Wind cleared fog

Wind cleared fog

A Poem by Abraxasbird

After the fog


It began with a lean,
nothing overwhelming,
but the caress was
invited. The time that
has ticked by, was
apathy, stillness in motion.
Still, your lean grew heavy,
and soon, your burden
became mine.

I wasn't warned,
I was unprepared,
but still your caress
washed over my flesh.
Your kiss took
my breath away,

but now you slobbered
like a rabid dog.
Your intention
became obscured,
like a fog.

And, as you
bogged me down
and vented onto me
your breath was wasted,
I had grown weary
and careless;

and now
your attention
shifted from you to me.

Now the topic wasn't
your sorrow that billowed
troughs of dust into my eyes,
but how I am so selfish
with my time,
how you noted my paradigm,
my shoulders were
no longer suffice.

Now you wanted
my heart, and my mind
and while I defied
you began to whimper,

a breeze stirred,
your emotions
began to whirl
into a whirlwind,
and soon a torrent
and wouldn't let me

you were vehement,
and I tried
but your gusts, jests
enveloped and smothered me.

Still, I managed escape.
Now, when you call
I degrade your name.
Now, You're just another squall,
after all.

© 2010 Abraxasbird

Author's Note

Art: Wind by Fredh

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Added on May 14, 2010
Last Updated on May 18, 2010
Tags: break, consummate, contemplative, flattery, Independence, life, Love, reflective, sadness



Canoga Park, CA

"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction." -Saint-Exupery more..
