Specters of Chalk: Eden PhotographyA Story by Abishai100Narrated portrait of pensive Christian-mythos writer of Earth-realm seeking creative views for manifest readings of civilization unfolding and 'statistically' cooling.
Christian mythology vignette.
---- ==== I had been working on a special Christian Bible prophecy story section concerning that first Fall of Man and the acquisition of the forbidden fruit from the dangerous Tree of Knowledge sectioned and quarantined by God's special/secret commandment which yielded a dark reading about the presence of a new legion of messengers from the Abyss of Darkness, the face-conscious specters known as Sin and Death, manifest as messenger administrators, perhaps akin to Lucifer/Satan (the Devil, adversary of God and rebel of Genesis/creationism), who'd draw humankind to lengths of labor angst for superstitions or even paranoia. This was relevant to my Selfie-age of transit/network and exchanges 'linked' social rhetoric for globalism confidence in this 21st-Century Earth realm of capitalism/consumerism ebullience for new world order magic/conveniences. Sin and Death entered, perhaps representative of a foreboding man and woman figure, perhaps dragon or 'alien' in appearance or visage, and created a new form for communications in the record/evolution of Earth realm developments for the annals of social choreography or cultural/regional biases (wow). Sin and Death, I thought to myself, would be some kind of evil king and queen 'duo' for darkness and complex theories of social progression/negotiations challenging Adam and Eve (humankind) in their seemingly unending quest for the platforms and planes of wrought sportsmanship-consciousness governance creativity (for the Ego!). LUCIFER: I rather am intrigued by your cyber-presentation(s), prince-man. ME: I'm a writer, Satan, but you seek me as private/secret message-counsel? LUCIFER: Well, me thinks to probe into your imagery-acumen for Earth-game. ME: I suppose I've been biased for Western social choreography sensibility! LUCIFER: That's sensible; you're an ethnic minority, and America's pluralism-IQ! ME: Much intrigue in the American Homeland for negotiated profit-thermals. LUCIFER: What then of this representation of the 'characters' of Sin and Death? ME: I likened them to an evil king and queen 'duo' for capitalism-arms complexity. LUCIFER: Do you imagine they like to eye the world-arms of politics-negotiations? ME: You mean as Super Bowl spectators (hmmm)? LUCIFER: Super Bowl TV-revenue culture's become a hallmark for profit-game. ME: Surely has...it's some bucket-list for choreographed pluralism uniforms. LUCIFER: A shared chapter-quill for leviathan/uncertainty (surely). Well, the Devil conferred with me in secret and inspired me to enhance my Sin and Death storyboard with a casting of special sports-culture image representations, and I chose the '24 American Homeland football/TV season for the casting of new projection lines of teams/leaders thrills for profit-acumen 'consciousness' in Earth-realm. I thought about power faces like San Francisco and Kansas City and rising forces of the qualia football-cleats landscape like Buffalo and Detroit; and I started to think Sin and Death, my rendered evil king and queen duo, risen from the Abyss of Darkness since the great Fall of Man in the early days of Genesis (as depicted in the Christian Bible stories!), eyeing this '24 football 'environment' for hallmarks of profit and contest windows revealing our Earth realm 'IQ' for all things chore or changeable or championed or even chilling. I wondered who Sin and Death would cheer for the playoffs (ha). "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing