The Maple Leaf and the Snow flake

The Maple Leaf and the Snow flake

A Poem by Adelise Eclair

their love...

The maple leaf and the snowflake

Silver crystals dance in the wind....
The heart beat fades away...
The love I thought to be sin...
My dearest... be as it may...

I feel the numbness of the cold...
The pain within my very hold...
The frozen little fragile tears...
That showed me all your childish fears...

The flowers wilt...and slowly die...
On golden leaves they gently lie....
The trees their veil of pallid red...
"It’s beautiful...” You calmly said....

The breeze that welcomes my rebirth...
It puts to sleep all life on earth...
And though that’s how it’s meant to be....
Your presence is my one true glee...

So as I lay you on this bed...
Of fallen leaves so crisp, so red
Your tresses fair, the flame of life...
Will fade unto, a field of white....

The monarchs sings a song of goodbye...
The clouds they brace the heaven's eye...
The trees fall into a peaceful sleep...
Your soul I pray they gently keep...

And as I shed my tears of frost
My sorrow for the pained and lost...
The cold that leaves the land so
The cold that will one day go...

My heart is frozen yet knows of love...
How such is a gift from high above
Our love is death, with a single touch...
Yet even still I,

Love you so much.......

© 2013 Adelise Eclair

My Review

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Death related to winter is a wonderful comparison. I often think of winter as the death of the seasons. This is done with beauty and grand detail.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Amazing! This poem is a work of art, i felt your heart break I felt like I was there with you.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love this. It has a distinct rhythm that is easy to catch. I normally highlight a particular stanza or line that stands out but all your lines here were well constructed. I enjoyed this thoroughly. Good write.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Adelise Eclair

11 Years Ago

Thank you :) I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I like the imagery in this, it's very peaceful I guess is the right description. I can see the leaves falling and the snow beginning to fall gently to the ground, it has a bittersweet feeling to it.

Good Job

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Adelise Eclair

11 Years Ago

Thank you! I really appreciate it!
~*~Peace Keeper~*~

11 Years Ago

You're welcome, it was very beautiful.

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4 Reviews
Added on May 29, 2013
Last Updated on May 29, 2013
Tags: As, I, look, upon, the, fallen, leaves, that, rest, on, pale, snow, think, of, drops, blood, caressing, cold, with, its, warm, embrace, ask, your, thought, and, you, speak, flowers, a, snowy, vast, sky, since


Adelise Eclair
Adelise Eclair


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