I do, with great honesty believe that spiders hate me, from the pinnacle of my existence. Every single freaking morning there is a brand new spider in the corner above my bed. Even if I get rid of it (get my brother to scoop it up with a cup and some kitchen roll) they somehow return. I have come to the realisation there must be some sort of breeding hole for spiders in my bedroom, and I
will find it. I promise you that.
I'm sure that I can not be the only person who hates spiders, or believes that they are plotting against the human race to take over the whole wide world. Also, I believe they could. Their webs are so strong, they produce a lot of it and there are so many spiders everywhere.
I'm Neev, I am almost sain, enormously annoying, very boring and completely single. I don't really know where completely came from, I guess it just came out. I mean I'm single, alone, a lone soldier, uno, forever alone, solo. There is no completely about it, I just kind of am. I am a very normal teenager, except... I don't drink, smoke, partake in drug uses nor have sex. Well, I've never had sex, I don't see the point, unless I meet someone special of course. So yes, I am an extremely normal teenager, but I'm the opposite of most at the same time. For example, my best friend Ryan, he does all the thing I don't do. But he also doesn't eat meat so I guess we are kind of equal in that sense.
I guess the reason I am not like other people my age is because I feel like i should be older, or I wish I could be older. I often ponder whether my parents had lied to me about my age, I even think I have the ability to look 18, no older than that though.