The night brings with it the darkness, my best friend, bathing the streets in silence. As the light slightly pierces the unknown, everything seems static in a crowd of creations.
Evil hides behind the silence, where beauty is an illusion and ideas the path to infinity.
Voices lure me dancing inside the maze, deceiving my soul waiting to see my world get lost in fear, where love is but a wish, surviving needlessly.
Happiness rules, as I reach the center of the black maze, ignoring the knives so close to my flesh, I find the box.
Its case resembles familiar things, holding a strange beauty, whispering…waiting.
As I open it I notice the box is me. It’s walls, it’s voices, it’s images my hidden wounds, it’s empty space my enclosure.
The mind weaves on, as the spirit bleeds screaming behind a wall of thoughts rising higher, with wasted will.
Seeking the answers, wounds open wide drowning the voices in blood until all that is left is the silence.
Sunrise once again blesses the horizon, as I feel my demons hide.
Where the maze lied there is nothing, and the wounds seem to have faded, but the silence of the dark waits to move its pieces.