![]() A History LessonA Chapter by Aedonix![]() A brief history of time so to speak as Syreena explains her history![]() As Syreena, the golden dragon began to speak, he could see his vision blur and fade out as the scene changed. He smiled inwardly to himself noting that this seemed a bit similar to the dream sequences in so many movies he had seen in the past. He looked over to where she was now sitting upright and noticed that she was translucent. He then looked at his own hands and noticed that he too was translucent and they both were floating about 8 feet from the ground.
“what I am showing you now happens in your future. This is the event that is the pivotal point of our mission. Do feel free to talk, to ask questions if you need to, you can neither be seen nor heard and you will be unable to interact with anything you see so don't worry about going in to take a closer look at things.”
Chris nodded his understanding to the great golden creature and surveyed the scene before him.
They were in what appeared to be some sort of official governmental chamber at his best guess. Before them was a long crescent shaped table and at that table were 20 ornately carved chairs with high backs and plush velvet looking seat cushions, in the centre of those chairs was one larger chair, more ornately carved and stood out and being much more grand in nature, From it's back was draped a rich purple and gold tapestry with what appeared to be some sort of crest on it.
He guessed that this must be the seat of the leader of this gathering. That his position was emphasised by the more grand looking chair. Or maybe even throne? He wasn't entirely sure. The room itself was adorned with golden fixtures, they appeared to be older style gas lamps, similar to those found on his own world yet they had a much more intense glow emanating from them than you would get from gas, or even an electric light bulb.
Also placed on the walls at regular intervals were tapestries, banner -like in their nature each depicting a dragon and had script written below them which was unfamiliar to him and certainly unreadable to him. The dragons seemed to be divided into several groups who seemed to be grouped by their colour. There were golden ones like Syreena, there were black ones, blue ones red and green represented as well.
There was however one banner which stood out from all the others. It was larger in size and it lacked the script beneath the image. The image on it was of a pure white dragon. The way the tapestry had been made, it almost appeared that this particular dragon was revered as a god, or some kind of greater power.
The room began to fill as dragons of all the different colours entered the chamber and stood upon the crest emblazoned into the floor at the centre of the semi-circular table and transformed into a humanoid shape. Not exactly human as they still retained distinctly dragon-like features facially and their limbs were slightly longer than the proportions of a humans although he couldn't really tell about the legs as each of them wore a long robe that reached the ground.
Each dragon in turn took their seats leaving only the larger chair empty. One last dragon entered the chamber, it was considerably larger than the others and it too went to the crest at the centre of the chamber and also transformed into the form of a humanoid before taking the larger chair and sitting down in it.
“This was the meeting where the Great Misunderstanding as it has come to be known happened.” Syreena began. “To fill you in on the details, the dragons you see before you are separated into groups. There are Dragons of Order who prefer logic, black and white thinking so to speak, they believe that that logic should be imposed on every living being in existence as it would eliminate all of the conflicts and problems. Then there are the Chaos Dragons. They provide unpredictability, conflict, and all that sort of thing. They are the counter to the Order dragons. Without one, the other cannot exist. Chaos brings about creativity, thinking outside of the box and is responsible for many of the inventions, ideas and discoveries that your world has seen over the last several millennia.”
As Syreena explained the dragons roles Chris watched as the debate in the chamber seemed to heat up.
“The last group are the Balance Dragons. They exist to make sure that neither the chaos, nor the Order dragons ever gain too much power and influence.” she continued. “It was the leader of the balance dragons who caused the misunderstanding. As you can see before you, the two sides got very heated as was usual in these gatherings and the leader of the balances grew impatient at the bickering that was going on and in a rash moment made a statement that upset all sides. As a result of this, both the Order and Chaos groups began to try to figure out a way to eliminate the other 2 groups, leaving them as the sole force.”
“Of course should this happen, it would cause devastation to just about everything. Even the balance Dragons on their own would cause major disruption as the occasional episodes of chaos and order are what drives forward imagination and creativity, or ushers in new eras in evolution.”
The chamber faded out and they found themselves in a very white room with banks of machinery, computers and various substances lined up on bottled on shelves. There were highly polished tables dotted around with various chemical experiments cooking away and several dragon like human scurrying about the place tending to data and projects. Syreena pointed to a small lab in the corner of the room in which a sole dragon was busily working away.
“Our kind are literally hundreds of millennia old. A death of one of our kind only happens very rarely, and usually only then from self-sacrifice.” She drew a breath and with a heavy heart continued, “Only once in our history has one dragon ever killed another and only once had a dragon ever killed itself. The latter was the same dragon who had killed the other Dragon. Over the course of several millennia the guilt and remorse for his act drove him mad and he would find only one way out of the suffering and that was to take his own life.”
She gestured in a sweeping motion across the entire room.
“What you see here is the research facility of the Dragons of Order. They had come up with a plan to establish themselves as the only dragons to have ever existed. In that room over there, one of them is about to perfect the means of travelling backwards through time. The plan is to go to the dawning of the order of ALL the dragons and literally process, select and kill off any eggs that are not going to be Order young.”
“Of course this cannot be allowed to happen and had to be stopped at all costs. So one of the Order dragons realised what they were planning and intervened, turning the destination time back much further than had been originally set. Causing the portal to deliver the entire Order army to a time far before the events they wanted to change had happened.”
“There were seven chosen to travel back. The seven order dragons who were regarded to be the wisest and most dedicated to the cause and to her surprise, she was designated as one of them. This was to be a one way trip though as there was no way to return again. Once the portal was stepped through, you would be trapped in the past, having to re-live time again.”
“For some years after the Initial seven had stepped through the portal determined to secure their place as the only race of Dragons ever to have existed, a group of chaos dragons overtook the surrounding area in a territory war. The stumbled across the lab by accident and upon finding the time travel device, also stepped through it, to emerge at seemingly exactly the same time as the original group had.”
“Of course, the elders of the Balance Dragons discovered this and knowing that the three way balancing act must be maintained at all costs, sent a group of seven of their own to the portal and went through, another was given the instructions to destroy the device after they had departed so that no more could ever get through.”
“So, in all, twenty-one dragons went back to the past. Seven Balance, Seven Chaos and Seven Order. I am one of those 21. I am balance.” “While we are powerful and wield many spiritual gifts, gifts that you might describe as magic, trickery, manipulation or any other of a hundred words, without a human counterpart we are unable to actually USE any of those powers. It was a side effect of the time Travel that none of us had expected.”
“I had to live through almost an eternity before I was joined to Jessica. She was born as all humans are, but it was not until her birth that I felt a strange calling, a need and a desire to seek her out. I was drawn to her and it was an impossible draw, there was no way I could have resisted it until we finally were in the same time and place and she embraced me, my essence and we became one.”
“We are now an intrinsic part of one another. In our joining both halves of our whole have become better, stronger and much more powerful. Jessica was born with latent psychic powers, an Empath by nature but those gifts in her lied dormant until our joining. Even now she is discovering new aspects of herself on nearly a daily basis as am I as well. I knew my powers which the device had taken, but I am also discovering new ones too.”
The room once again faded and they were seated next to the pond again. Syreena began to glow again and her form shifted back to that of the young girl Jessica.
“So now you know about us. I guess you are wondering just where you fit in to all of this aren't you?”
“Yeah, just a bit!” he replied, his mind still reeling from all that had been told to him and all that had occurred recently. “
“Well. There's more to this particular story, something you need to know, and you need to consider all of this carefully, but you must be quick too. We can only hold off your actual death for a short time longer. Once we lose the ability to hold your body in limbo, you WILL die and that will be the end of everything for you.
Before that happens though. I need to explain something more to you. “
She sat next to him and cuddled up close to him. Not only because she truly loved this man, but also because he was about to have a massive shock to his system and she could stabilize him much better from this position.
“Relax, baby. And trust me OK?” © 2011 AedonixAuthor's Note
Added on December 17, 2011 Last Updated on December 17, 2011 Author![]() AedonixUnited KingdomAboutFrom the UK and tend to write on subjects I know.. usually true stories. or mostly true with a little artistic licence involved, Always on the look out for something god to read, more..Writing