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20 questions, 20 more...

20 questions, 20 more...

A Chapter by Aedonix

Chapter 2 of "Wish Upon a Star


I had to stop and think for a moment. Well not so much think as mentally slap myself just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. We had spent much of the previous evening just talking about whatever came up and I honestly didn’t think that I really had made any sort of an impression at all. I had just been me, pleasant, honest, open as I felt safe enough to be with anyone who I had never spoken to before, and just had a good time.

Yet here was this girl, known only to me as Star, of whom I had only ever seen one photograph which although nice, had been pretty generic in it's content as it was a picture which has several people in and she had described herself as 3rd from the right.

What was I going to reply? I didn't want to seem too over eager. Yet I didn’t want to seem disinterested either.

During the time we had spent talking the previous evening I had definitely sensed something about Star. Something that made her stand out above all of the other girls I had spent time talking to over the course of the last couple of years, and yes, there had been a lot of them. After all. I had been on the kink dating sites ever since the split with my ex nearly 2 years previously and had spent many hours having many conversations with females I had met there. Hell on a couple of occasions I had even met up with one or two of them although most of the time it kind of naturally petered out, the connection just wasn't there, or there were obvious incompatibilities or in the worst cases they had turned out to be liars or fantasists, totally in love with the idea, but unwilling to actually live the ideas they talked about, it was merely wank fodder, something to get off on.

Star was different though. Something about her just seemed “right” it just somehow fit. I still had yet to give my answer though. I figured to myself that neither of us had anything to lose here, and at worst it would just peter out like the rest of the conversations I had had over the years.

I took a deep breath and swallowed hard, drew myself so that I was sitting upright and then typed in the message that would change my life forever.

“I would consider it an honour and a privilege to train you Star” I typed in and then swallowed hard as I this the enter key, sending my message off into the nether, down countless miles of cables and to the little box that was on her screen on the other side of the world.

I wasn't too sure at that point what I was going to receive as a reply. Was I going to be laughed at for seemingly falling so easily to feminine charms? It didn’t take me too long to find out.

“Thank you! Thank you SO much! I have been wanting this for so long now and I can't believe that I have finally found someone who will teach me!”

It was only text on a screen, but just reading them I could feel the sheer joy and excitement oozing from them.

I don't know quite why, as it had never happened to me before in all of the conversations I had had with other women, but her reply filled me with happiness. For words on a screen they held a lot of energy. There really WAS something about this girl. Something I couldn't quite place my finger on that just felt completely right. After all. I had just agreed to doing something that I had never done before. Training someone on line, someone who was on the other side of the world, and someone who my usual methods of training simply wouldn't work on because my usual methods relied heavily on physical interaction.

This was going to be a challenge that was for sure. I was going to have to be a lot more creative in both my methods and on my ways of administering correction should it be required. This was going to be a challenge, and one that I was strangely looking forward to.

Star wanted to get going straight away. She began to ask questions almost quicker than I could answer them, mostly they were for her to find out more about what I was in to, bus some consisted on my ideas of slavery, training and what I thought a perfect slave should be. Somehow she didn’t seem to be satisfied with the quantity of answers that were given. It was almost as if she wanted to know it all yesterday, and there really is a awful lot to know when it comes to an M/s relationship (Master/slave). It can take a whole lifetime to understand. There are people I know who are, and have been living it for decades and are STILL learning, and here in an IM window was Star, a girl who was thirsty for knowledge and was absorbing it like a sponge as fast as I could dispense it!

I had to think fast. How was I going to train this girl without just spewing out things that anyone could learn just with a few google searches? I mean information is plentiful, but the best way to learn in my mind is always to DO so I typed in my next message carefully.. I wanted it to read exactly how I intended it to. So that there was no mistake.

“Star... It has always been my opinion that the best way to learn is to behave as though you already ARE a slave, that you are wearing a collar and are in service to a master. While I am not your master, for the purposes of training you I would ask that you behave as though I were.”

“But I don't know how to.” came the reply

“Of course you don't, and I understand that. I will teach you.”

We then went through some basic rules, such as always addressing me as Sir or Master, and other things that when asked a yes or no question, the only answers that ere to be given were yes Sir or no Sir an the basic formalities and etiquettes that were expected of any slave.

The conversation then moved on. I asked her what her understanding of collars was and their significance.

Star simply said “they show that I am owned”

I explained how different people placed different weight and value on the collar. Some it was something that was only to be presented as a symbol of their dedication to one another, similar to a wedding ring, and to others, it was simply a sign of ownership, possession. That they belonged to someone and that they had a master.

“Ever since I was 11 I have dreamed of being owned” she said “it's been so long now that I have thought of little else. It is all I have ever wanted”

“It's a very big step” I said. “once a girl consents to being owned, she no longer belongs to herself. Everything about her including her right to choose and her sense of self belongs to her master. Her only focus is to please and be pleasing to him and he will look after her interests and do all in his power to improve her both as a person and as a slave”

“Yes, I want that very much Sir” she replied.

I was taken aback by her response. Not so much that she has stated her desire to be owned, but that she had addressed me as Sir. It had been at the front of my mind to introduce that formality to proceedings but I had yet to mention it, yet here was this Girl, eager to learn eager to please and was already ahead of where I was expecting her to be at this stage. Had she never had a master before? Was she really as fresh out the box green as she claimed to be? Or was she just a natural.

The thought flashed through my mind and I thought little more of it. After all, it was still early days, and for all I knew she had been reading erotica or some other stuff to do with slavery in the past and simply understood that it was how you addressed a master or a mentor.

We spent some more time talking, discussing ideas she had seen, questions she had in her mind, she asked dozens of questions some of them about me and what I believed and what I saw as the perfect slave. All the while her excitement was arcing from her text and into me like some kind of energy beam, filling me with happiness and satisfaction even though the reality was that we had done very little other than establish a few protocols.

I knew she was eager to learn but really didn’t want to overwhelm her in details and other such things just yet. He had asked a lot of questions and been given a lot of information and in my mind she needed a bit of time to take it all in. after all. The reality of being a slave was a completely different thing to everything you read in erotica or see in films or worst of all BDSM porn.

I began to wind down the conversation, returning to just pleasant vanilla topics and she informed me that it was getting late there (it was 4am for me which would have meant 11pm for her) and that she had a busy day the next day and needed to be up early. So I said my goodbyes, wished her a good nights sleep and invited her to message me again once she had completed her tasks the following day.

She wished me a good night and signed off. I settled into my bed where I had set up the laptop and closed my eyes ready to drift into a very happy sleep. It felt like every inch of me was aglow with energy. This girl was something else entirely. And I was genuinely excited about teaching her all that I could.

The laptop made a noise, the noise that signalled that one of my friends had signed in to instant messenger and I thought little of it until a few seconds later another noise signalled an incoming message.

I opened my eyes and looked at the screen to see who it was, and if it required my immediate attention, after all I had had an exciting night and I was actually feeling quite drained by it. Happy but drained.

As my eyes focused I saw the user name. It was star.

“Sir. Would you please be my master?”

My mind raced. Part of me wanted to jump on the opportunity, part of me was thinking “No, it is still WAY too soon” and another part of me just wanted to go to sleep.

I repositioned myself and began to type. The only real answer I was able to give.

“I am flattered by your request Star. This is neither a yes, nor a no, I need some time to consider your request and I will let you know what I have decided when you message me tomorrow after you have completed your errands”

“promise Sir?” She replied.

“Yes Star. I promise. Now go and get some sleep and I will talk to you about all of this tomorrow OK?”

Yes Sir, Thank you Sir and Sleep well Sir.” she replied before once again signing out.

I remember pondering the possibilities and the drawbacks of taking her on as I drifted off to sleep, unsure of just what answer I would give her when she messaged me the next day and while I had no answers, I did have the most amazingly vivid dreams that night and woke up the next morning with the thought on my mind.

Just what am I going to answer when she messages me later on?










OK there is part 2. hopefully I can get a few of you commenting and voting. Let me know what you guys think. I do like and welcome criticism as long as it is constructive

© 2011 Aedonix

Author's Note

constructive criticism welcomed

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Added on December 3, 2011
Last Updated on December 10, 2011
Tags: Internet, Master, Slave



United Kingdom

From the UK and tend to write on subjects I know.. usually true stories. or mostly true with a little artistic licence involved, Always on the look out for something god to read, more..

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