Truth About Satan

Truth About Satan

A Story by Acorn

I will be describing who Satan actually is and what he stands for.


Truth Behind Satan

What I will Talk About

 There are many versions of Satan, and I’ll talk about as many as I can find. I will talk about four versions of Satan; what people think of him and why Satan himself is misunderstood. I will talk about what he supposedly looks like; I will also tell you how you summon him according to what I can find online.

Who Satan is

You may think Satan as an evil, trickster but, in reality he is an independent, free, and caring demon, (in some religions Satan is seen as a God but, I will be referring to him as a demon). Satan stands for many things and he believes you should have free will as long as you don’t hurt anyone. He stands for justice, freedom, happiness, power, and strength, according to blackwitchcoven. Satan wants you to be happy and be who you are. He knows that we are not perfect and he doesn’t expect us to be. He tells us that we are worth it and that we deserve everything positive.

What Satan Looks Like

There are many different versions of what he looks like, some say he’s red with horns while others say he’s a handsome man, and many more. According to blackwitchcoven one way he can look like is “…Satan has an appearance of a giant muscular man with an animal’s face, hooves for feet, horns on his head, and webbed wings on his back. His body is covered with thick black fur, but he can change his appearance endlessly…”. According to that quote Satan can shapeshift into any type of animal or imagine he has created in his head.

The First Version of Satan

The first theory is one of the widest spread is the Christian version of Satan. Acts 5:3 in the bible says, “Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land?” In this version Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Belphegor, Asmodeus, and Mammon are the same.  In this version, Satan fell from Heaven because he wanted power and rule over the Christian God himself.

The Second Version of Satan

In this version, the history of Satan is the same except how he fell. Instead of wanting more power he wanted humans to have a freedom to be who they are and not have to be ‘perfect’. He became the snake and told Eve to eat the apple to gain knowledge so she could become the best she could. In his eyes ‘God’ was blinding Adam and Eve by giving them everything they could ask for and then tells them what they can and cannot do. Which is actually a tactic made by manipulators, they give you everything you want then once you do something that you want to do, they take it away and play the victim.

 The Third Version of Satan

Satan in this version is an illusion of evil. Humans use the name Satan as an excuse to do bad and to excuse bad things that happen to and around them. There isn’t much information about this version of him.

The Fourth Version of Satan

In this last version of Satan, we have to look into Lucifer. The name Lucifer actually means morning star. Lucifer fell from Heaven because he felt like ‘God’ was treating the humans wrong and because of that he became so mad that ne created a version of him to hold his anger and his name is Satan. Since Satan is basically a clone of Lucifer he has the same ideologies so, they both want justice and freedom.

How to Summon Satan

Now before I start, I do not recommend trying to summon Satan without protection and experience. Satan is a very powerful demon so please be careful. First, you’re going to gather energy whether it’s from resting up or stealing it from someone else. Then you’re going to get the ritual items, A black or a red robe, ritual dagger, four black candles and one purple or red candle, red paint, chalk, or powder to form a protective circle, a blindfold, incense. Preform this ritual on a Monday in the zodiac sign Aquarius or Capricorn after midnight. Next say “Satanas ab Occidente, “Satanas septentrionalem a stella, Satanam aquilone tellus, Satanas orientis, Satanas de internus regionis”. The next step is to meditate inside the circle. Then you’re going to communicate with Satan. End the ritual by saying goodbye. Said by


In the end, Satan is a very misunderstood being. He has negative connotations attached to him because of something one being said. There are many more versions of Satan but these are the ones I talked about today. I also taught you how to summon him. In conclusion, Satan is a very powerful demon who has been misunderstood for centuries.

© 2021 Acorn

Author's Note

Please help me with grammar and tell mw what you think. its the first time I've written in months.

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Satan was the first feminist who simply wanted Eve to be all that she could be. Simple.

Posted 3 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 13, 2021
Last Updated on August 13, 2021
Tags: Satan, Demon, Daemon, Fallen angel, god, anti christ



Fountain Inn, SC

I write about demons, angels, Gods, and monsters from different religions and folklore. more..