![]() The Arizona Cleat [Earth's Chosen]A Story by Abishai100![]() The Star Force Fighters represent our finest Earthling-shield as two dragon-species clash perhaps to acquire invasion/colonization grin.![]()
Saturday's Eve (last August-day) adaptation/fanfiction of AVP (Alien-v-Predator). Thanks for reading (and Happy Labor Day!),
---- ==== GOVERNMENT: We'll order you to assemble through X-C drive-journals. STAR-FORCE FIGHTERS (Amlan/Ezzy/Danica/Marcus): For Earth-image, ok! GOVERNMENT: You're the Star Force Fighters ('SFF') for invasion-defense(s). SFF: Good for leviathan/uncertainty (ok). GOVERNMENT: We've fashioned you special license-autos for pickup/drive. SFF: We not afraid of these dragons from outer-space (Facebook-like). ![]() Now, the American government issued a special image report circulation for world-media following a 'tussle' between two dragon-specter species crash-landed into the Grand Canyon (Arizona) which were named, respectively/especially, Alien and Predator. The Alien was an insect like limbed unusual shaped dragon; and the Predator was a head-with-tentacles like snarling hunter with spears. This 'art' circulation preceded the recruitment of the SFF (Amlan and Ezzy and Danica and Marcus) who were to fight and intercede and hopefully (simply) 'shoo-away' these warring dragons making hellmouths in our beloved Grand Canyon (Selfie-like!). ![]() AMLAN: This is worse than Pearl Harbor, heroes. EZZY: Nothing is as bad as 9/11...New York invasion. DANICA: Well, maybe this AVP-requiem is the worst of all (hmmm). MARCUS: Maybe they just think the Grand Canyon is their gym, heroes. AMLAN: We're armed with ice-guns, so it'll be just alright, SFF pals. MARCUS: Maybe liquid-nitrogen is the 'meds' for black-smoke (9/11). DANICA: Good thought (leviathan/uncertainty). ![]() Friends, the SFF were the elite. They were publicized as the quartet of ultimate engagement in the Grand Canyon, men/women, a team of 4 great American soldiers/warriors/drones, armed with ice-guns by the American government; and perchance they'd hype our social-media culture defense consciousness in this time of Alien-versus-Predator vertigo in the American Southwest (Arizona). ![]() AMERICAN PRESIDENT: Let's just pray freezing those reptile beings is good. MEDIA SPECIALIST: We'll make video-games about youth shooting ice! AMERICAN PRESIDENT: This is either a chance for Earthling IQ or Rapture. MEDIA SPECIALIST: The Star Force Fighters embody all our value, sir. AMERICAN PRESIDENT: Wow...that's almost comfort (ice-gun, eh?). ![]() Now, first the hideous odd-shaped Predator spaceship arrived and crash-landed, about 2 hours before the Alien one did, right into the Grand Canyon, and when the crafts entered our Blue-Planet atmosphere, the American government felt helpless, despite detection with radars from its bases (for communications/languages!). ![]() AMLAN: These are spaceship image? EZZY: The ships look like odd bizarre nonsense metal objects of bizarre. DANICA: Well, they aren't surely gonna look like our planes, if they're evil! MARCUS: Maybe this is the legion of the Devil; drawing us to insanity (ha). AMLAN: Our ice-guns are the diplomacy arms; freeze for gov't-arts. EZZY: Facebook-like (ok). ![]() NSA: Maybe it's the red-texture of the Grand Canyon, for Mars hint? MEDIA CONSULTANT: Why they chased each other into there is mystery! NSA: Well, our Star Force Fighters represent a best-fit for miracle(s). MEDIA CONSULTANT: Hopefully, Washington's video-game prayer is sane! NSA: Farewell to that Martian vision of peaceful aliens seeking Utopia, eh? ![]() Leading up to this horror-show in the American Southwest, a Cali science arena was host to a Summer light-show featuring a cinema-expression for that fine history of Earthling (humanity) sciences developments for laurels/trumpet; no one anticipated two dragons chasing each other would mark our fare-rich Blue-Planet of incomplete-distances readings of uncertainty-prayers as a Colosseum for vanity-fight; maybe they competed to see who had the right hand for Earth quality invasion/colonization/evil (hmmm). ![]() AMLAN: It's got Marcus. EZZY: The Predator's more lethal, Jesus. DANICA: Shoot all three with ice...there's no alternative. AMLAN: Shoot the Predator square in the forehead, heroes. DANICA: For Marcus (Selfie-like!). ![]() AMERICAN PRESIDENT: For freezing the leviathan, we award you this. SFF: A national-patriot symbol gold-gun for memory of Marcus (thanx, sir!). AMERICAN PRESIDENT: With those dragons froze, we can carry good study. SFF: We were happy only to be drones in the Canyon's shields of vanity, sir! AMERICAN PRESIDENT: Here's to a return to normal Super Bowl Sunday. SFF: Facebook-like (Jesus Christ). ![]() "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
StatsAuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing