Ice and ChandelierA Story by Abishai100Portrait of a life of both sport and heroics/daring for pre-flight (Brussels) from the Boston-town area for diamond thesis.
A sports/heist culture yarn, drawn from varied media. Thanks so much for reading,
DISCLAIMER: This work of creative fiction contains images/references with no ties to any person(s)/body and is therefore cast as purely a 'personal' expression for social art (for 'open' interpretations). ---- ==== Mr. Amlan Satan decided this examination for a dual-line of work, as a junior-hockey league coach in New England and bank-robber of rumored/insured stored blood-diamonds (Ion-co.) from African shores made for special adjective in eco-capitalism social media gossip (for a weird thermal). READER: Your claim your little ice-team is like the Hextall-Flyers is for birds. SATAN: Hey, I'm a proud Slovak-Algerian Catholic Bostonian; and I've the IQ now! READER: You think you're Robin Hood, pal. SATAN: Don't doubt agendas for bred sport and Western banks (Facebook-like). READER: Damn're Robin Hood. SATAN: Selfie-like (go Flyers!). According to the New England bank-manager on Halloween Day, a masked eco-capitalism theater man with prop water-gun filled with acid insisted he'd perform a bank-box (Ion-co.) media show for eco-gossip and proceeded to burn a hole and swapped the rumored/insured 'blood-diamonds' with glass-animal toys and left the insurance note, pre-escape from the restroom-window reading, "Ion's prepaid theater draw for street-rumors of African conflict-zones/smugglers-roads exploitations work for future sport-magazine rich diamonds-ads for some thesis (Facebook-like)." GIRLFRIEND: I'm just a hockey girl (sweeper/cheer-lady). SATAN: Well, now you're a Brussels waffle-house manager-girl (with me!). GIRLFRIEND: You used acid to get into that vault, eh? SATAN: Robin Hood didn't know anything about computer-security scramble egg. GIRLFRIEND: Are you coaching in Belgium, love? SATAN: Little kids, on the blood-diamond helmet (for the Ego). GIRLFRIEND: Good (Facebook-like). Did Amlan Satan fly-away for a Brussels waffle-thermal with his darling (Ezzy)? He surely did; and this became a Boston-town gem-consumerism (insurance!) hyperbole adjective for the mod-cheerleader image of what's purely Earthling sportsmanship 'ice' for jam (Selfie-like!). EZZY: Nice car (for me). SATAN: I see you driving it with that bracelet (for the Ego). EZZY: Catholic-man of New England becomes waffle-man for Heaven (hmmm). SATAN: Doesn't it sound like an American will (Used Cars)? EZZY: Maybe (ok). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
AuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing