Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage

A Poem by Abraham George

Dedicated to one Friend


Today morning, my star-

You’re looking more mature.

Oh my star! Bon voyage for-

Your next trip that starting today.

584 million miles around the sun.

Since you are my star I wish

To see you every morning so don’t

Stop travelling around the sun ever.


Like the sand through the hourglass,

So are the days of our lives.

Your age is just a number,
It’s really not all that big,
You have seen two decades,
Since you were just a kid.

You’re not a fallen angel, you’re

A star fell on this day years before.


A flower blossomed in late of spring.

Spreading it’s fragrance by words in strings.

Petals with emotions and feeling,

Dripping off as a drop of fire,

That can burn greenery in my heart.

I’m a greenskeeper- digging, planting

Pruning, trimming, and waiting for the

Beautiful smile of my flower


Let the candles that hold by the Cake

Brings the light to your life,

Light that will shine and can break through

Any glass, will bring you out of The Bowl.

Light guide us to those stones that-

Can be polished to a pure Diamond.

Let the light brings out the stones

In you ‘n’ let you live as a Diamond.


In this New Year I wish you all happiness.

For my beautiful dearest morning Star,

Wish you a Jumbled “Drippy Hay bath”

© 2017 Abraham George

Author's Note

Abraham George
late of spring in southern Hemisphere i refer to November. Nov 15 is her birthday.
Point out the mistakes and help me to make this perfect please.

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Your love must be very strong. i can feel the power of it in your poem. such ferocity and determination behind it. she is a lucky girl ;)

Posted 6 Years Ago

Abraham George

6 Years Ago

I am the lucky person to have her as my Little sister.
My poem Dear Sister is about her. She .. read more
Some lovely poetic lines included in this poetry. Very nice description.


Posted 6 Years Ago

Abraham George

6 Years Ago

Thanks for commenting. I hope you understand how much i love my sister.
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Late of spring and starting of winter in November here...the beautiful scenery of breeze mixing in the trees!!
Bon Voyage to the further amazing journey of her in the glorious life...Ameen☺

Posted 6 Years Ago

Abraham George

6 Years Ago

this way only i can give her a gift. I never met her and i didn't see her. so best way is this.

6 Years Ago

And that's what the advantage of poetry is!☺
Abraham George

6 Years Ago

mmm yeah. you said it
I did enjoy the journey. I liked the hopeful words and the description of the journey. Thank you my friend for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Interesting poem.....though I'm a bit puzzled by the use of language at some places....

for instance... "today morning".....seems odd, even poetically. Poets can mix words around, but then it should still "sound well".

Then, using these words, directly from a soap opera,
"Like the sand through the hourglass,
So are the days of our lives"

I'd say is a bit If a birthday poem is going to be special, I'd like someone to write original words, not use the words of others.

And lastly....I'm also not sure about the purpose of capital letters for cake, bowl, diamond and morning star.....the latter being a bit debatable, because if one refers to Venus or Sirius, it should be capitalized, though I'd say if I compare someone to just any star which shines in the morning, then "morning star" would suffice......

Posted 7 Years Ago

Abraham George

7 Years Ago

Thanks for the critics.
About the soap opera i will check because some lines were corrected b.. read more
That's a nicely written birthday poem. I like the way you referred to your friend, or your love, as "My Star."
However, I'm not sure I understand the last line.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Abraham George

7 Years Ago

That is Happy Birthday in jumbled form
So many wonderful lines to quote. Happy birthday to the subject of your poem and I think you admire her.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Abraham George

7 Years Ago

thanks for the comments.
Sami Khalil

7 Years Ago

this is how is feel about my love. thanks for the nice poem.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Wow, I really enjoyed the way your wrote these lines, and I like how you keep referred to your (I'm guessing) friend or lover as "my star". Also I loved the lights "Light guide us to those stones that- Can be polished to pure Diamond", Love love love it :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

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Abraham George

7 Years Ago

Thanks for your comments. while i am writing this she was my friends but now she is my dearest frien.. read more
Beautifully written!
"Like the sand through the hourglass,
So are the days of our lives." That line made me giggle, I was thinking of "days of our lives" show.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Abraham George

7 Years Ago

thanks for your comments

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20 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on November 14, 2017
Last Updated on November 16, 2017


Abraham George
Abraham George

Thrissur, Kerala, India

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