![]() Awesome Bat Caves and New NicknamesA Chapter by Adalyn-Rose![]() Nova's first meeting with the boys.![]() "Oh, ahhh, just head on back and the boys'll explain everything." Even the teacher sounded shaken, but he hid it much better than the rest of the class. Open mouthed stares followed me as I walked to the back of the room, but the only faces I noticed were those of my new section.
Gorgeous faces all in varying states of shock greeted me as I approached, until I stood awkwardly in front of them.
"Um, hi." I said, building up my courage and waving my hand in front of each of their faces. They finally figured out they were openly staring, and each mouth snapped shut. Only two of them had the sense to look embarrassed, while the others had cocky smiles. All except for one, who's face was still wide-eyes with disbelieving shock.
"So..." I tried to fill the quickly-getting-awkward silence, and my voice seemed to snap the shocked one out of it, who was also my least favorite of the bunch.
"I'm Brayden." said the Greek God/Abercrombie Model from this morning. His voice was still as rich as honey, even with the patronizing look that had replaced the shock in his light green eyes. His strawberry blond hair was just as untidy as this morning when I asked him where to go.
"The blond is Jacob." he continued, pointing to one of the boys who had blushed. A breathtaking smile lit his All-American Boy features, the amazing sky blue eyes crinkling at the corners.
"Second in Command is Cedric." The boy in question had tough features and cold, ice-blue eyes, but his tousled, pale blond hair gave him an almost approachable appearance. Almost. The only indication he had even heard Brayden's introduction over the pounding rock music in his ears was a small wave and a quick, studious glance that ran up and down me in less than a second.
"Edmond and his twin, David." he pointed to two boys wearing identical cocky grins. Their hazel colored eyes, the perfect mixture of gold, brown, and emerald green, had a wicked twinkle that promised plenty of mischief from them.
"Nice to meet you baby." the twins said at the same time, their voices musical and their comment making me blush and look away. I glance back up just in time to see two hands smack the backs of their brunette heads.
"Stop flirting with the new girl." Brayden sounded angry, and his face was stern when I looked up. "Now then, bat cave." and with that he spun and walked out of a back set of doors. I watched him go with a confused glance until the others got up and left as well, Jacob and Cedric skirting past me while the twins winked and took my hands, practically dragging me out of the room behind them.
I followed obediently, amazed I had these two gorgeous guys holding my hands and walking besides me. Ha! If Victoria could see me now...
The room we entered was rather small for five basically fully grown men and me, and I ended up sandwiched between one of the twins (I have no idea which is which) and Cedric with Brayden only about three feet in front of me. For once, I was the shortest person in the room, all of the guys at least 6ft and taller. The twins were around 6ft even, while Cedric was probably close to 6'2. Jacob was 6ft as ell from my guess, and Brayden towered over us all at nearly 6'6. Damn, what are they feeding these boys?
"First off, what's your name?" of course Brayden can make a question sound like an insult.
"It's Nova." I deadpanned, which only seemed to irritate him more.
"Well, there are a few things you need to understand." He raised his hand, ticking them off on his fingers. "One, if I'm not here, Cedric's word is law. Two, Knobster doesn't have much to do with us, so don't bother asking him anything. Oh, and three," at this point his scowl turned into a grin, "This isn't the bat cave, this is."
He pushed open a door he had hidden with his body to reveal a bright room stuffed with chairs and percussion equipment, everything from a full drum set with black heads and gleaming bronze cymbals of every size to a full line of keyboards (vibraphone, marimba, xylophone, etc.). I was staring in open mouthed shock much like the boys were before.
"Is that a Wii?" I asked incredulously as Brayden plopped himself down on a beanbag chair in front of a TV with what looked to be a Wii, PlayStation 3, and XBox sitting beneath it.
"Why yes it is Dorothy." he replied with a mocking smile. I finally realised I was staring with my mouth wide open and snapped it shut.
"My name isn't Dorothy." I told him, irritated by his new nickname.
"No, but we're not in Kansas anymore Todo, so shut your mouth and make yourself at home." My glare probably could have melted steel, but he seemed totally unaffected. With an irritated sigh I went to join him and the others who had congregated around the TV on beanbag chairs, muttering defensively, "I'm from Florida, jackass." Of course, there were only five chairs.
"You can sit on my lap baby." one of the twins said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. "We can discuss the first hing that pops up."
Oh. My. God. My cheeks practically lit on fire as I fought off the urge to laugh and also my embarrassment.
"I-I'm good on the fl-floor." I stuttered, only blushing harder at all of the boys taunting laughs. From Edmond's, or was it David's, scowl, I'm sure he had never been turned down before.
I sat silently while the boys eased him, no longer fighting my embarrassment but my laughter. When the twin replied angrily to one of Jacob's comments, I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing, startling everyone apparently because they all turned to look at me as if I belonged in a loony bin.
Unfortunately, their faces only made me laugh harder, their wide open mouth's and disbelieving eyes not helping me to stop either.
Finally someone broke the silence around me, but it wasn't good for me. The twins closed their mouth's and glanced at each other, that wicked exchange cutting my laughter short as they turned back to me with identical evil grins. "Get her."
Already expecting their attack I dodged their pounce, scrambling to put some distance between me and them. I jumped behind the closest beanbag chair, which of course had to be Brayden's, kneeling behind him and peeking over his shoulder to look cautiously at the twins. My hands rested on his shoulders, fully prepared to shove him forward to save myself when I saw both the twins' predatory smiles.
They stalked forward on their hands and knees like lions, beginning to circle around Brayden to reach me. I was bracing myself for the impact when Brayden's shoulders disappeared from beneath my hands and an arm snaked around my waste, pulling me to the side and around to land safe and sound in a snarling Brayden's lap.
"Hands off." he growled, yes growled, at the twins, his voice lethal. Both sat back on their knees, raising their hands in surrender.
"They were only messing around." my own scowl lacked the ferocity of Brayden's as he turned his attention back to me. I noticed the tightening of his arms around me before I fully realised I was sitting in his lap, my legs dangling oer the edge of his and my back against his chest with his arms crossed protectively across my chest.
"Whoa buddy, I'm not your property, so hands off unless you want to come back with a nub." I reached up, attempting to pry his hand from my shoulder, way to close to my b***s for comfort. I couldn't even move my other arm due to it being pinned beneath his arm wrapped in a death grip across it, his fingers splayed wide across my stomach.
His macho-man protector expression disappeared, just seconds before he loosened his grip on me. I glanced up at him, surprised to see him in indecision. But the moment passed quicker than I would have liked when, almost as if he hadn't noticed me, he looked down and his expression turned hard. A moment later and I hit the ground with an audible gasp while he stood, not saying anything as he walked to the other side of the room and sat behind the drum set.
"Are you OK?!?!?!?" one of the twins asked, holding out a hand to help me up. I could barely hear him over the drums, but I nodded and took his hand, allowing him to pull me to my feet.
"Is he always so moody?!?!?" I shouted, just as the bell rang and Brayden stopped playing. So of course, they all heard me. Cedric laughed, as did the twins, while Jacob seemed only mildly interested. Brayden's eyebrows shot up into his hair line, but he didn't say anything as he left. The others followed. Edmond and David both shook their heads before they left, leaving me blushing furiously in the room completely alone.
Collecting myself I walked out, slipping out of the practice room as well to walk into Sam's chest.
"We have got to stop running into each other like this, someone might think we're dating." he joked, helping me to right myself. "So, how'd it go?" something in his voice told me he knew way more than he was letting on.
"Fine I guess." I mumbled, grabbing my backpack from the band room.
"Really?" he asked, a probing look in his eyes. Keeping his voice nonchalant he added, "Because Brayden looked pissed. Stomped into the band room, grabbed his stuff, and left in a huff. Could he be stressed from the new girl?" he glanced down at me as we walked, his smile wicked.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I told him, but my own answering grin was enough. He laughed, pausing just inside the door to the band room.
"Right. Well then, good luck, I hope you survive, and I must go. My car is this way." he waved happily and loped off in the direction of the school parking lot, leaving me dreading my dash across the courtyard to get to the buses. Taking a deep breath I stepped outside, the cold ripping through me.
"F**k, I hate this!!!!!!" I screamed, making many of the students laugh at me as I raced across the courtyard, not bothering to slow in the building as I raced through the doors and down the line of buses to my own.
Well, it wasn't as bad as it could be. Just then I realised I had gotten onto the wrong bus, since I recognized no one from this morning.
"GODDAMMIT!!!!" I shouted, racing back out of that bus and checking each one to find my own just before it was supposed to take off. At least I was heading home, so the torture could finally cease. But then again, my Mom would be home, so it looked I would be in for more torture than any one person should suffer in a single day.
© 2009 Adalyn-RoseAuthor's Note
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Added on October 12, 2009Author![]() Adalyn-RoseGrants, NMAboutHmmm, where to begin... I recently moved to an itty-bitty town in New Mexico called Grants. So far, school sucks; I have no friends pretty much, my new band is poor as hell, and the ISS teacher is a t.. more..Writing