![]() Alien RevenantA Story by Abishai100![]() Second view of dragon/alien 'game' yields a return journey for Mr. Amlan Satan, for Weyland Company and a universe-charge for dark powder.![]()
Alien fanfiction for Saturday AM. Enjoy (and thanks for reading),
---- ==== PETER WEYLAND: Fortune favors us, and one of the original crew returns. CREW (Spaceship-Silas): Yes, one of the twins from Dartmouth, sir! PETER WEYLAND: You three, including Mr. Amlan Satan, are still elite (sure). CREW (Spaceship-Silas): Another contact with an acid-retreated dragon, sir? PETER WEYLAND: My vision is to offer continuity in race/contact/game IQ, ok. CREW (Spaceship-Silas): This is a good deed for social media, Mr. Weyland! PETER WEYLAND: Excellence breeds cinema for the Ego (thanx, pals). ![]() This return trip to that place where the trio of the original crew of the Dartmouth, Weyland vessel/mission, with one of the members returning for this return-trip, Mr. Amlan Satan, on the Weyland vessel/mission Silas, was to be equipped with dashing laser hand canons, this time to send the message that it would be vision-line sight and precisions in presentation for human race linearity of consciousness/relentlessness that would offer these 'dragons' of this organic planet of life/intelligence (far away) a capitalism-race 'stalemate' consideration of what makes inter-species exchange (if not handshake) a real qualia-asset for leviathan/uncertainty (sure). ![]() AMLAN: I'm glad (honestly) that my brother is not on the Silas, friends. SHELBYE: Well, this exchange with a dragon has one of the original witnesses! PATTY: I guess 2 girls and a guy instead of the reverse is still Facebook-like. AMLAN: Well, I appreciate you're marks-humans like I am, and not civilians! SHELBYE: Let's be clear this is very good for the foundation of Dartmouth. AMLAN: I concur, friends; last-acid wonderwall shall be complemented here. PATTY: Laser-phone (Selfie-like!). ![]() EMERCENGY_TRANSMISSION: "Report is canceled, and the dragon is still a presence of not only contest/game but malice too...we had to use laser precision area stance/posture inside the cave-system of the alien...our confidence face required great laser class pre-retreat, with the dragon (alien) simply screaming and laughing or something as we escaped...we left-behind some Company diamonds for diplomacy-qualia...must return now for report about this continued game-of-changelings." ![]() WEYLAND: You did fine. SILAS-CREW: Good for Facebook? WEYLAND: Amlan joked in a press-release he felt like the revenant! SILAS-CREW: We're happy to be here for this Earth art-media agenda here. WEYLAND: Good. ![]() AMLAN: Doubted the dragon was a game-master (Dartmouth); not now! SHELBYE: Hey, we're alive, breathing, with love/life...does not matter. PATTY: That thing was a cannibal (ok). AMLAN: Mr. Weyland's penning some novel concept now (Amazing Well). PATTY: Good for social media (relevance?). ![]() Peter Weyland treated the post-mission investors and fans with some old-Earth commemorative HQ-kitchen specially-prepared doughnut-holes of powder-zest; and he hoped to remind all of this precious agenda-eye of inter-species games for 'intelligence' of study-of-consciousness and capitalism (itself perhaps) of why the dragon (now called the 'Xenomorph' for its adaptation/prowling/sneering/speed skill and dark magic) would be hailed as a Grendel for the ages (damn). ![]() AMLAN: I feel like a revenant, wife. WIFE: Your cyber-diagrams for architect-psychiatry are superb, babe. AMLAN: Thanx for the vote(s). WIFE: Alien...a new shampoo. AMLAN: Facebook-like! ![]() "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing