Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by AderaShamira

I got home later than I wanted to that night. My feet aced from walking all the way home. The bus decided to not arrive. I took matters into my own hands and walked the 3 and a half miles home. When I finally got to my apartment building, I wanted to drop on the steps to rest. The cool wind persuaded me to move faster. I opened the door and greeted the lady sitting at the wooden desk in the lobby. She never talked much. I waved, she waved, and that was the end of it. I gathered all of my strength and climbed up 3 agonizing flights of stairs. My feet felt like weights and my legs almost jelly-like. Sweat gleamed off of my forehead and my arms were sore from carrying thick heavy folders all day. My door seemed an eternity away from the end of the hallway I came to. My keys rattled in my warm palm as my body floated down the hallway. My door was unlocked in a matter of seconds and I soon dropped my black satchel next to the door. The door slammed with great force as I chucked my keys across the room, leaving them to land on the couch with an audible thud. Sleep was the only thing washing over my brain. I slipped my flats off half way down the hallway and fell to my bed. I trusted it to catch me, just like it did every night. I stared up at my grungy ceiling and slowly spinning fan. My eyes closed slowly, sleep wrapping around my body like an artificial blanket. I felt it drape its seemed fabric over my skin and warm me like i was grazing the sun or a hot oven. Perfect.


I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing. I sprang up, startled from the high pitched ear splitting wailing from the other room. I shifted my head to look at the clock. 2:34 AM. ‘’What? Who could be calling at this time?’’ I croaked as i lifted myself from the bed. I wobbled my way to the phone in the living room. The screen was too bright and blurry to make out any number or caller ID so i just picked up the phone. ‘’Hello?’’ I yawned into the speaker.


‘’Hi, yes. Is this Miss Hino? Miss Akane Hino?’’ The voice was deep and had an ominous rumble to it. It sounded like an older gentlemen. My ears perked up at the question. ‘’Yes, this is she. Who is asking?’’ ‘’Sorry to disturb you at this hour. My name is Office Tamotsu. I work with your father. There is important information you must write down information that can benefit your investigation.’’ I looked around for a pen and something to jot notes down on. I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Officer Tamotsu. A lot of what he said was a blur to be. I was partly asleep when he was talking. Thirteen people have gone missing in the last 24 hours. There are still no traces or leads but they hope to get more information by tomorrow afternoon. He hung up and told me to report directly to my fathers office the next day. I was starting to get worried but that worry soon went away once i went back to sleep.


The next morning was a wild ride for me. I took me twice as long to get ready than it usually does. I arrived at the office, checked in, and took the elevator to the floor my father was on.

His door was closed and shadows moved across the foggy glass of the window. I tip toes to the door, trying to hear what they were talking about. The words of what seemed to be three men were muffled but understandable.’.”Kono chousa hiyou ga  kakaru  koto wo rikai suru  beikoku ha kouun  ga  watashi wo kiki masu kono baai ha shutoku hijou ni fukuzatsu desu  tokuni kazu no  hitobito riso osu warewaru aru beikoku bakku appu’’ (‘’I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INVESTIGATION WILL COST US A FORTUNE, BUT HEAR ME OUT. THIS CASE WILL GET VERY COMPLEX. ESPECIALLY WITH THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE AND RESOURCES WE HAVE BACKING US UP.)   My father sounded desperate as he sighed through his statements. ‘’What costs a fortune? What is up with this investigation?’’ Just then, the door violently swung open. I clutched my heart all while taking in a strong inhale of breath. I moved to the side as two young men in suits left my father's office. They didn't seem to bother saying ‘’Sorry.’’ or ‘’Excuse me.’’ I watched them turn the corner, leaving this floor, as I turned my attention to my father. My brother, Hikaru, was there shuffling through papers in a light yellow folder. ‘’Am I interrupting?’’ I looked back and forth between my father and my brother. ‘’Not at all. Please, come. We have important business to sort out. Grab your paperwork and get ready for a meeting. You have thirty minutes.’’ He stared at me with tired eyes; eyes that were shining with fear. He went into detail about where the meeting was, how long it was gonna be, things like that. I almost forgot to mention that the officer called me last night. ‘’A, uh, Mr. Tamotsu called last night. He told me to take notes and bring them with me when I leave to go to work.’’ My father chuckled. ‘’Ah, yes. Tamotsu. He will be at the meeting.’’ I glanced down at my brother. He smiled at me with a cocky grin.


I remember girls from the school yard would flirt with my brother. I wasn’t gonna lie. He was very handsome. Deep auburn hair and alluring purple eyes that could kill. The only thing that wasn’t cute about him was his attitude. While determined, he was also self - assured. His work was always correct, chores got done in record time, and his luck stuck by his side like branches on trees. I always thought of it as a coincidence. Our family was always very blessed and our lives were good overall. As we got older, his opportunities only got better and better. Scholarships were rolling in quicker than tuna boats drawing nearer to the docks. He was well known all around our Secondary school. He excelled in sports and lovers came to him naturally. I was always hoping for the day that his world would crumble around him like weathered rock. It has to happen soon, shouldnt it? Everything was so perfect but nothing is forever. Every breathing thing stops breathing and dies and every beautiful thing dims and becomes ugly. That’s how life works; at least, thats how my life works.


‘’How are you Imouto?,’’ he said through smiling lips. I nodded in his direction and focused on the paperwork in my hand. My brother and I never talked much. I loved him to death, do not get me wrong. Though, my brother and I are such different people that we keep our distance. ‘’ I’ll see you at the meeting. Be there.’’ He stepped out of the room with one swift step, leaving nothing but whirling air behind. I looked at my stressed out father slumped over on the desk. ‘’Father, is it to late to back out of this case?’’ My eyes search directly through his heart. ‘’Why would you want to do that?’’ His attention brightened as he scowled his eyebrows at me. ‘’Hikaru and I haven’t talked in a while and I’m very busy with other cases. I haven’t gotten any sleep lately. I just don’t think this investigation is right for me.’’ My father stood as he began for the door. I stuck myself to his side. ‘’But you are one of the best people were could have on the team.’’ With one hand behind his back, he used the other to turn the doorknob and exit the office. We started down the hallway. He was walking and I was slightly jogging. ‘’No no no, you have this all wrong! There are plenty of people who can do my job ten times better than I can.’’ I looked at him frantically, hoping I had convinced him enough. ‘’No no, you will be just fine, better than fine. I expect to see you at the meeting. We will all be waiting for you.’’ My father got to the end of the hall, and as he did he called the elevator. ‘’But..,’’ I hesitated. ‘’Whos my little dango?’’ my father chuckled playfully. I had no choice but to let out a sigh and answer him. ‘’I am…,’’ I whispered. The last thing I saw was his smiling face as he got in the elevator. The door closed and he went down. I pressed my back against the powdery wall behind me, sliding down as I thought about what to do and how I was going to do it. I had no other options.


I slipped into the meeting 15 minutes late. I was hoping that no one would notice. I took my seat next to some men in the back. The room was dim and the projector was rolling. The screen read ‘’Case number : 1543-Bo7’’ Many names were listed at the bottom of the slide. I took out a pen and small notebook. Just as i prepared myself, my name echoed through what seemed like the entire building. ‘’Akane.’’ I looked up sharply as i saw my brother and father standing by the projector. I swallowed the lump of anxiety caught in my throat. ‘’Y-yes?’’ I managed to stutter out. ‘’Stand please.’’ My knees trembled uncontrollably. I placed my things to the side, dropping them on the floor clumsily. I finally made it to my feet. ‘’When we say we have a meeting in thirty minutes, we expect all directed to come in thirty minutes precisely. Not a minute late and not a minute early. Im guessing that we won’t have this issue again?’’ Everyone looked back at me. A wave of sweat overcame my forehead and dripped down my cheeks. I swallowed once more. ‘’Yes, this won’t, uh, happen again.’’ I quickly took my seat and prepared my notes. My cheeks felt like they were on fire.


The meeting started off like any other one. Someone spoke for a while about different rules and regulations regarding certain cases. We talked about previous cases that had certain elements in common with the one we were to start on.


“This reminds me of the cases from a few years ago,the kid that disappeared and showed up three months later horribly mutilated.” Everyone had a moment of silence. We all had the memory of the mangled,yet miraculously still living child. We were never able to solve the case as it had gone completely cold; he could not speak due to his severed vocal cords and his hands were nonexistent. “Funny, it’s spring. The season when the incident burned into our skulls..” It was true. It was becoming spring and as the days went by, more went missing. More went wrong.


Soon, the conversation switched to other things. Who would be taken on to the case, who would be replaced. Many came up to hand over research and resumes to my father in order for them to have a place reserved. The next slides caught me by surprise. Usually in cases like this, certain leaders propose solutions to problems in the case. These solutions are either accepted, rejected, or considered. Some solutions shined off of the projector screen. Basic solutions to locate and help those who may be found once the case is in full swing. I took skimpy notes as my father talked on. A man seated in the row directly in front of me stood to his feet. He observed the room, meeting all the eyes that stared at him. ‘’Uh, sir. Excuse me. I do not need to interrupt but I have something I think I need to get off of my chest.’’ My father nodded in his direction as his hands wrapped around to his back. The man cleared his throat. ‘’My small research team and I have some insight on what might have caused these disappearances.’’ The room grew silent. It was almost as if everyone had died right there in their seats. ‘’What might that, uh, insight be?’’ my brother mocked as he used his fingers to make quotations. ‘’Creatures...’’ the man said. He pulled folders from his satchel that lay next to the chair. ‘’Creatures that go around the town snatching innocent citizens up.’’ A giant laughter roared throughout the room. Tears streamed down peoples cheeks while others struggled to breath. Even my father let out a little chuckled. The poor man tried to explain himself over the boisterous laughter. I managed to hear some of the muffled speech coming from his mouth. My hand began writing notes down. Part of them coming from the case with the little boy and the others coming from this mans research. I felt crazy for doing it but I felt the need to. I had good vibes waving through my body. My mother always told me to follow my instincts(ninchi).


‘’You really had all of us going there. Now, back to the case...’’ My father bellowed as he wiped tears from his eyes. I decided i had enough of this meeting. I stood and went for the door. My heavy steps pounded through the hallways. I skipped my way down the steps and to the last floor. I had plans set for tonight and i wanted to make it home at a good time. I saw Kyoko at the front desk. It was peaceful in the lobby. My eyes caught colourful hair as I was exiting. The case was soon forgotten as I tiptoed quietly up to my pink haired friend. I crept silently until I was directly behind her and tried to tug her scarf. “Akazukin fūdo (Little red riding hood) don’t scare me like that!” “Kanshō (meddling), you shouldn't be so easily frightened.”, I teased. ‘’Are you leaving?’’ she sighed. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my card and handed to her. ‘’Yes ma’am.’’ She typed my information into the computer. ‘’There you go,’’ she said smiling, handing me my card back. I nodded at her and stepped out into the street. I clutched my binder closely to my breast. I started to think about what that guy had said. Could there actually be ‘’creatures’’ roaming around the streets of Tokyo? Are they just grabbing and gobbling people up at their own will? I glanced at the faces of people passing me; young and old. ‘’That’s crazy...’’ I whispered to myself. ‘’There are no giant, scary, monster creatures roaming around. None. Zero. Zip,’’ I said as I walked down the street.


© 2014 AderaShamira

My Review

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Very, very good! I read the first chapter for Hashigo a while ago, it was very good, it flowed well, and the vocabulary choice was amazing! Very engaging storyline so far, and I enjoyed reading it, I will read on!

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 5, 2014
Last Updated on November 5, 2014



Tokyo, United States Minor Outlying Islands

Hi! We are Adera and Shamira! We are two high school students who decided to write stories together. Please feel free to leave any comments under our stories. *NOTHING HURTFUL, NO FOUL LANGUAGE, NO SP.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by AderaShamira