Love is forever Love is the key Love is the thing That holds the Universe together And sets us free Love is what binds Us together and Allows our hearts To soar and dance Our hearts long for Love we all want To be loved in our Own way we have To accept the love That is in our own Hearts to let go of The fear and hate And depression That can easily Come from the Attacks of the Mind that we Have to endure Life has a way Teaching us in Different ways We all have our Own journeys And trials to take But its that love That ever lasting Love that is in Your heart all Along that will Get you through And help you To truly love Yourself so that You can love Others as well
I really applaud you for bringing such passion and truth to your poems. Very well done :)
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
I really appreciate that coming from you. I wanted to write a more positive piece on love to share l.. read moreI really appreciate that coming from you. I wanted to write a more positive piece on love to share love through my poetry in a different way than the romantic love we are used to seeing.
Love is the ground in which evolving consciousness is rooted. The ground of love is always been perfect and unpolluted and always will be. Consciousness evolves and spreads when we act as stewards and nourish it. Consciousness never dies for it is rooted in perfect ground, but to nourish it to fruition is up to us.
At least this is how I read this! have spoken words of truth here...
" to let go of
The fear and hate
And depression
That can easily
Come from the
Attacks of the
Mind"...this alone can keep us paralyzed, afraid to give of our hearts freely again...:) A great write with wisdom sprinkled in-between for good measure...thank you for sharing...:)
My name is Ahmad and I have posted a lot of my poetry on but I wanted to check out this site and see if I can start posting and reading poetry here. more..