![]() SaviorsA Story by Chance![]() Short story about two people finding each other at their lowest point![]()
The breeze off the ocean, cool and moist, hit his face and refreshed him. Standing there on the rocky cliff he paused for a moment and admired the setting sun. The array of colors contrasted and enhanced by the blackening water. He stood there, almost in a trance, his mind was blank but peaceful. The picturesque scene playing out in front of him had cleared his thoughts.
Her voice came through soft and meak though strong enough to break the silence and snap him back into the moment. “Excuse me sir but you are in my way” the words barely passing her lips to form the sounds his ears heard. He turned to see a woman, her eyes cast down to the ground below her. She had soft features, though she looked exhausted as though life has put her through the wringer and spit her out the otherside. Her arms were crossed in front of her dangling. She looked up and her eyes met his, they captured him in their almond shaped gaze. Stunned by the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, he only managed to say “I’m sorry?”. Her eyes fell to the ground again and as she spoke the desperation in her voice became clearer. “I have plans to die tonight, and you are in my way, I suppose you are going to try and stop me”. Her hair draped in front of her face masking her lack of expression. He took in what she said for a moment and replied “Excuse me miss, but do you have the slightest clue of what you just said?” His eyes never leaving her face attempting to make some connection with her. She looked up, stared directly into his eyes, her tone changed desperation gave way to anger. “I don’t care you don’t even know me” He tried to hide the vibrato in his voice as the adrenaline began pumping. “No but I’d like to change that. We all flirt with the idea of suicide. You see the trick is your never supposed to act on it, no matter how unbearable things get.” The arrogance of his words furthered her anger, she threw her hands up and yelled at him "You make it sound so easy but tell me, how am I supposed to go on when everything inside of me has died?" His body began to shake slightly as his adrenaline levels peaked. The reality that she was quite serious about her intentions sank in. He tried to defuse the volatile situation “trust me, I know your legs want nothing more than to jump, but I offer you this choice, instead of jumping come home with me." HIs unexpected proposition caught her off guard, she said “Are you crazy, you don't even know me” Sensing that her tone had softened and turned more to confusion than desperation he continued to try to calm her. "I know, but I'd like to change that. I would be lying if I said that everything will be perfect. I could stand here all night trying to convince you, but that won't do any good? My offer stands, and you must choose.” Her eyes met his and locked for a moment, a slight hint of hope accompanied her words. "Alright, you win, but I only give you one night, to prove yourself to be better than jumping. I swear to god if you hurt me I will leap. I will toss myself from this very spot, and you'll never see it coming" Feeling he had perhaps calmed her enough he reassured her "I won't hurt you because I know what you're going through. Just ten minutes before you got here I was gonna jump too" Her body slumped and she fell to her knees, tears beginning to stream down her face. Her eyes reddened and he looked into them again, seeing a sense of relief in them. He got to his knees, lifted her head onto his shoulder and wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. No words could give her the sense of safety and warmth his arms did. For a moment she melted into his strong shoulders and let all the pent up emotion stream forth. A single moment of concern from another had broken the spell of her desperation. Kneeling there on the cliffside, these two lonely desperate souls intertwined in their shared experience. Minutes passed as her histeria passed and gave way to a calm. He began to stand up but she didn't want this moment to end and pulled him back down. This was the most at peace she had felt in a long time, she wanted this to go on forever. He continued to stroke her head, saying nothing, afraid to break the trust he had just earned. Minutes passed, as the sun set over his back she finally pulled away. In the fading light he brushed the hair from her face and saw how beautiful she was. He smiled at her and wiped the tears from her eyes, “Are you ready to go?” “Yes” They walked down the hill to where his car was parked. The ride back to his place was silent, both of them still trying to digest what just transpired. His thoughts darted, was she the reason that he had a change of heart? Did some cosmic force bend his will? What drove her to that very edge of oblivion he stood at moments before? Why did she bother speaking to him and not just push by and throw herself to her death? Her mind raced. What just happened? Why was he there? Why did i say anything? Why did he care? What am I doing going home with this complete stranger? Everything happened so quickly, his simple act of caring sparked something inside her. The look in his eyes and the tone in his voice made her feel safe. She felt like ending it all so what harm could come from giving him one day? They arrived at an old brick house, years of disregard left the bricks discolored, the cracks filled with black dirt. It wasn't run down or falling apart, but the owners lack of caring was apparent. He led her up a flight of stairs that ran up the side of the building. This was obviously once a family home now converted into single unit apartments. The door led into the kitchen and a small table sat in the corner. He offered her a chair and she sat. Through the doorway he disappeared. A moment of panic surged through her, he could be some killer or rapist. Before her body could react though he returned with another chair and sat in front of her. Finally he got the courage to break the silence. “I know this is all very crazy, I am still trying to get a grip on what just happened. I want you to know that you are safe here, if you want to leave, I won't stop you.” Her eyes were glossy as she stared into his, hearing him but the words did not register. The reality of everything began to set in. She relaxed a little, her shoulders slumped and she said “Val” “Val? Oh you are Val. Im Joshua, but most people just call me Josh. Well the guys at work anyway, I don't have many friends. Im kinda a loner. Sorry i'm rambling, so you want something to eat?” “I'm fine thanks” As she sat there staring into nothing his mind panicked, this beautiful woman he had taken in seemed so distant, he wanted to help her but his awkward nature hindered his attempts at connecting. As he searched for something to say he saw that her clothes were too big and quite dirty, she shivered slightly the shirt draped over her providing little comfort. “I'll be right back, please help yourself to anything you want” He rushed to a closet in his bedroom, he hasn't opened it in months. The air inside was musty from being closed up but everything was still hanging neatly. He pushed some coats aside and grabbed a black knit sweater, some sweatpants and socks. “I found these in the closet, they were my ex girlfriends, i'm not sure if you want to change into something different but you looked cold and thought you might want to clean up” She said nothing but stood and walked to him. Her mind still wasn't grasping everything, but Josh seemed nice and genuinely concerned with her well being. A faint smile crossed her lips for the first time since they met, her lips cracked slightly as the foreign expression took shape. Wrapping her arms around him the embrace only a moment of time but she felt slightly more at ease as he intuitively returned the hug. She managed to say thank you to him as she took the clothes. Her arms felt right around his waist, lost in her act of gratitude he couldn't help but smile. “Bathroom?” Val asked “Yes sorry let me show you around the place” He put his arm around her shoulder and led her through the small apartment. “You saw the kitchen, here to the left is the living room, the bathroom is just at the end of the hall, and on the right there is the bedroom. I will get some fresh sheets on there for you, i'll sleep on the couch until we can figure something else out.” It was a small apartment for sure but she felt it was comfortable, the lack of space did not feel cramped, there was warmth to the air that felt good compared to the damp air outside. She went to the bathroom and closed the door behind her, a deep old ceramic tub was in the back. She drew a bath for herself, disrobed and as she slid into the hot water every muscle relaxed, and her stress for now melted away. Josh busied himself stripping the bed and replacing the sheets, tidied up the room by putting all the clothes in the hamper and picking up loose ends. He wasn't a dirty man but the will to make things look kept up had faded from him recently. The bed made and the room suitable for Val he pulled out a blanket and readied the couch for himself. He half listened to her in the tub just to make sure she wasn't going to do something drastic in there. The sounds of splashing came to his ears faintly and he noticed a soft but very beautiful humming. The notes were spot on and the tune was familiar but he couldn't quite place it. Val came out of the bathroom while Josh was finishing the preparation of the couch, she stood in the doorway to the living room. She stood silently watching him tidy up, the calm she felt was so foreign to her, she felt safe for some reason. The kindness he had shown in so few short hours to a total stranger was refreshing and terrifying at the same time. “I am going to go lay down now if thats ok with you?” Her voice carried more volume now but still had the defining squeak of uncertainty. “Absolutely, you must be exhausted, and it's pretty late, I am just going to grab something to sleep in before you settle in” Changing quickly behind the closed door he couldn't help but feel more at ease with everything, her voice sounded more calm, his mind had stopped racing, the drain of the events on the cliff side were getting to him, all he longed for was sleep. “It's all yours Val, if you need anything i'm right there on the couch” he smiled and brushed against her as he passed in the small hallway, for a second it seemed she grabbed his hand and squeezed. Val retreated into the bed room and shut the door behind her. She crawled into the bed and closed her eyes. Being alone for the first time since her and Josh had met made her mind start to process everything. The life she was running from, the nights she spent not knowing if tomorrow would come. What would it hold, how did she ever get caught up in it all. For the first time in years she felt hopeful for tomorrow, for the moment at least she felt safe. She would have to tell him everything, her mind wouldn't stop running through all the scenarios, how would he take knowing her past. Was it even worth the risk of rejection, she felt instantly connected to him in that tearful embrace so few hours ago. An hour passed, her mind never shutting down, she tossed and turned but couldn't find that release sleep would bring. She got up, walked to the living room and stood there watching him so peaceful and relaxed. She wanted to crawl next to him but didn't want to disturb him. She turned to go back and lay down alone, the longing for his contact still scratching at the back of her head. “Is everything ok Val? Do you need more blankets? Is there anything i can do for you?” His words were soft but warm. “I’m sorry josh i didn't mean to wake you, it’s just, never mind, i'm really sorry” “I wasn't sleeping don't worry about it, i've just been laying here thinking. Please whatever you need tell me” “I just wanted to know if you would come lay with me, being alone in my head is not a good idea right now” “Sure, if that's what you want Val, I just didn't want to intrude on your space” “No please come lay with me, i'll feel better and maybe i'll be able to sleep not being alone” She took his hand and led him into the bedroom, she crawled under the covers and he began to lay on top of them next to her. She stopped him and pulled the covers back and patted the bed next to her. Hesitantly he slid next to her but kept some distance. She wanted his contact, another layer of comfort and safety. Her hand reached behind her and pulled his arm over her waist. He wasn't sure how to handle the situation but gave in and rolled over to cradle her body against his. “Is this alright?” He asked as he relaxed into position “Shh it's perfect” She was already beginning to nod off, the weight of his arm around her body felt secure, the thoughts running through her head calmed as she faded off to sleep. He wrestled with his mind for a few minutes, why did she want him to hold her, was this a mistake. Though her peaceful rhythmic breathing and her arm over his holding him in place soon soothed his mind and he too drifted off. The morning sun beamed through the blinds and settled a ray upon his eyes. As he adjusted to the light he opened his eyes to see Val looking at him, his arm still draped across her body. The smile on her face brought one to his. “You proved yourself last night, Im glad we met, I suppose there is no harm in giving you another night to continue the streak” Her smile came through in her voice, a distinct change from the night before. What was once weary and soft now full of life. “Val i don't want to sound odd or creepy, but I have a feeling there is a reason the two of us happened into each other's lives last night. What it is we may never know but im glad we met. I don't know about you but i'm starving, you want some breakfast?” “I'd love some thank you” As he got out of the bed to go fix something to eat she couldn't help but think about the night before. How gentle he was and so unlike any men before. Never once attempted anything sexual, showed her respect, a feeling she wasn't used to. Her bond to him was growing with each passing minute. In the kitchen Josh got busy cracking eggs to make a scramble for the two of them to share. His insecurities kept running through his mind. Val was such a beautiful woman, and he couldn't shake the idea that they shared a special moment back on that cliff. One that had bonded them together somehow. When he looked into her eyes he felt something, but why would this stranger feel something for him? He was such an average guy, and no woman before had ever cared enough about him as a person to do anything but use him. Was Val going to use him too? Would she be just another leach sucking his soul dry. She didn't seem that way, she seemed like she was a broken soul just like he was. Something drove both of them to that edge that night yet they saved each other from it and there must have been a reason. As the thoughts continued to run through his mind he forgot what he was doing and nearly burnt the dish. He set the small table and dished out food for both of them. “Val, breakfast is ready.” She made her way to the kitchen, sat across from him and started eating. “This is delicious Josh, what's in it” “It's just eggs, cheese, ham, sausage and hashbrowns” “Well i like it a lot thank you for making me breakfast” They sat and ate, each of them catching glances at each other, trying to look into each others eyes without staring or being obvious. Breakfast ended in the same way, an awkward silence broken only by the occasional glance being caught. Josh cleared the dishes and his mind kept nagging at him, they should address last night. As he sat down, he looked into her eyes and said “should we talk about last night?” Hesitantly she nodded “I suppose we should. You are the only reason I’m not dead Josh, and i don't know if i should thank you or hit you. So far I am thankful you were there in that moment. I had every intention of killing myself.” “I am glad you didnt, you seem very sweet, if not sad. I have to ask though why you wanted to end it?” “It's a long story really, I could probably write a book about it and i'm not sure i should tell you. I’m really worried you will judge me for it and I feel safe with you. I don't want to lose that.” His eyes softened, he took her hand in his gently, “Val, I promise there is nothing you can tell me that will make me feel any less happy we met, you saved me just as much as i saved you. Would it make you feel better if i told you why i was there first? I'm pretty sure my reason will sound very stupid to you but im comfortable opening up.” “I have been a prostitute for the last four years. I came here looking to be an actress, which failed miserably, I had no money to support myself and i managed to get involved with a guy named Jack who took me in and gave me some money and food and a a place to stay. It started out as just me doing things to Jack to repay him for his generosity, but that escalated after a month or two and he started wanting me to do things to his friends. I told him I wouldn't and he got physical, started hitting me, i tried to leave but he would hunt me down and bring me back. I fought as much as i could at first I stabbed him once trying to get out but the beatings just got worse. Eventually i didn't have the strength or will to fight anymore so i gave in. I started doing whatever he told me. It was all him and some friends at first but eventually he told me i needed to start making him money and he put me on the streets. It got to a point that i was a shell of a person, just something to be used, last night i finally had enough and i knew i wouldn't get out any other way so i decided to kill myself. I’ve probably put you in danger and as much as i don't want to go I would understand if you kicked me out right now.” Josh sat there stunned at what she had just told him. He couldn't think of any words that would do justice to how sorry he was that she had been through all that. His mind searched for a way to express how much he wanted to make her feel safe and welcomed. Val took his silence as a sign of disgust, she stood up from the table. “I understand, this is way too much for you to handle, I can't blame you. I'll go, you don't need all my s**t in your life” She turned to walk out the door and as she did Josh stood and put his hand on her shoulder, he turned her around and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. His head rested on her shoulder and he spoke into her ear “Val its ok, I wish I had something more to say than I want you to stay here, we will figure everything out” The tears welled up in her eyes she never expected that he would be so understanding, or that anyone would ever say they wanted her in their life. The emotion became too much and she started sobbing. Josh held her tighter and rubbed his hand up and down her back trying to comfort her. The sobbing stopped after a minute or so and she started laughing. “You are either the most amazing person i ever met, or the craziest.” Josh eased he embrace smiled and said “I suppose time will tell” She kissed him on the cheek and sat back down. “Your turn” Josh’s face became bright red, he cast his eyes down to the table. “My reason is going to sound so trivial and dumb now” “I doubt it, there was a reason you were there, and it meant a lot to you, please tell me” She held his hand and looked into his eyes, it was her turn to be supportive. He had shown her nothing but understanding and strength, she could be the pillar this time. “Ok well, I had a girlfriend for 4 years, we were pretty serious and decided to get married. We had it all planned out, everything was set and we were going to get married in june. So the day rolls around and she never shows. Disappears, im left wondering what happened, i thought something terrible happened to her. About a week and a full police search later i find out she ran off with my brother. Moreover i find out they had been sleeping together since me and her first started dating. I felt alone, abandoned, unloveable, just got into a deep depression. That's about the time we met. I feel stupid even saying it out loud, especially after you told me everything you had been through.” His eyes dropped again, the shame was apparent on his face. Val got up and walked behind him, wrapped her arms around him and held him as tightly as he held her in her moment of need. Her chin resting on his shoulder “You have nothing to be ashamed of, a broken heart hurts more than a broken arm Josh. We found each other for a reason, we both needed someone to be our savior and i know already that you are mine.” They stayed together in that embrace for what seemed like a lifetime, each giving and receiving exactly what they needed right then, and forever more. © 2020 ChanceAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() ChanceHollywood, MDAboutNot much to tell, i write mostly as a hobby and a release but have aspirations of being published someday more..Writing