War-Poetics: Field Goal ChancesA Story by Abishai100Idealists challenged by dark-side demons yield expressions of Earth-society logistics linked to actual phenotype.
Mahabharata (Indian war-epic/poem) inspired sportsmanship-culture capitalism symbolism 'diorama' faerie-tale for Manic Monday. Thanks for reading!
---- ==== Our quartet of folk-literature writers, Amlan and Marcus (twins) and Danica and Ezzy (sisters) took residence at an East Coast (American Homeland) hostel-station for sportsmanship-windows 'confidence' writing for Earthling adjectives for wrought contest-windows cleats of capitalism-race arms symbolism for the bread/fruit for war-and-peace sanity symbolism storyboards for the Ego. They didn't know they'd be challenged (suddenly!) by an invader-horde of demon-adversaries for their Selfie-IQ culture (21st-Century) of incomplete-bureaucracy arts (for leviathan/uncertainty). Our quartet of royal writers superstitions magic-citizenry, Amlan and Marcus and Danica and Ezzy, were to be challenged by an underworld legion of nihilists who sought to undermine their social media culture charms adjective-casting energizer feelings with special capitalism couture 'troubles' for Western (American Homeland) infrastructure image for Earthling field goals (for leviathan/uncertainty!). LEGION: You're casting special football cleats for American sanity, heroes? QUARTET (Amlan/Marcus/Ezzy/Danica): We're patriots for Earthling-qualia! LEGION: You reference the Indian war-epic poem (Mahabharata) for lyric(s)? QUARTET: We know the celebrity-image of war-mezzanines is field goal! LEGION: We know that this Earthling democracy-margin is pure idealism. QUARTET: We're sure that this sports-contest margin IQ is pure class! LEGION: Where's your proof that sports-TV culture is lined with troubles QUARTET: There's a certain ghost-magic 'charm' for Earth's jam now. LEGION: Facebook-like (for decimals)? QUARTET: Just cartoon quills. LEGION: We'll self-exile to your ocean-abyss for private deconstructions. QUARTET: Good, for Earthling's jesters (Selfie-like). The adversarial/nihilistic jesters conceded that our hero-quartet of sport-war symbolism writers of the West (American Homeland) cast right-adjective for superstitions/darkness of contest-windows of darkness/vanities. Their citation of war-poem intrigue with Mahabharata complexity created special football/competition'/fitness lines of ambition that balanced the Legion's dark/nihilism readings of the frailty of Earthling-jewelry (for giddiness). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing