Amlan and the Alien {Challenger}A Story by Abishai100A French TV age 'event' draws an alien inquiry and draws some 'expression' by a prince of Earthling charms.
Graf-Seles rivalry vignette (fictional).
---- ==== ALIEN: You know why I'm contacting you with secret-cyber portal, Mr. Satan? MR. AMLAN SATAN: I'm a fragmented soul, a divided Self, my own twin (IQ). ALIEN: Ha, that's it; and you're versed in sports-media languages for IQ too. MR. AMLAN SATAN: See you inquire of my special IQ for French toast. ALIEN: That's correct, the 1992 French final in women's legend/maps. MR. AMLAN SATAN: Seles-Graf 6-2, 3-6, 10-8 (epic tennis to the wire for courts). ALIEN: Graf (Germany) dominated for her nation; Seles was the upstart-rival. AMLAN: Seles changed the way we looked at pluralism-media think-tanks. ALIEN: Germany came back from the stigma of WWII; Yugoslavia saw civil wars. AMLAN: Seles (Yugoslavia) made upstart-challenge a pluralism-media touchdown. ALIEN: Selfie-like (good). The mysterious female alien, perhaps a Martian dragon, contacted Mr. Amlan Satan, our protagonist prince of this media/sports 'faerie-tale' of distances to social commentary IQ for wits (sure). She wanted to take into counts why Amlan Satan, an Algerian-American Bostonian-Catholic sports-writer and investor, would list or shape into a storyboard a Seles-Graf French toast for a view of media/nets as Earthling field goals (for science-fiction!). ALIEN: Versed in world history/politics, Amlan? AMLAN SATAN: I prefer video-game views of motions of Earth. AMLAN SATAN: Well, Seles and Graf were the twin-towers of gender, surely. ALIEN: Then write about your expression of media-age landing (for IQ). AMLAN: That's a dare worth a changelings-game (sure). What would Satan write (now)? Was the 1992 French toast epic (Seles-Graf) worth its weight in Earthling-gold (for shoemaker cleats/distances)? Maybe our protagonist prince ('hero'), Amlan Satan, find himself a media age darling-image for a women's tennis game-for-theosophy (for all!). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing