Quarter-Flagged: Democrat ThinnerA Story by Abishai100Portrait of immigration/family/leviathan and Penn's Landing 'image' for self-postured downs, in the face of thankless (Selfie-phenomena) strangers.
An immigration 'rhetoric' fable for Saturday-AM. Thanks so much for reading,
DISCLAIMER: This work of social fiction contains images/references with no commercial/explicit ties to any person(s)/body (e.g., Penn's Landing) and is cast as purely a 'personal' expression for social arts (for 'open' language-arts). ---- ==== It was July-4th weekend in the American Homeland, and I wanted to cheer the event with my mail-order-bride wife (Danica) whom I met online and who immigrated to the States to become my life-partner, escaping war-ridden Eastern Europe with her child (Asya) from her marriage to a fallen soldier of the Invasion. We'd become an overnight special family. I made $15M on Wall-St. during the 2009 mini-crash (Ford) and applied my fortunes for a New England real estate value eye and then my online choreographed immigration-friendly wedding in this post-9/11 era Earth of incomplete-distances readings to the leviathan/uncertainty of transit-and-hospitality 'IQ' for my Selfie age of everyday-life citizenry/traffic face-football (for the Ego). DANICA: This 4th hop to Penn's Landing is a great treat for Asya, thanx. ME: Thanx, babe; it'll showcase an intro-image for the sanity of States! DANICA: She's seen much, and we're already nice-settled in (to America). ME: That's what I want...Penn's Landing offers fire and ice-cream, Danica! DANICA: Good for leviathan/uncertainty (thanx)...Selfie-qualia (cool). ME: I thought you'd see it my (American-prince) way, babe...cinema! INTERPOL: "Blood-diamond corruption is 'rogue' finance/piracy trolley." Sure our 'fare-rich' Blue-Planet of incomplete-distances readings to the leviathan/uncertainty of hospitality-and-cleats was quite the 'environment' for sanity-deduction and everyday-life happy-smilies in our Selfie age of antiterrorism 'confidence' IQ, and it's why Penn's Landing was the 4th-game for my newfound family value in the West (American Homeland); and this post-9/11 era Earth required new social media culture 'friendly' images of family/citizenry crossings for lifestyle linked thesis-champagne (for the Ego!). TERRORIST: You're a gorgeous Independence-family. ME: What do you want? TERRORIST: You can see I'm at Penn's Landing as a Scarecrow, family. ME: What do you want? TERRORIST: See me...holding this capitalism/Earth symbol (mouse!). ME: A computer-mouse...some Facebook-IQ adverb for hospitality, fear? TERRORIST: You said it, family-prince; this is post-9/11 funnies (for us). ME: You're making fireworks at the Penn's Landing 4th-pad, hero? TERRORIST: I'll blow it all up, with you as my alien-portrait from Hell. ME: I guess you're a 'rogue' independent with a self-grown image of Hell? TERRORIST: You wouldn't label me as tied with some 'formal' group, eh? ME: Not even close, funny-man Scarecrow...you mark my family (Heaven!). TERRORIST: Am I so incomplete (for bureaucracy-arts)? ME: You forget one thing, funny-man Scarecrow...I'm a computer prince. TERRORIST: Damn you (Selfie-like). I stood my ground, for my Homeland family, on the 4th (Penn's Landing!) against that terrorist-crazy ('Scarecrow') with my 'cool' language of computer/nets Selfie-cleats confidence for hospitality-adverbs of self-consciousness and posturing, declaring myself as a 'computer-prince' of the States with no eye for 'examination' but for integration into the post-9/11 era fare-rich Earth as an electric 'walkie-man' of family value and Jabberwocky. I told Scarecrow of my fantasy of Super Bowl TV-ads revenue culture; and a social media post-IQ reflection of such apple-quarters (for sanity!). The Scarecrow surrendered himself...and he declared only, "Only good Jabberwocky family value may send me to the treatments for States-thermals here (now)." "Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). ==== "Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes) © 2024 Abishai100 |
AuthorAbishai100NJAboutStudent/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..Writing