Alien: ChalkingA Story by Abishai100The 3rd (final?) mission of a pre-visions contact with a 'dragon' (alien) for Weyland yields Martian shells, in this "Alien" sci-fi/horror fanfiction.
Alien fanfiction, in my recent trilogy for space-definition. Thanks for reading!
---- ==== Weyland was now sending a 3rd mission to engage with the 'dragon' alien already-met in the 1st-two missions and named 'Xenomorph' by the space-explorations Company of great ambitions of Earthlings. The 1st and 2nd missions/vessels of notes (Dartmouth/Silas) offered windows into the 'IQ' of engagement with a game-like insect-dragon 'specter' of swiftness and adaptations-ferocity of quick-note and retreat-requirements; and this would be a stranger 3rd-mission, involving Mars, where the dragon had been detected, perhaps 'stalking' our race to our own solar-system following the 1st-two contacts (wow). Well, the new vessel/mission (Rose) was very impressive, and it gave all on Earth a special social-media (TV?) abcd feeling for the ages. Follow along. AMLAN: This is my 3rd mission; my brother was with me for Dartmouth (sure). RITA: Well, if this 'dragon' you saw is a Red-Planet spy, we'll be excellent. ESHA: Why not procure diplomacy for an alien of IQ 'stalking' us in space, eh? AMLAN: Weyland Company's considered me an old-hand at this game-adjective. RITA: Good for Super Bowl TV-ads and Facebook-qualia (surely). AMLAN: We've ice-guns and speed-booster jet boots for a chase-scenario. RITA: That's class; Selfie-thorax. When the Rose landed on our nearby Red-Planet of incomplete-distances readings of organics/presence lore for the cinema-folk, Amlan and Rita and Esha, our protagonist would-be hero explorers tested their speed-jet booster boots on their feet while tracking, taking shots with their nitrogen-guns at the hills on Mars; and they anticipated, especially Amlan, a high-frequency scream or contest-visage by that very-same 'dragon' creature (of slightly larger than man-size) whom he'd 'greeted' while toasting of Dartmouth/Silas. WEYLAND: This 'Xenomorph' game-specter was different, you say, friend? AMLAN: We had to chase and run from it, for times (wow). WEYLAND: It was impressed with your jet-boots and nitrogen-wind, yes? AMLAN: This 3rd-contact surely gives us message it's satisfied. WEYLAND: With thermals? AMLAN: With chirality, thanx. WEYLAND: Facebook-like! "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing