There are some people That are stuck in life That don't know how To get out of the rut of The rat race if the door Was sitting right in front Of their faces and there Was a sign saying exit here Or if their very lives and Existence depended on them Rejecting the rat race and Finding the door for Themselves they would Rather eat the poison And die than live And be free from The race of the grind These people I call lifers They have a "life" plan Or "life" goals that they Want to follow and They have to follow The road to success To make it to the top Buying into the "life" Or the American dream That is toxic and deadly To begin with and will Ultimately lead to the Destruction of your Soul and your mind And yourself trying To keep up with the "life You have to be willing To let go of the material And let go of the rat race And find the truth behind Life and true happiness Is to give and to receive Rather than trying to Take whatever you can From whoever you can Just to support your "life".
Absolutely. I agree with what you say, and well material was made to distract us from the truth we shouldn't cry for material. Anyways, great poem like always an amazing message.
yeah,definitely right:)I liked how you used simple words whenever you write your poem,,I can be able to understand it clearly and get the message into it,,because for me Sir,It's not how you used a very deep terms or phrases in your poems,or how perfect the imagery is,,,what matter most is the MESSAGE!!and now I can say that I AM A LIFER,,thanks for sharing:)
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
I am really glad you can feel that message and the simplicity in my writing.
The 'American Dream' was not supposed to be one of take all I can get and squash everyone on the's message was one of 'freedom' and the road to prosperity and success. Two kids, a house, a dog...blahblah. I get the message behind this, but I do not agree with how you went about delivering it.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
But I am more representing what it has become to some. Not necessarily every one.
11 Years Ago
I did say I got the message behind it, I understand totally, just felt it was misrepresented. Just .. read moreI did say I got the message behind it, I understand totally, just felt it was misrepresented. Just my opinion, it's your poetry. ;-)
Yes very true I can't stand the rat race and walk on a different path to the rest of the world. Most are blind sheep being led to the slather. Nice Write.
My name is Ahmad and I have posted a lot of my poetry on but I wanted to check out this site and see if I can start posting and reading poetry here. more..