Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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A New Life

A New Life

A Story by Adam Hurford

What if our children brought more than just meaning to our lives?


Keep Pushing Mrs Hartway, you’re almost there.

That’s it honey just keep squeezing my hand, I don’t care how tight.

The heads through, you’re almost there, once the shoulders are through it’s easy going, breath deep for me, then give me a big push.

That’s it honey push, come on, that’s it, yes, yes!

The cries of a new born baby begin to replace the screams of the mother. The male doctor cuts the umbilical cord and pegs it, he wipes blood from the baby and wraps it in a warm towel and passes it to the mother.

It’s a girl, the doctor says to the couple as the mother takes her child in her arms.

Aw Dean, look at how cute her eyes are, she looks up to her husband with a humble smile and a glistening in her eyes. She has your nose and mouth, she’s gorgeous.

Hello Bethany, the dad says as he leans it to gently stroke the baby’s cheek with his left index finger, you’re very cute aren’t you.

The baby buries the lower half of its face in the towel and looks at her dad smiling. The mother cradles the baby gently in her arms and lies back blowing her sweaty hair out of her face, her eyes are overshadowed by the darkness around them caused by tiredness from labour.

Honey would you like me to take Bethany so that you can get some rest?

But I want to cuddle her all night long.

I know baby, but you should get some rest, I’m sure the doctors want to run some tests on her to check she’s healthy anyway, I’ll wake you when they’re done.

Okay, just make sure you wake me as soon as we can have our baby back. The mother looks down at the tiny baby in her arms and leaves a kiss on her chubby, soft cheek before allowing the doctors to take her away.

How’re things looking Doc’, is she healthy?

All lights are green Dean, she seems as healthy as can be, and so much energy too which is a good sign, let her rest here for the evening so we can monitor her levels over night and I’m sure you and Carol will be out of here with her tomorrow morning.

That’s great news Doc’, thank you for all of your help we really appreciate it, you’ve been a real help to us, thank you, from us both, or should I say all three of us. 

Dean chuckles to himself. The doctor gives Dean a firm pat on the back. 

Good luck Dean, it gets tough, especially when they’re teenagers, but you know that already don’t ya’.

In the night Dean drove back to their house and put the car seat in the car and made his way back to the hospital, he sat by Bethany’s side in the hospital all night long, then Carol awoke and came and found him. In the morning they were relieved from the hospital. That night the baby lay in the crib beside their bed as they sat in candlelight.

She’s beautiful Dean, she really is.

And the doctor said that she is super healthy too, so that’s great news for us.

I’m so glad, we have a long life ahead of us now don’t we?

Yeah, here’s to a new beginning, a new life. 

Dean grabs two tall crystal glasses topped with champagne from the bedside table and hands one to Carol, they toast and drink the champagne while looking into one another’s eyes with pride.

I don’t want to go to the doctors mummy! 

Shouts Bethany at her mother standing at the side of the car.

Come down here now, I told you we have to take you for check ups every six months, it’s not that bad, now get down here and in the car, I’ll take you for ice cream afterwards. 

Carol blackmails Bethany into coming. Bethany slowly walks down the steps in the front garden and makes her way to the car, scuffing her feet with every step.

I best get an adult ice cream. 

she mutters to herself under her breath, Carol pretends she didn’t hear.

She starts the car andthey make their way to the doctors. On the way Carol receives a phone call from Dean. She passes her phone back to Bethany in the back seat.

Could you answer that sweetie, its your dad.

What do I push mummy?

Tap the green phone honey, you got it?

Hello? This is Bethany speaking, may I ask who’s calling. 

She quotes from one of her morning TV shows, Carol watches the cheeky grin on Bethany’s face in the rear view mirror.

Oh, why hello there Bethany, this is daddy, but I don’t know who you are, I could of sworn I called mummy.

Yeah but mummy’s driving so she gave me the phone this time.

But I don’t know anyone called Bethany, who’s Bethany? Is that a monster's name?

Bethany’s face screws up. 


She shouts down the phone, 

My name’s Bethany, I’m six years old and a half, almost seven.

Oh Bethany, my daughter, my sweet, cute, and very cheeky little girl.

Yes that’s me. 

she says as she smiles down the phone as if her dad could see.

So how was the doctors? Let me guess, awful, but mummy’s made it all better by buying you ice cream afterwards.

Nope, we’re on our way now, but yeah mummy promised me ice cream, how did you know daddy?

Mummy always caves in and buys you ice cream.

Carol's face looks shocked, 

Excuse me! 

She shouts in the rear view mirror so he can hear, 

I don’t ever see you taking her to the doctors, I’d like to see you take her without ‘caving in’.

Bethany, you didn’t tell me I was on loud speaker 

Dean says shocked.

I didn’t know daddy, what’s a loud speaker, did I do something wrong?

Bethany looks at the phone worried.

Don’t worry honey, it’s just daddy being naughty, and Dean, you always forget the doctors are at ten not nine, on our way there now okay.

Yeah daddy you’re naughty 

Bethany shouts down the phone.

I’m sorry princess, please find it in your heart to forgive me.

Bethany looks at her mum in the mirror for approval, Carol nods.

Okay! We forgive you. We’re here dad, got to go, time for the evil doctor to take my blood!

Carol takes Bethany’s hand as they enter the doctors, her small hand gripping Carols tightly. They go to the reception and book themselves in, the doctor is ready so they head straight in.

Hello again Bethany, feels like forever since I saw you last. 

The friendly doctor speaks as they enter the room. He closes the door gently behind them.

Hey Doctor Savari, I feel great so can we go now?

Haha, you say the same thing every time you come here, you must be used to these tests by now. This might sting a little. 

Dr Savari takes some blood from Bethany’s arm and puts the vial of blood on the table.

Could you roll your trouser leg up please, I’m just going to check your reflexes. 

Bethany cooperates and Dr Savari continues with the checks then begins writing on his clipboard.

You can put you trouser leg back down and rest now thank you. 

He spins around on his chair to face his laptop. He begins entering data then looks at the blood on a slide under a microscope, he scribbles some more notes and enters more data.

Great news for you and your husband Mrs Hartway, all the tests have come back clear, her reflexes are in the green zone, which means they are as good as they could be. Her blood's clean, you’re clearly sticking to the diet provided by your doctors. She looks healthy as can be, keep this up and all should be fine, you’re looking at a healthy future indeed. Also a girl is what you were after wasn’t it, I remember you telling me how you needed to have a girl when you were here a few years back, you and your husband must be pleased.

Thank you doctor, yes we are very happy with Bethany, she’s as good as gold and we couldn’t be happier with her, so healthy aren’t you? 

She says as she smiles at Bethany sitting on her lap.

Yeah sure, can we get ice cream now mummy? 

She avoids the adult talk and gets straight to what she wants.

Ice cream? Well aren’t you a very lucky little girl, can I come for ice cream? 

He laughs with Carol 

Well you’re all set to go, enjoy your Ice cream Bethany and I’ll see you soon okay.

Bye Dr Savari!

At the restaurant Bethany sits with a giant ice cream sundae consisting of all flavours draped in chocolate sauce, she devours it so quickly and begins to lick the rest from her face. Carol laughs as she watches her clean the mess from herself.

See, the perks of going to the doctors. 

Carol explains while spooning some cake into her mouth.

Yeah, I don’t know what perks are but I like Ice cream! 

She laughs innocently. 

Hey mum, do I have to go to the doctors forever?

You’ll like hearing this honey, when you’re thirteen and a big girl you don’t have to go any more.

Really! Are you being serious? I can’t wait to be thirteen, only… six more years to go! 

She shouts excitedly.

You mean seven.

Nah-uh, I’m six and a half so that’s pretty much seven years old then you do thirteen take seven and you get six, so that’s six more years to go! 

Carol just looks at Bethany as she dances in excitement.

Come on Beth! Time to go! 

Shouts Carol up the stairs.

I’m coming mum stop shouting.

Moans a teenage Bethany as she runs down the stairs and out the door and sits in the back seat of the car.

Thank you. Hey it’s your last trip to the doctors, I thought you’d be more excited, we should go for Ice cream afterwards to celebrate.

What do I look like, a baby to you, can we just go so I can get back to my friends online please.

Sure thing, come on Dean, today’s the day. She smiles at dean as they get into the car, they both lean over the gear stick between the two front seats and give each other a kiss.

I new life honey. 

Dean whispers to Carol.

They arrive at the doctors surgery and enter, they are taken straight through to the operating theatre where they are met by Dr Savari.

Greetings everyone, The final day today, I’m sure you’re both excited, and how’s Beth? 

He turns to look at Bethany.

I’m fine thanks.

Carol takes the doctors hand. 

Oh doctor I heard your wife is pregnant, congratulations!

Yeah congrats’ doc. 

Joins Dean.

Why thank you, yes you heard correctly, our seventh to be precise, hoping for a girl otherwise I fear it’ll be the last for us to be honest. My wife’s getting a bit 'used' if you know what I mean, and with all the boys so far I stay healthy and fit, but Female organ wise, she’s getting old.

Oh no that’s so sad to hear, it’s a shame that even with the new technology these days it’s still dependant on which sex you birth, we are just lucky we had Beth as, like your wife, I too needed some fresh, well you know.

Carol pauses and leaves the details.

I don’t know what you guys are talking about, but can we just get on with this please so it’s done. Beth’s patience grows thin.

As you wish Beth, if you’d like to enter that room please and get changed into this gown that would be great, you too Mr and Mrs Hartway.

What, why am I putting this on, just do your knee tapping and take some blood and heart rates and lets go. 

Beth explains radically.

I’m sorry Beth but this ‘test’ is different, please just cooperate, don’t make this any harder for us.

Dr Savari pleads with his palms together.

Beth please just do as the doctor says, me and your mother are changing too, it’ll be fine. 

Explains Dean to help ease her panic. She listens and changes into the operating gown, as she leaves the room two male nurses grab her by the arms and pull her over to a bed, she struggles and asks for them to let her go, they force her down onto the bed and strap her in place like a psychiatric patient.

Mum! Dad! What’s going on, why are they strapping me to this bed? I’m scared, help me. 

She screams out in fear, lost in the moment, unsure as to what’s going on.

Don’t worry honey, it’ll all be over soon.

Her mum says as she walks by Beth strapped to the bed and goes to lay down on her own, soon followed by Dean who lays down on his own bed also. Dr Savari walks over to Carol and Dean's Beds.

Right I’m going to sedate you now so slowly start counting to one hundred for me, and when you wake you’re new life will begin. 

He begins sedating Carol and Dean as they count, until their words begin to slur and they go under.

Mum! Dad! Wake up! What the hell, Dr Savari what’s going on? 

He slowly makes his way toward Bethany.

Don’t worry Bethany, it won’t hurt a bit. I’m very proud of you, you’ve grown into a very healthy young girl, your stem cells and organs will help your parents live for another sixty or so years, just be happy for them.

What, what are you talking about? My organs?

Harvesting dear. They breed you, grow you to have the best possible quality organs and blood, then when you come of age, we harvest everything we need to increase the life expectancy of your parents. It’s only fair, they do own you after all.

Dr Savari slowly injects Bethany with the sedative and she begins to drift off into a deep sleep.

Right they’re all under, begin to wheel them into the operating theatre so we can begin as soon as possible. A group of doctors and nurses wheel the beds into the theatre and set up all the tools ready for Dr Savari to begin the necessary transplants.

Okay, we all ready to go, the time is ten thirty six pm, on the sixth of may two thousand and eighty seven, the patients are Dean and Carol Hartway, the doner, Bethany Hartway. This is Mr and Mrs Hartways third transplant, and again, being operated on by myself, Dr Enrique Savari, and team seven. Let’s begin.

The doctor and his team begin operating on the three subjects, as the doctor harvests what is needed from Bethany, the other doctors begin opening Dean and Carol and removing their old Organs and muscles ready to be replaced by the fresh new ones.

So Dr Savari, I hear you’re wife’s expecting, one of the team enquires.

Yes, yes she is, hopefully like the Hartway’s here it’ll be a girl. My wife is in need of new ovaries, without them I fear she won’t be able to reproduce any more and thus her life will inevitably come to an end.

Man that sucks doc, well I hope all the best for you and your wife sir, oh and my wife wanted to thank you for donating one of your sons livers to her, you easily added five years to her life, I couldn’t thank you enough, I need her. Got to get me a new son, daddy needs a fresh scrotum! 

The young doctor jokes aloud.

Well good luck with that, and tell your wife no worries, I was in no need of it and it would of only gone to waste. Now could you pass me the pliers just there please and use them to hold this muscle.

Hours pass by and the surgery was a success. The next day Dr Savari leans over Carol in her bed, shining a torch into her eyes, she slowly begins to open them.

Wake up Carol, it’s done, here’s to a new life for you and your husband, smiles the doctor.



© 2017 Adam Hurford

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Added on April 19, 2017
Last Updated on April 19, 2017
Tags: family, story, short, future, curious, organs, life, kids, children, love, generations, horror, grim


Adam Hurford
Adam Hurford

United Kingdom

I'm an artist and illustrator from the UK. So many ideas and curiosities flowing through my mind at all times. Follow my Instagram: @adamhurfordart Like my Facebook Page: Adamhurfordart more..
