Good Dreams and Cold Bus Stops

Good Dreams and Cold Bus Stops

A Chapter by Adalyn-Rose

The first day of school always starts out bad when you're freazing your butt off and have no clue what you should do.


I scowled, tears stinging the back of my eyes. I watched my bus drive past hopelessly, unable to believe my luck. I refused to let the tears fall however, so I took a minute to compose myself and started the five and a half mile trek from the high school to my home. I heard my name and turned my face hopeless. I didn't mind walking that far, but I had church choir practice I was now going to miss. I saw him jogging to catch up to me, and a small smile curved up my lips, though my face stayed sad.

"Hey, I thought you rode the bus?" Kiah asked me, falling into step beside me.

"I do." I told him miserably. I promised Mrs. Quay I would be there. Now I'd get harassed by phone calls for the next week to make sure I show up at the next practice. Fun.

"Missed it?" he asked, nodding as if I had already answered him.

"Yup." I told him, nodding once. I was surprised he was even talking to me, let alone walking with me practically home. "I live in the B Section, and neither of my parents are home. Now I'm gonna miss church choir practice and get harassed by the instructor till I go next week." I told him. I'm not sure why I felt the need to explain everything to him. I guess I just needed a way to vent my frustrations.

"I could give you a ride home." he suggested lightly. I blinked in surprise, and being the dumbass love struck teenager I am, stopped in my tracks.

"Really?" I asked stupidly. I had always thought he hated me, but he just proved me wrong. And now he was basically inviting me to his house.

"Of course. My house isn't to far from here, and my Mom will give you a ride." he told me. I swear this was the longest conversation we'd ever had. I finally closed my hanging open mouth, blushing a deep shade of pink as I always did when I was embarrassed. There was never an in the middle for me, my face was either ruby red or a light pink. I started walking, catching up to him easily before slowing my pace down to match his pace.

We walked the rest of the long walk (longer than you'd think when he lived just over the bridge) in silence. We both tried to lighten the awkward atmosphere with conversations, but they always fell flat with an "Uhuh", or an "Oh." I was never so happy to see someone else's house before in my life. We walked up to the front door, and he opened it, motioning me inside.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP!" I growled low in my throat and snuggled back down into my heavy blanket, hoping the annoying sound would go away so that I could get back to my dream. Of course it didn't, so I crawled across my bed the way I always would to shut it off, realizing too late that it wasn't there. Eye's closed and limbs flailing wildly, I hit the ground with a shriek. I jut laid there for a moment, before the coldness of the wood seeped through my thick flannel pj's.

Jumping back up with another small shriek, my eyes popped open. "BEEP BEEP BEEP!" I finally found the annoying sound of my alarm clock and shut it off with a whack that was definitely harder than necessary, but much more satisfying. I stumbled my way down the unfamiliar hallway of my new house to my new bathroom, wide awake, and yet still stumbling across the unfamiliar wood floor boards.

I brushed my teeth quickly, not wanting to be late my first day at a new school. Of course, it's not like it was the first day for everyone and there would be tons of new kids. No, instead I was coming in at the worst possible time, right before midterms in the middle of the marking period. I just hoped schools in
Washington weren't too far ahead of the schools in Florida, though I wouldn't be surprised. Everyone was ahead of Florida.

Finishing my morning ritual in the bathroom, I went to my new sanctuary. My room was the only thing I liked about my new house. Well, except that it was a two story house. My room was one of those super cool attic bedrooms in the movies, complete with a circular window, a totally awesome window seat, and a ceiling that sloped down. It was definitely my dream room.

I had already set out my first day clothes, not like it really mattered. I was still running around like a chicken with my head cut off when it was time for me to leave the house. I grabbed my old ID card (just incase) and pulled on my oversized, super warm, MHS Drumline sweatshirt, that had my name on the back. I was glad that I had gotten one, because it was one of my only reminders of all of my old friends. This thought brought tears to my eyes, but I quickly calmed down. I had promised myself I wouldn’t cry, and I hadn’t since I had arrived here two days ago. Boxes still sat around the house, half unpacked and lying open.

I practically sprinted down the stairs and out of the house, five minutes later than I had originally planned. I was instantly hit by a blast of cold air that woke me even more, making my eyes bug out of my head. I also began to shiver, but this was my warmest jacket. So I continued on to the bus stop, my teeth chattering and my entire body shaking so bad I was amazed I could still walk in a straight line.

Reaching the bus stop, I got many stares from the other kids standing around, bundled up in coats that looked like they had stolen the Michelin Man's outfit.

"Where's your winter coat?" one curious girl asked me, the laughter she was holding back visible on her face.

I fixed her with my best glare, though my chattering teeth and shaking body made it much less menacing.

"This i-is m-m-my win-inter j-j-jack-jacket." I chattered, hugging my arms around my chest so hard I thought my ribs would collapse under the pressure.

Apparently my discomfort was hilarious, because like a flood gate releasing a river, she began laughing, and didn't stop. I kept my glare on her, but it only made her laugh harder. She pulled herself together enough to ask me a question that only made my glare more intense.

“Where are you from?” her still chuckling mouth asked me.

"F-Florida." I forced through my teeth. Apparently it was funny that I was from
Florida, because the rest of the kids at the bus stop started laughing with her. My glare intensified, and so did my shivering as a gust of freezing air hit me square in the face. I never thought I'd be happy to see the bus coming, but I was through the doors and into to the slightly warmer cabin of the bus before the rest of the kids at the stop had even picked up their things.

I walked quickly down the aisle to about the middle of the bus and sat in an empty seat, ignoring the strange looks I got from the kids around me. Their stares got annoying after a while, but I was too thankful to feel myself thawing to be truly bothered by it. No one else talked to me on the way to school, but they did talk about me. Whispers sounded around me and hands barely concealed laughter. I gritted my still chattering teeth together and just stared ahead, hoping the rest of the school day wouldn't be this s****y.

The bus pulled up to the school and I got off, not fully prepared for the blast of freezing air that hit me as soon as I stepped off. I heard soft snickers when I gasped, hugging myself tightly and practically running into the doors of the school. I looked around for the office, wondering where I should go to pick up my schedule. The only thing I saw was students standing in little groups, peeling off layer after layer of clothing. There was no way I was taking off my jacket. Of course I got more weird stairs as I looked around, hoping like hell a teacher would come by and save me. Finally giving up on the notion that anyone would help me, I approached a group of students, tapping the tall one closest to me on the shoulder.

"Do you know where I could find the office?" I asked, looking up at the back of a very tall head. They turned around, and my breathing stopped. The most gorgeous guy stood in front of me, scowling down at me. I swear, this guy could make an Abercrombie model weep.

"What?" Greek God/Abercrombie Model asked me. He sounded annoyed, and I couldn't find my voice for a moment.

"Ummm, the office?" I asked, amazed that my voice held steady through my nerves and my shaking body.

"That way. First door on your left." he pointed off to the right and I nodded. I couldn't tear my eyes from his face. Strawberry blonde hair glistened on his forehead, ending just above pale eyebrows. His eyes were a breathtaking shade of blue, and I swear they changed color every time I blinked. A straight nose led down to full lips and a stubborn chin with a hint of a five o'clock shadow on it.

"Thank you." I mumbled, finally able to tear my gaze from his face. He didn't spare me a second thought, just turned back to his friends. I took off to the office, wondering how much worse my day could get.

© 2009 Adalyn-Rose

Author's Note

Just tell me what you think =]

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Some good writing here , very discriptive and well thought out, you capture a scene well.

Posted 15 Years Ago

i like it msg me when you get the next chaptar up :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 9, 2009



Grants, NM

Hmmm, where to begin... I recently moved to an itty-bitty town in New Mexico called Grants. So far, school sucks; I have no friends pretty much, my new band is poor as hell, and the ISS teacher is a t.. more..


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