Intel, How do Angels and Demons Battle

Intel, How do Angels and Demons Battle

A Poem by SquinklaPsyOps

Intel, How do Angels and Demons Battle


It is known that the War in Heaven started by demons trying to destroy perfection.

Angels represent truth

Demons represent lies

When a demon makes a false accusation, why does it take so much work to prove the truth and when the truth is proven, why do demons get away with making the person work overtime and why are they not prosecuted for lying

What takes more effort and which is the easy road, How do Angels and Demons Battle

© 2014 SquinklaPsyOps

Author's Note

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Thought-provoking. Well done!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you, so then demons could use PsyOps voice technology to provoke, lets confiscate the script t.. read more
Yes, I have often wondered how Angels and Demons battle! I tend to think of it in terms of growth and decay. Unfortunately we need decay, otherwise our lovely planet would turn into a rubbish dump. THose rotten demons, however tend to rot what we think is special long before we have savoured it properly!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I like your valuable interpretation, demons are miserable rotten and decayed souls that are looking .. read more
Ohhhh...this sounds like the beginning of a really good story. Maybe you didn't intend that but I would progress with it. I like! :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

So were demons trying to destroy perfection creativity because that's the way they recruit misery be.. read more
Raymond Federle

10 Years Ago

It's an old theme universally known...but it's always easier to destroy than to create. Hmmm.. I don.. read more

10 Years Ago

Ok, how about the town that looks perfect on the surface, beneath demons use the most advanced techn.. read more

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13 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 6, 2014
Last Updated on February 6, 2014
Tags: Intel, How do Angels and Demons Battle




Writer Of The TwentyFirstCentury, confiscated the PsyOps script from the corrupt military radio host that was remotely assaulting me inside the city, which I plan to publish parts of it here, to study.. more..


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