaway. ‘We have reached the temple of fire!’ cried the
elf. At the sound of his high and babyish voice the earth beneath them began to
rumble and shake, the very air they were breathing seemed to move and become
heavy. Scarlet dust fell from the ceiling and ruby smoke came billowing towards
them. Then, through the thick clouds came the sound of thousands of marching
feet, and voices crying, screaming, yelling, through the smoke the sounds of
their voices chanting, ‘kill, kill
,kill.’ They were surrounded. ‘RUN!!!’ yelled Patrick at the top of his voice,
and, grabbing the elf, sprinted into the oncoming hoards of elves. Except they
weren’t there. As the smoke thinned there was only emptiness around them,
nothing but a small hole in there wall from which the fearsome chanting
marching sounds had come from. ‘It was a trick,’ muttered the elf. Warily peering around they walked down a long red
corridor that had appeared in the wall, looking back, they saw the doorway had
vanished. Now silently sweating in the
rapidly increasing heat they were struggling to stay awake, the elf fell to its
tiny knees almost crying in the heat. Patrick simply picked him up and slung
him over his shoulders and carried on, stumbling now and then, faltering in the
heat. Suddenly a group of bright red elves rushed out
with swords and pitchforks to rival those in Hell belong to the devil. They
struck at Patrick again and again swarming over him, seemingly multiplying
every few seconds, he fought back, struggling wildly, thrashing his arms and feet
until he fainted with pain and shock as they overcame him and dragged him away.
But nobody seemed to notice the little green elf in the corner, so covered in
blood that he seemed to be one of them… When Patrick woke he was in a small dark red room,
so dark that it was almost black. He stood up glancing around him, making sure
nobody was creeping up on him. They weren’t. Then the screaming started, so
loud and terrified, the sound of someone in pain. Patrick leapt up and ran at
the walls, beating them with his fists, screaming as well, crying in sympathy
with the poor tortured soul. Then the wall vanished and Patrick was left
dangling by his scabbard from a knife, then he blinked. He was in some sort of
torture chamber where the walls were covered in knives and the floor was a
roaring inferno of crimson fire and scarlet sparks, cerise smoke was billowing
up and the sharp smell of burning stung his nose. He shut his eyes and tried not to panic, saying
over and over to himself, ‘there is nothing there, it doesn’t exist, I am
imagining it.’ He started saying it out loud, louder and louder, shouting it
and yelling it. ‘THERE IS NOTHING THERE, IT DOESN’T EXIST, I AM IMAGINING IT!’ And the fire vanished. The knife gave way and Patrick fell to the ground.
The moment he touched the floor he ran, ran as fast as he could. He ran down
endless maze-like corridors, twisting round bends, sliding at corners, his
emerald green armour clashing with the bright red of the walls making him so
very obvious. At last, Patrick, too tired to run any more, sank down in one
small darkened red corner and slept deeply, too tired to watch out for
attackers. He was woken some hours later by a small red elf
tapping on his shoulder; Patrick immediately jumped up and edged away. ‘Do not
worry!’ the elf squeaked, ‘it is I! Saesajj! Have no fear for I am here!’ he
was jumping around clapping his tiny hands and acting as though he had gone out
of his tiny little mind with happiness. ‘What’s happened S…s…searsla? He
whispered loudly, ‘Saesajj,’ said the elf disapprovingly, ‘and what has
happened is that I have found the way to the banquet hall where you will fight
a duel with the Grand High Master of Red Elves!’ ‘And you’re telling me this
now?’ groaned Patrick. ‘When else?’ said the elf briskly and clicking his
fingers strode out of sight down the hallway. Patrick hesitated then followed. What seemed like hours later, walking down endless
identical corridors, Patrick and Saesajj reached a pair of doors. But these
weren’t just any doors, these were the BIGGEST doors Patrick had ever seen,
they were intricately carved in gold and jewels depicting the Red Elves victory
and conquer over the Green Elves. Patrick shivered. The figures seemed to move and
glare down at him. ‘Here we are Patricky my friend,’ almost sang the elf.
‘Lucky me,’ said Patrick sarcastically. Pushing open the huge doors, shivering
in apprehension, Patrick went in. It was like a huge amphitheatre and Patrick could
well imagine other people coming here shivering at the sights that beheld them.
There were thousands of red elves with sharp pointed faces and cruel glowing
eyes, sitting in row upon row. Golden flames rose up in ginormous pillared
columns and fireballs rained from the sky then hung suspended in mid-air. But
the most terrifying thing in the room was right at the very end, sitting on a
flaming throne, holding a sword of ruby fire and glaring down at Patrick was an
elf who couldn’t be anyone but the Grand High Master Red elf. High above them, struggling in an angry red cage,
tears streaming down her beautiful cheeks, was Aisling, queen of the green
elves. It was hard to believe it was her though for she was dressed in red rags
and was dirty, her beautiful white blonde hair was tousled and her emerald eyes
were rimmed red from years of unhappy tears. A fierce anger at once rose in Patrick and tossed
all thoughts of fear from his mind. He was here to save the queen. Marching up
to the throne he yelled up at the master elf, ‘the duel if you please for there
is no time to waste.’ The master elf sniggered and glared down at Patrick. ‘Who
is this feeble mortal who dares to challenge me a duel?’ ‘’tis I, Patrick the
seventh, ruler of the green and heir to the castle of Granadia. So, a duel if
you will.’ The elf raised himself up in his seat. ‘So be it
mortal.’ ‘Patrick is my name you monster. Use it and cower in fear from it for
in years to come you will crouch in fear when you hear it remembering the
fateful day when you were beaten by a mortal human!’ Hissed Patrick, ‘now, En
Garde!’ The elf leapt from his seat and they began to
duel, the clashes of steel rang high in the air and the elven queen raised her
head in hope. Patrick and Morsqarn circled each other in a deadly dance, they
struck and ducked and weaved, each able to do nothing more than scratch each
other. This was the play of two master swordsmen and they were equally matched.
Suddenly Patrick stumbled, he fell and Morsqarn raised his sword for the kill
and laughing now brought it crashing down on Patrick pausing only to spit down
on him in contempt. But Patrick had found new strength; he rolled between
Morsqarn’s legs, stood up elegantly then thrust his sword through the black
heart of his opponent. There was a silence, no-one moved, there was
hardly a breath of sound in the air. Then the wails of the Red Elves began, so
loud they could burst ear drums. Patrick fell to his knees but as he did so the
wailing stopped. The elves had vanished. He was alone apart from Aisling and
Saesajj. He had won. Saesajj rushed in crying: ‘the curse is lifted! We are
free!’ the cage above them burst open and as it did so the redness from the
whole palace vanished and was replaced by a warm glowing green light. The doors burst open and thousands of green elves
came rushing in, they surrounded Patrick and lifted him off his feet. Patrick
begged to be put down but they wouldn’t, they were too happy to put down their
hero just then. ‘Silence,’ came the low musical voice from the
stage where the fire throne had stood. Everywhere was quiet again as Patrick
was put down and everyone turned to the stage. There was a gasp as everyone saw
Aisling, their beautiful, magnificent queen her elegant wings were spread in a
fine mist of silver and her eyes were sparkling. There was a small rustle and
everyone, including Patrick sank to their knees. ‘You may rise,’ came the
lovely voice again. Aisling motioned to Patrick to come forward; he did so and
stood next to her on the stage. ‘Patrick, you did a brave and wonderful thing
today, you saved my people and myself from the reign of the Red Elves. Now that
reign is over and they are banished to the challenger’s hills until they prove
themselves worthy of the green Kingdom. I know you must return home but we
shall grant you one wish as a reward, what shall it be?’ Everyone looked at Patrick, he swallowed,
wondering if he dared ask, then he took a deep breath and spoke. ‘Elves I thank
you for your kindness but there is only one thing I could wish for now and only
one person could give that to me.’ He turned to Aisling, and said: ‘Aisling, I
could never love another human as much as I have fallen in love with you, I can
no longer return to the mortal world, so I ask you, will you be my Queen? There was silence as Aisling turned her eyes on
Patrick. The look in them was hard and his heart sank, then it softened, and
when she smiled at him with her golden smile and beautiful eyes, Patrick knew
that he was finally home where he belonged. © 2012 TweedledeeAuthor's Note
Added on February 2, 2012 Last Updated on February 2, 2012 Author