![]() Sucky Classes and Gorgeous Band GeeksA Chapter by Adalyn-Rose![]() Nova didn't think her day could get any better until she finally got to meet her new band.![]() I headed in the direction the gorgeous guy had pointed, stopping when I found myself face to face with a door that led to an outside courtyard. I gave her a sharp glare before looking through my schedule:
Baker, Nova Anne Grade 9 Period 1 Earth/Space Science H Mrs. Hunt Rm 6-113 Period 2 French 1 Mrs. Milnes Rm 9-222 Period 3 English 1 H Mrs. Dolan Rm 9-215 Lunch Period 4 Anthropology Mr. Saunders Rm 2-225 Period 5 Algebra 1B Mrs. Collier Rm 6-137 Period 6 Band Mr. Knob Rm 1-144 Dismissal I checked the map for my first class, and sure enough, it was back near the bus loop where I cam in. God D****t. I grabbed the papers firmly to my chest and took off out of the door again. By the time I was in the other building my breathing was labored and my everything was frozen. I was surprised my b***s didn't just snap off and fall out of my bra. Then again, I bet they were frozen to my bra. Checking the map one last time I wandered to the right down the hallway, checking door numbers as I went. 6-120, 6-119, 6-118, 6-117, and the numbers went on until I finally found what I was looking for. 6-113. The door was closed, and I could hear voices from inside. Opening the door timidly, I walked in, the heavy door banging closed behind me and causing everyone's head to turn in my direction. I blushed my lighter pink color and approached the front of the classroom, ignoring the heads that followed me. "Hi, um, Mrs. Hunt, right?" I asked when I reached the teacher, who was looking at me the same way the other kids were. Like I was a nut escaped from the loony bin running around and screaming about headless chickens. I smiled and held out my schedule for her to take. She did, and looked it over before looking back at me. "Your Nova?" she asked me, smiling. I breathed a small sigh of relief. At least the teacher had stopped staring at me. She signed off on the paper and looked around. "There's a seat right there next to Jeremy." she told me, pointing to the top of a dirty blonde head that looked up when he heard his name. I smiled sheepishly and walked to the third lab table on the right, sliding into the seat next to the boy Jeremy who still hadn’t stopped staring at me. I set my stuff down and pulled out a book, setting it on the desk before turning to face him. "Hi, I'm Nova." I told him, smiling my best warm smile even though I was still shivering I was so cold. "Jeremy." he said, flashing a wide grin that revealed slightly crooked teeth and the silver line of a retainer. His sandy blonde hair fell into his bluish-gray eyes, and he looked tall from the way his legs were folded under the table and he was almost a head taller than me slouched down in his chair. His eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, and I resisted the urge to go 'Aaaaawwwwwww'. He was just so cute. He looked away after his smile and returned to reading. READING!! He's my new favorite person at this school, not that my favorite people is a very long list. Hey, I'm working on it. Science passed easily. Turns out they're a little bit ahead of me, but not much. I can catch up easily. The bell rang and we all started packing up, and I pulled out my schedule. Jeremy looked over at me and gave me another wide grin. "Do you need some help?" he asked me, standing up at the same time I did. "The basketball team must love you." I told him playfully, looking up. The kid must be at least 6'5 if not taller. "I have no coordination." he answered with a chuckle, holding out his hand for my schedule. I handed it to him with a small laugh of my own. I knew how that felt. He looked it over, smiling wide. "Another band geek." he said, smiling his puppy dog grin at me. I laughed and pointed at my chest, where MHS DRUMLINE was proudly displayed with a skull and crossbones, the crossbones being drumsticks. "What do you play?" I asked him, picking up my stuff. "I'm a tuba." he told me, his eyes a little bit worried or surprised, I couldn't tell. "Well, I gotta go this way. Milnes is around that curve, down the second hallway on your left, fourth door on the left." he told me, smiling wide and handing me back my schedule. "We have 3rd period together, so I'll see you around!" he called as he turned and trotted off in the opposite direction than he had pointed me, catching up to a group of guys walking by. All of them gave me strange looks and proceeded to quiz Jeremy on me from the looks of it. Not to mention that the first and only question I heard was "Who's the new girl?" I smiled to myself and walked off to my next class, following his directions carefully. Amazingly I didn't get lost, and I made it to class before the warning bell had rung, just ahead of a guy who didn't seem to understand the concept of personal space, seeing as how he was practically walking up my back. I looked around for the teacher, but I didn't see her anywhere. So I stood against the wall awkwardly, getting many curious looks from the other kids. It was like they'd never seen a 5'8 redhead before. I had lost a lot of weight since I lived in Florida, and I thought I looked pretty good. I wasn't stick thin, but I wasn't fat, either. I was somewhere in the middle, bigger than a model but smaller than an athlete. My hair was dark red and reached mid-back when I held my head up straight. My eyes were wide and a chocolate brown behind square black frames that sat on the bridge of my nose. All in all, not to bad, I thought just as the bell rang and the woman I supposed was the teacher walked in, closing the door behind her. "Bonjour class." she said before she noticed me leaning against the wall just inside the door feeling really awkward as kids turned to see what she had looked at. "You must be Nova." she said, motioning for me to follow her over to her desk in the corner where she held her hand out for the schedule I was holding. I handed it to her and she looked it over, quickly signing off on the paper and handing it back to me, standing up and looking around. "There's a seat in the back behind Carly." she told me, pointing out a desk on the other side of the room in the back of the room. I went over and sat, pulling out some paper and a pencil to start writing down everything. I could tell she was as bad as my old French teacher. After a lesson I barely followed (Wow, Florida was way behind in French) I checked my schedule and map and headed off to my next class. Luckily it wasn't too far, so all I had to do was walk to the other end of the hallway and I was there. People were still giving me strange looks, but I ignored them. I didn't care what they thought, nor did I let them bother me. Mrs. Dolan was a bubbly, rather young teacher who joked around a lot during class. She also made me get up and introduce myself before she signed my schedule. Yippee. There was one bonus though, I sat behind Jeremy, and we passed notes through the entire class. The bell rang too soon and I packed up my things, Jeremy waiting for me like an eager puppy dog. "We have first lunch together, so I'll introduce you to some of our fellow band nerds." he said, making me laugh. He said it like a stodgy diplomat, with the slight British accent and pretending to fix his invisible eye glass. We walked out of the classroom, arguing about what color van stalkers should use so that kids don't go running in the opposite direction screaming "Rape!" I told him purple, but he said navy blue. "No. If some guy gets out of a navy blue van and says 'Hey, I got a shag carpet, wanna see it?' You go 'Why would I wanna see that?!" and walk away quickly. But if he gets out of a purple van and asks if you want to see his shag carpet, you go 'Hell yeah, and awesome van dude.' Jeremy just rolled his eyes. "Let's just agree that stalkers should get a sports car." he said, and I smiled wide. "Agreed." The lunch table was crowded by the time we got there, trays of hamburgers and French fries in hand. I smiled shyly, and Jeremy made the introductions. "Sam's a flute, Chris is in my section, Anthony a clarinet, Tom plays melophone, Patrick's a trombone, Matt's a trumpet, Gabby's another flute, and Sam's sister..." and the list went on and on as he pointed out all 22 kids at the four tables we walked by. I noticed none of them played percussion, like me. Shrugging it off, I sat next to Jeremy at the table with the names I remembered, thankfully, and began eating my lunch. I got question after question thrown at me, which was kind of annoying seeing as how I was trying to eat and talk at the same time. "Where are you from?" Anthony asked, giving me his wide eyed stare. I had long ago figured out he was gay, and with Patrick from the looks of it. "Florida." I told them, giving them a steady look while they laughed at my misfortune. "Washington's a lot colder. Do you have a good jacket to where?" I cringed at the question. Why did everyone ask about my jacket. "This is my warmest winter jacket." I explained, motioning to the black sweater I was currently wearing. They laughed for about 10 minutes, leaving me to eat my now cold lunch. Scowling, I watched my tray. When they finally stopped laughing, Tom asked the question I thought would've been asked a long time ago. "What do you play?" "Percussion." I told the now eager listeners, motioning to the MHS DRUMLINE stamped across my chest that everyone seemed to be missing. The entire table was silent. "Why is that everyone's reaction?" I mumbled, fuming silently. It was like I had broken some unwritten code around here. When the bell rang I was still in a rather foul mood, and headed off to Anthropology, a class I had hated back in Florida. The teacher was a young guy of I'd guess 28 or so, with really pretty blue eyes and sandy blond hair kept kind of short. I found he had a way different approach to teaching than my old Anthropology teacher, and I actually enjoyed the class. Algebra, however, was a whole different story. I had had Algebra with Michelle when I was in Florida, and I missed her constant distractions from my work and her constant hushed explanations of what was going on with her and Jake. Thoroughly disheartened, I took the work and left for Band. The Band room was in the Music building, which of course, was not located on my map of the school. After wandering around, looking for someone to help me out, I finally got an answer out of a kid that it was, of course, across the courtyard. I had been avoiding that place like the plague all day, but it looked like I had a mad dash, because it was straight across from the bus loop. Taking a deep breath, I was sprinting before I even hit the door to the outside. Mind-numbing cold was met by my furious and surprised gasp. I hadn't remembered how cold it actually was out here. I was panting heavily when I made it into the music hallway. The chorus room, I'm guessing from the risers and piano, was near the door I had just come in, and practice rooms lined the other side of hall. I was already late, so I once again began running, jogging through the door. The podium was just to my left, and the teacher, Mr. Knob, I’m guessing was in the middle of tuning the band. The band wasn't very big, but every set of eyes was on me, and I could feel the weight of their stares on my skin. Blushing crimson, I walked to the podium with all of the strength I could muster, which wasn't a lot, and handed the Band Director my paper. While he signed it, I scanned over the band. Over half the faces I already knew, and I got a beaming smile from my favorite person here, Jeremy. Scanning a little farther back, my breath fell out of my chest. Five of the most gorgeous guys I had ever seen were tapping out drumbeats on their legs, the floor, an amp back there, and looking like a commercial for drumsticks. They gave me a curious glance, but looked back to what they were doing immediately. I practically died when I recognized the Abercrombie Model/Greek God I had talked to this morning. The rest of them were just as stunning. "What do you play?" Mr. Knob asked me, handing back my paper. My tongue felt like concrete in my mouth, but I forced it to move and form the words I was dreading the reaction to. "Percussion." I told him, loud and clear. All five of the gorgeous heads in the back of the room swiveled back to let equally stunning eyes rest on me with complete disbelief. © 2009 Adalyn-RoseAuthor's Note
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Added on September 12, 2009Author![]() Adalyn-RoseGrants, NMAboutHmmm, where to begin... I recently moved to an itty-bitty town in New Mexico called Grants. So far, school sucks; I have no friends pretty much, my new band is poor as hell, and the ISS teacher is a t.. more..Writing